Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 1212 Support

Chapter 1212 Support
Chapter 1231 Support

New Earth high-altitude orbit.

Protoss and human fleets are mixed and stationed here to ensure the safety here.

The latest fleet leaped from the earth, bringing the food that was needed recently.

According to the news they sent, the current situation on the earth is actually very bad, but the food supply here will still be guaranteed.This allowed the New Earth, which was still somewhat panicked, to temporarily settle down.

Because of the food crisis on the earth, people here started hoarding a lot of food, fearing that they would starve to death, but things didn't seem so bad.

The latest transport ship delivered the food, and the food crisis has been alleviated, at least there is no need to worry about not having enough food.

But the matter of the letter came soon, and the unknown fleet began to approach this planet.

Unlike the heavily defended Earth, only the fleet is registered here, and there is no high-altitude orbit to face them. Alien invasions will basically be fought inside the atmosphere, and the number of people on the new Earth is not too many. To be precise, it is possible. Not many people fought.

Even though the vast majority of immigrants here are young and middle-aged, more of them are scientific research talents rather than combat talents!

Originally, this planet was regarded as the hope for the future of mankind, and this planet is the future fire of mankind.

However, as the earth crisis passed, a large number of fleets returned to the earth to protect the earth, the mother star, and the problems here were exposed.

This is because the approaching fleet did not launch an attack immediately, as if it was waiting for something.

Thanos is very smart. If Mark came here immediately for support, then he would immediately withdraw from this area without hesitation.

All Thanos wanted was a test to see if Mark would give up Earth for this.

The fleet it sent was not its own main fleet. After successfully occupying Xandar, it harvested a lot of projects, as well as warships under construction.

After transformation, these warships have been put into use, and this batch of warships is now dispatched.

The appearance of the battleship brought New Earth into a state of emergency combat readiness. At the same time, it also sent a request for help to the mother planet of the earth, hoping to get support.


Two days later, the earth received the news in a hurry.

But they couldn't make up their minds now, because they didn't have any extra troops to dispatch.

Internal troubles have not yet been resolved, and foreign troubles have reappeared. The key is that this time the support is not that simple.

According to preliminary estimates, even if the opponent's fleet is Earth, it is quite difficult to defend now.

To be sure of winning, at least about 30% more fleets than the opponent, and at the same time provide enough food supplies for the entire reinforcement fleet.

These required resources cannot be taken out casually.

Mark was able to give some help before, but what to take now, and the food provided before has already made the earth quite miserable, and now we have to use these resources to ensure the safety of a new planet.

Famine and resource scarcity will once again sweep the globe.

Now human beings have to make a choice to support, then the global management of resources will be carried out uniformly, and then everyone will be allocated according to their needs, which must not be like this now.

If there is no support, this planet will be abandoned, and human beings will lose the opportunity to develop new planets.

I don't know how many years human beings finally waited until this step and took this step. Finally, there is a new planet that can allow human beings to continue to expand outward. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

But now this opportunity will once again be lost from their hands.

Not to mention the high level of the coalition government, they don’t want to, even ordinary human beings don’t want to, they don’t want their children and grandchildren to live on this planet forever, and no one wants their children to have constant disputes over a little resource on the planet in the future. .

Mark also received the news, but Mark did not intend to reinforce.

When Mark took out the planet at the beginning, he just wanted to let humans leave the fire, but what humans did made him too disappointed.

If that mysterious fleet wiped out all the humans on that planet.

Then Mark can justifiably take it back.

Mark thinks it is better to solve the problems on the earth first, after all, his base camp is on the moon and the earth.

After a tough psychological struggle and intense discussions.

The coalition government made a decision to send a fleet to the new earth to rescue these trapped earthlings.

The United Fleet has collected a large amount of resources from the world to escort this expedition.

This is another time when the resources of all countries on the earth will drop to a new low.

For example, the situation of the five giants is better, at least life can be lived, but the situation of some other small countries is not easy to say, and some small countries are even preparing to withdraw from the coalition government.

They believe that the coalition government has been sucking their blood and taking resources from them for the benefit of the Big Five.

In the eyes of these small countries, they have no chance to initiate colonization on new planets.

Who wants to stay here when there is no hope or benefit at all?
From a closed point of view, quitting is the right choice, but considering all things on this, the development of human beings so far is really hopeless.

In this critical moment, mankind should unite and move forward hand in hand.

The withdrawal of some small member states did not surprise other giants. On the contrary, they thought it was normal and reasonable.

The resources they can provide are not so many, and most of them still rely on those influential countries.

The unified allocation of resources has made their lives a little harder, but which of the five giants has not suffered?
Which one didn't survive the hard days?
Hunger, war, financial collapse, these things have been encountered by the five major countries.

Some rich people got the news in advance and began to move, trying to get closer to the cities protected by superheroes such as New York and New Washington.

Because there will definitely be plenty of resources here, at least they will not be hungry here, and in other cities, even if they have money, they may not be able to buy food.

China has taken out a large number of seeds of zinc crops, and it is their choice whether to spread them to the world or not, and whether they can take them out is China's business.

Most countries have planted these new crops, and then before the famine comes, they collect as much food as possible to ensure that they can survive this crisis.

But no one knows whether this trip of the fleet is good or bad, and whether it can return in triumph.


It took the fleet half a month from preparation to departure.

Thanos received the news in advance that he was going to let the fleet stay here and try to contain the Earth's fleet as much as possible.

The only thing that disappointed him was that Mark's fleet didn't show up, which made him a little worried.

Worried about whether Mark had ambushed and was waiting for himself to show his flaws.

I have to say that as a person who is also cursed by knowledge, Thanos sometimes thinks too much. He has already reached the fifth floor when others are on the first floor, but in fact Mark is completely different from him. Mark is underground five floors.

The opposite way of thinking and completely different concepts make the battle between the two people not on the same level at all.

When the fleet jumped to the high-altitude orbit of the new earth, they immediately received an alarm, and a large number of instruments sounded alarms, constantly reminding them that a fleet in the distance was preparing to gather energy.

It was obvious that the opponent was planning to attack them who had just completed the jump. The short-distance jump was temporarily unbearable for the engine, and the disadvantages of this long-distance jump were also revealed.

It's just that the Earth Fleet has been equipped with shields. The first full-scale attack was blocked by the Earth Fleet with shields, and the shield connectors formed a huge connection shield.

This technology was provided not so long ago by the Xandars.

This technology can produce miraculous effects when fleets are fighting in groups. The greater the number, the higher the quality of the fleet, and the more effective it will be.

After surviving the first round of attacks, the Earth Fleet also responded quickly, and the missile and laser cannons also aimed at the distance at the same time, and immediately counterattacked.

Countless rays of light and missiles were launched, and the fleet on the opposite side responded immediately, but the reaction speed was far, not as fast as that of the earth.

The opponent thought that this round of attack should be able to cause heavy damage to the Earth Fleet, but they never expected that the Earth Fleet could quickly counterattack, because they underestimated the strength of the Earth Fleet.

The battleship placed at the front suffered a devastating blow and was shattered to pieces. Only fragments were floating aimlessly in the universe.

The situation of the next few battleships was not much better.

Especially for the larger ships, although they opened the defensive shields in time, they were still a bit slow.

Several rays of light and missiles penetrated, and the defensive shields hit the ships themselves, resulting in severe damage to these ships, and they had to temporarily withdraw from the battle order.

If these warships did not withdraw from the battle order, then due to unexpected circumstances, floods would occur, which would likely affect several other friendly warships around them.

They will not be able to play much role if they continue to stay on the front line. It is better to let them evacuate as soon as possible to ensure the safety of other ships.

The Earth Fleet installed an electromagnetic pulse device, so after the first round of firefights, they increased their speed and rushed towards the unknown fleet, preparing to use their electromagnetic pulse to paralyze them.

The fleet of the Thanos Legion did not expect that the earthlings would be like this, and they would have the courage to charge them, so they immediately prepared a second round of firepower.

Will the second round of firepower strike give priority to severely injuring the Earth Fleet, or will the Earth Fleet be able to paralyze the fleet of the Thanos Legion!

(End of this chapter)

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