Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 1190 Illusion and Reality

Chapter 1190 Illusion and Reality
Chapter 1209 Illusory Reality

Charle track.

The empire has gradually stabilized, and intelligence claims that the Queen of Blades is in Char at this moment.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the final battle now.

Before reaching the surface of Char, the empire had divided its forces.

The main force headed to Char's high-altitude orbit.

Destroy the hatchery there as much as possible, as well as the biological warfare ships, so as to ensure that the threat posed by high altitudes will be reduced when fighting on the ground, even if the swarm has biological warfare ships that have been reinforced from other areas.

Then at least the stress can be reduced.

After the master died, the bug swarm lost the ability to open a space wormhole.

To be able to open a wormhole and reinforce a large number of swarms to the front line, this ability is only possessed by the master.

The individual strength of the Queen of Blades is indeed very strong, but in comparison, she is still not as strong as the master.


The other group of people entered Char's surface without anyone noticing.

Although there are zerg everywhere on the surface, it does not mean that there is hell.

Found an entrance to an underground network, and prepared to enter Char's underground wormway network from there, and completely destroy it.

The magma is poured backwards, and then the tunnel worms can be prevented from appearing suddenly.

It didn't take too long, and the plans on both sides had been dealt with.

The final battle is about to begin.The human position has been established, and the base camp of the swarm is more than ten kilometers away.

The swarm has shrunk all the troops of Char and nearby planets. Without wormholes, there is no way to increase a large number of troops in a short period of time.

Retreating here is the best option now.

But no one dares to take this battle lightly.

Because everyone knows that what they are about to face is the most powerful and most threatening king among the entire swarm.

human base.

[Received a biological signal]

The human mechanical lieutenant delivered the latest news in an emotionless voice.

The owner Mark chose to receive this biological signal, probably because he misses Kerrigan in his heart.

Sure enough, it was not unexpected.

It was indeed Kerrigan who sent the biological signal.

"It really is you, Mark. Why are you so obsessed? Joining us, you will enjoy unprecedented happiness and understand the most real truth of this world. You really naively thought that you destroyed the hatchery in high-altitude orbit, There are also underground passages, so I have nothing to do with you?" Kerrigan asked.

"What else can you do? I taught you what I taught you back then, and then you use what I taught you to harm others, and then you want to use it against me. Kerrigan, I remember I taught you , Don’t be proud and complacent when you are a human being. There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. There will be someone stronger than you. And you are not the strongest.” Mark is already very happy to see his beloved again, and this time I have the chance to win, so how could I lose in the sure-win situation?

"I've already given you a chance, but you didn't cherish it. If that's the case, then let's go here!" Kerrigan regretfully ended the communication.

Starting from the communication, Mark never opened his eyes to you from the beginning to the end.

However, the expression and emotion before the restart gave people a very uneasy feeling. Mark didn't know where the problem was.

He ordered all the people below to carefully inspect various areas, including the high-altitude orbit, including the underground wormway that has been flooded by magma.

But there is still nothing abnormal, everything is exactly the same as the plan I made.

Where did she get her confidence?Think you can win?

Mark really wants to find out the reason behind this, but time waits for no one, and there is not so much time for Mark to consume.

The Xel'Naga Artifact is charging.

The battle officially started.

Countless Zergs launched a death charge towards the positions established by humans.

The sound of artillery fire from the siege tanks never stopped, and this man was almost deaf.

Even from a long distance, you can clearly feel the shock caused by the reaction force after the tank launch.

In the sky, Wraith fighters and Viking fighters are fighting the Zerg in the sky.The missile turrets on the ground kept locking, and the zergs flying in the sky, one after another, fell from the sky or fell into the magma.

It is completely like a hell-like death scroll unfolding in front of everyone.

Humanity knows that when this battle is over, there will be peace for them.

The Zerg crisis will be completely resolved, and the leaderless Zergs will be nothing more than beasts to be slaughtered in the future.

The charging progress is 50%.

The mysterious voice was continuously transmitted to Mark's brain.

"Don't... don't go on anymore, stop!"

It is impossible for Mark to be invaded or influenced by general mental power. He tried to trace back through this voice, but there was no result.

He didn't understand who could easily invade his own spirit and thoughts.

A strong sense of unease made him restless.

Valerian looked at Mark's fidgeting look and said comfortingly: "Everything will pass, and it will pass soon."

Mark didn't know what was going on. Looking at her godson, she always felt an indescribably weird feeling, as if everything was a flower in a mirror, a moon in the water.

Another time has passed.

The charge of the Xel'Naga artifact is also close to 100%.

In a short time, the power of magic can be released at any time with just one command.

Mark is in front of him commanding the button on the podium, as long as he presses it, all this can be over, and then he will be able to hug the beauty back.

I recalled the voice that suddenly appeared in my brain before.

Only this time it was his memory without any mental intrusion.

Although the brain is still hesitating, but the hand has already pressed it,

The artifact's energy is unleashed, while the world around it changes.


"It seems that you lost this time! Even if you didn't succeed in cheating, you really failed!" The ethereal female voice mocked.

This kind of voice gives people an extremely unreal feeling, as if it doesn't exist in this world at all.

"Yes, but you didn't win either." Another voice appeared and had a very similar sensuality to that ethereal voice.

"It's ridiculous, you are still clinging to your false feelings, all of that is just your own wishful thinking, he didn't even hear your call, and didn't recognize your voice, I gave You gave him a chance, but the final result is like this. It shows that the relationship between you is vulnerable and it is not worth maintaining at all.

Don't resist me anymore, I am you, you are me, you and I are one, you are just a bait and a trap that I set apart!A doppelgänger should not be too arrogant. "

"If I'm really just a clone of you, a trap and a pawn that you can't go down, why can't you absorb it now?"

The ethereal voice stopped abruptly.

Another voice didn't stop: "Sure enough, you are just bluffing."

"Enough! I'll kill him now, and then you'll have nothing."

"Then you should do it! Try to change him with artifacts and try to transform him into a monster like you!"

It's all just like what the ethereal voice said.

There is no difference between you and me, you and I are one.

Thoughts and consciousness are shared, as are feelings.

Change is just a compromise.

If it is successful, then naturally there is no need to stand on the opposite side of oneself.This ridiculous relationship can continue to be maintained.

Mark gradually woke up from this illusory space of consciousness.

What I saw were two people I knew well.

One in an old Ghost uniform.

While the other hair has a distinct zerg style.

Both are Kerrigan.

"Mark, come to me! Everything is over." Kerrigan, who was wearing a uniform, said to Mark.

That familiar feeling is really confusing.

But without even thinking about it, Mark walked towards the other Kerrigan step by step.

Kerrigan, in the Ghost uniform, couldn't understand why Mark was so decisive.

Obviously his clothes are flawless, and he is obviously pretending to be what he wants to see the most, why did he end up like this?
"How could you? Why did you choose her? Not me?" asked Kerrigan.

"The person I like has never changed from the beginning to the end. No matter what she becomes, no matter what form she takes, what I want to save is her thinking and consciousness. Even if she becomes a demon, even if she becomes Being a zerg, my heart has never changed.

You showed me the best side, but you erased the ups and downs that I have gone through with her.Even if it's an imaginary world, it's just a real experience.But it still doesn't affect my choice. ”Mark already knew more or less when he saw the two Kerrigans appearing at the same time.

That voice, that reminder, I felt something strange myself.

Everything is just a layout of God.

Pull your consciousness or soul into another universe, let yourself experience an unprecedented life, and then try to change your mind.

God overestimated himself and underestimated Mark.

"Then I trap you here, so I can't take the outside world into account. I will take down that universe sooner or later, and you will be trapped here forever until everything outside is a foregone conclusion." Ghost Agent Kerrigan said.

"What kind of eternal power, unlimited lifespan, and strong desire to control are you pursuing? I have never been able to understand what you are pursuing? Now that I am already trapped here, can you give me the answer?" Mark asked.

 I sent it by mistake yesterday, and sent it to another book.This book is actually at its last chapter.It is estimated that it is 10,000+ words.In fact, there is already a new book, and it has been updated intermittently.Thank you for your support for so long. Those who can see here are probably old book fans. Thank you for your company along the way.Thanks again.

(End of this chapter)

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