Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 1209 Food Delivery

Chapter 1209 Food Delivery
Chapter 1228
The fear of famine refugees keeps appearing and spreading.

The situation in countries affected by refugees is not optimistic.Many people choose to leave their homes and go to countries where there are no refugees and no shortage of food.

Europe basically has its sights set on the east.

Known as the granary of Europe, Ukraine has been a land of abundant water and grass and developed agriculture since ancient times.

Although it was also affected in the last war, Ukraine still had enough food.

As one of the most important markets in the world, it is the third largest grain exporter in the world.

At least there will be no problems with Ukrainian food.

In a short period of time a large number of other European residents gathered towards Ukraine.A large amount of foreign exchange has poured into Ukraine, and at the same time it has had a huge impact on the Ukrainian market.

Although the price of food is rising steadily, the people living at the bottom cannot benefit.

That's reality and results.

Some people choose to go to Russia.The distance between Russia and Ukraine is not too far apart.Russia also has a large amount of grain reserves, and the situation is a little better than Ukraine.

Others continue to go east and choose China in the Far East.

After all, China is the only country that can provide food relief to the entire world.


The coalition government had already anticipated this situation, and provided a large amount of food to deal with the famine and refugees this time.

But just as the food was preparing to be transported from America and Asia to Europe, it was attacked by unreasonable people.

Several racks of transport planes encountered attacks during the flight, and they were all so small that they could only be captured by satellites.

Someone once suspected that it might be an individual manned flight equipment similar to Iron Man, but it was quickly denied.

Because the satellite captured a clear picture, what the satellite captured was a whole body, almost defenseless, and only wearing a windbreaker!

There is no device on his body that can support his flight, that is to say, this guy is able to fly only by relying on his own strength.

At this critical moment, super power crimes appeared.

In the past, the coalition government could ask Mark to suppress these super-capable criminals, but now it is too late.

The original plan was to allow refugees to eat food for a month, but in fact it only took half a month to reach Europe.

A few days later, a second batch of transport planes took off.

Learning from the previous lesson, this time the entire transport aircraft formation not only increased the number of fighters, but also carried a large number of superpowers to cooperate with the fighters for defense to ensure the safety of the food used this time.

But the result is still not ideal!
Although the loss has been reduced, it is also a loss of 20%.

These grains are already the limit that countries can produce. The United States, Russia, China and some other countries have already produced almost all the movable grains.

First of all, we must ensure our own internal stability, so as to ensure external problems. This is an unchanged policy.

It’s impossible to help others even if you can’t even eat enough for yourself. There is no such reason, and there is no such possibility.

After two consecutive setbacks, the third batch of transport planes that were supposed to take off according to the original plan were all suspended, waiting for the arrival of the new plan before transporting.

Stark Corporation.

The commissioner sent by the coalition government approached Tony, hoping that the former superhero could come out to assist them and jointly protect this important batch of food.

But Tony didn't hesitate and rejected them directly.

No matter how hard the other party tried, Tony remained steadfast.

He has already hated the faces of these politicians to the extreme, and it is impossible for him to help these politicians.

These politicians try their best to please you when you need it, but kick you away when you don't need it. He has been through this enough. He used to be able to stand up from the people's point of view, but now he Already numb.

Everyone has a process like this, and Tony's process is too bumpy.

Although they did not personally dispatch, the Stark Group is willing to provide two sets of Patriot armor, two sets of Patriot armor like Rhodes, which can assist the coalition government's air force to resist superpowers.

Tony did this simply because he didn't want the outside world to speak.

After all, these guys are likely to control public opinion to attack him and force Tony.

Tony really didn't want to be bothered at all.

Someone is really saying, then these two sets of armor are the best response.

However, with the help of these two sets of armor, the air defense force of the joint tactics has indeed been well enhanced.

These two sets of Patriot armor are not like the earliest generation, but improved.

The vast majority of situations can be handled calmly without problems.

The third transport begins.

This time the coalition government was cautious, and even changed the flight trajectory of the route midway, just to ensure that there would be no accidents.The first half of the flight was pretty easy, but that changed on arrival in Europe.

The other party lost the flight track of the coalition government, but the other party knew where the coalition government would land, so they only needed to stay on the necessary orbital route.

Sure enough, the other party successfully waited for the transport formation of the coalition government.

Repeat the old trick.

Two soldiers wearing Patriot armor flew out from the transport plane at the front. They fired the Gatling machine guns on their shoulders against a superpower who was approaching quickly in the air. The muzzle flashed continuously, and a series of bullets Launched away like those superpowers trying to fly over.

The superpower user with little protection was torn to pieces in front of the bullets.

Although several superpowers were killed, more were approaching here.

People and the government can't understand why there are so many superpowers with similar abilities, why can they all fly?Why do you have weird powers?
Could it be that someone has been able to mass-produce such an existence now?

The two superpowers accelerated and flew to the side of a Patriot armor. They firmly grasped the shell of the Patriot armor and pulled it with all their strength.

The driver seemed panicked. He hadn't experienced much drill, and he made a wrong choice.

That is to give up autonomous driving.

Without the help of the computer, his flying skills were quite clumsy, and he even crashed into a nearby fighter plane.

A fighter plane, a humanoid armor, fell towards the ground.

The other one started to distance itself from those guys, but there were too many of them.

Even if the distance was widened, the opponent's attacks continued one after another.

Europe also received the news, and immediately sent fighter planes to intercept and assist.

But when they arrived at the scene, they found that those guys were hidden in the formation of the fleet and it was difficult to hit them. A rash attack was likely to hit those transport planes.

The transport plane began to gain altitude, trying to limit those superpowers through the thin air.

The higher the altitude, the lower the temperature and the less oxygen there is in the air.

At that time, those superpowers will probably be at a disadvantage. During the second transportation, the driver of a transport plane did just that, and successfully saved the grain of a transport plane for the coalition government.

All the transport planes began to climb, and the superpowers also tried to keep up. The fighter planes behind saw that the transport plane had left, and immediately fired or fired missiles continuously.

The first thing to arrive is the machine gun. It is easy for the machine gun of the battle armor to tear through the human body, and the explosion of the missile can even affect an entire area.

These superpowers were temporarily suppressed for a short period of time, and half an hour later, the transport plane began to lower its altitude.

The battle below is over, and it is safe for the time being.

When the transport plane landed at the airport and finished unloading the food, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, a big explosion occurred at the airport, and the flames engulfed the grain and several transport planes at the same time.

Someone has attacked the airport!
A group of terrorists demand the handing over of three companions who are being held by the coalition government.

The coalition government doesn't even know which three they are. In fact, those three people are now being held by Mark and the others.

In the base of the Guardian Alliance, everyone was also very surprised after receiving the news, but this matter cannot be said.

If those three people are released, it will also affect the current existence of the Guardian Alliance.

After a brief discussion, everyone made a decision.

Get involved in this matter!
It's just that this time the operation couldn't be as grand as before, so this arduous task was handed over to the special agent Hawkeye Barton, who is good at sneaking, and Ant-Man Scott.

The combat strength of the two people is insufficient, and they have a strong ability to sneak in, and they will not cause too much commotion during the battle.

Time was lost bit by bit, and the other party kept posting live videos, burning the food they had obtained before.

And it was announced that if the coalition government does not release the three members, they will consume all the food and continue to destroy the coalition government's transport aircraft.

On one side are the refugees who are waiting to be fed, and on the other side are the unwarranted members who have never been caught.

The coalition government has a headache.

Ten hours later, Barton and Scott finally found each other's small stronghold based on the location of the video release.

I say this because it was in a run-down European hotel.

How down and out?From the peeling of the wall skin on the outside, there is no money to repair it, to the creaking everywhere inside, and the wood itself can be seen.

It's just that the two of them didn't make any sound when they entered.

Scott shrunk his body and sneaked in silently. Barton might be responding as a sniper outside.

The fight happened quickly, and Scott easily anticipated everyone.

Barton could only hear the screams inside.

"It's so easy!"

(End of this chapter)

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