Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 1185 Meeting of the Fallen of the Two Worlds

Chapter 1185 Meeting of the Fallen of the Two Worlds
Chapter 1204 Meeting of the Fallen of the Two Worlds
Hyperion, bar.

"I didn't expect you to be the ones who could save me." Jim said, looking at Mark sitting beside him.

"Why did I come to call you? Aren't you happy? But I'm more curious about how you got involved with these guys." Mark pointed to Tosh sitting next to him and said, "I have to remind You, don't blame me for not being good enough as a friend, free information, this guy is not a good person, what he did in the past was crazy, he likes to hang people's heads on the wall at every turn, and then use that guy's blood Write big letters on the wall."

Tosh sat aside without rebutting, holding a glass of wine and smiling innocently.

Jim cast his eyes on Tosh.

After seeing it, Tosh said helplessly: "What he said is not wrong, that is indeed what I did before, and I also like to make that guy's head into a jug."

"So what are you and this gang of vicious guys going to do, you won't tell me that it's just to kill Mengsk!" Mark asked.

Jim nodded and admitted: "Yes, my cooperation with them is to kill Mengsk."

"Then I'm here to wish you good luck! Also, if your head is taken off one day, don't come looking for me when I'm a ghost, I didn't remind you."

"That's not necessary," said Jim.

Mark put himself down and left the bar with an empty glass in his hand.

After Mark left the bar, Jim said to Tosh next to him: "Is there nothing you want to explain to me, Mr. Ghost."

Tosh rested his right hand on the counter, relaxed his whole body, leaned against the bar counter, and said to Jim: "I admit that I have indeed concealed many things, but this does not affect our cooperation. Everyone will have some A secret, like a secret in your heart."

"But we're going to work together to kill our common enemy, and some things are better left open."

"What I can tell you is that I don't pose any threat to you. Whether you like to believe it or not, I can only say so much." Tosh bit his teeth and didn't intend to let go.

Jim also knew he couldn't ask any questions, so he gave up.

"When is the next mission?" Jim began to change the subject.

"It's probably just a week later. It's a very special planet. It's not like here, it's full of magma. There are beautiful mountains and rivers, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. It is definitely a good place for vacation, except..."

"Except for the protoss?" Jim also probably guessed the possible enemies, but he didn't expect to guess right as soon as he opened his mouth.

"You're right, it's the protoss!" Tosh showed his big white teeth.

Now looking at the big white tooth, Jim wanted to punch all his teeth and knock them out.

"I need all their information," said Jim.

"No problem, those boys under me have collected enough wallets, and they will be handed over to you when the time comes."



A very special planet, according to rumors, only the planet has its own will.

The key is that this planet produces a special kind of gas called the Creator's Breath.

Tadalin among the protoss believed that this was a gift from the gods.

But humans like to call it terrazine.

This was the information Tosh gave Jim.

Jim looked at this simple, uncomplicated information, with black lines all over his head, but it was impossible to return empty-handed once everything had come.

He ordered the team to prepare for the battle to snatch this special gas.

Another place in Baishir.

The transport plane driven by Mark alone landed here, and Tadalin had been waiting here for a long time, just to welcome him as a distinguished guest today.

Mark showed his powerful ability to communicate with the void, and the fallen in the other side of the void also sent his most loyal servant to meet.

"Honored guest, welcome to the planet of the Creator." Narud said.

"It's really been a long time! Narud... Oh, sorry, I forgot, you are not the one I know, and you are not from the same universe." Mark said deliberately.

Mark just wants to use his cognition of the diversity of the universe to suppress it at a higher level of knowledge.

Narud on the opposite side was also lost as Mark expected. He didn't understand why Mark would talk about another universe, and the most important thing was himself.

"Let me introduce myself again. I am the successor of the fallen Sarnaga Emon, and another world, your master." Mark released the power that belonged to the fallen.

Narud could clearly feel this cordial power, which belonged to the master.

And the master of this world is still not freed, it is impossible to give such a powerful power to the person in front of him, then the answer is only one, this really comes from another world, and has obtained the inheritance of another world master.

"No, what should I call you?"

"It's still the same as before! I came here just to discuss a cooperation with you. I want someone. Your words are not enough. Maybe the breath of the Creator around me can help me see the existence behind you. "

Narud looked at the purple gas that was bubbling nearby.

He immediately ordered to Ta Darling behind him: "Go prepare an altar, we need to communicate with the great creator."

Tadalin did not hesitate, and began to collect these special gas according to his request.

An hour later, he came to the altar that had just been built and walked up slowly.

The purple breath poured into the dark rift, and the dark rift released a purple-red light, and a pair of eyes opened in the rift.

"Hello, heir from another world. It seems that I in another world should have failed." Emon faced another world, and he didn't sneer at him for failing. On the contrary, he seemed to have guessed the result.

This road is destined to be not easy, and it is also destined to be full of ruggedness, and he is also prepared to fail.

"It shouldn't have failed. I inherited his will and completed his mission. It's just that some accidents happened halfway, so I came to this world. What I can tell you is that your fate will be the same as that in my world. Just like him. The only way to change is to give me someone."

"The person you're talking about is the Queen of Blades?" Emon was very clear.

The Queen of Blades has been fighting against Juggernaut since he died. He has long wanted to deal with this damned guy, but has never had the chance.

"Yes, I'm collecting the Xel'Naga artifact to turn her back into a human. In this way, his influence on you can be eliminated. As long as he can't get the power of the Zerg, he's just a slightly stronger human. ’” said Mark.

Amon passed on his will to Narud without any doubts. After receiving the news, Narud quickly left Mark and watched the spaceship marking the Mobius Foundation leave here with his own eyes.

"I have asked him to assist you, and all my strength can be used by you."

"It seems that you don't doubt what I said." Mark was a little surprised.

He didn't understand why Amon in this world believed in him so much.

"I don't believe in you, but I believe in another self. Reincarnation must be broken, and endlessness must be shattered. This is my destiny and my mission." Amon said.

"Then I wish you success in this world! And I remember that on the other side of this planet, a group of humans are mining terrazine, give them a little, and then let them go. They can also help me at critical moments Let's defeat Kerrigan together." Mark was about to leave when he remembered Jim's situation.

Although the relationship between the two of them is not that good, but a single sentence may have an unexpected effect.


On the other side, the defense line of Jim's position was about to collapse, but the offensive pressure suddenly dropped a lot.

Jim didn't understand what the hell was going on, I've already withdrawn all those tadarins.

"What the hell is going on? Matt, what reaction do you see from high-altitude orbit?" Jim said.

"No, I don't have any reaction here." Matt is also checking carefully, checking for other reactions.

But after checking for a long time, there is still no abnormal point.

"Damn it, let's retreat after taking these." Jim didn't want to stay here any longer.

Although you can earn more money by taking more money, you have to spend your life on it.

After half an hour everyone retreated.

Tadalin waited for them to leave before going to the battlefield to clean up the environment, and by the way, completely sealed off the exhausted gas outlets.

The Hyperion.

Jim took off his power combat suit, but when he was about to return to the bridge, the passage suddenly darkened.

Jim didn't know what was going on, but the familiar old friend reappeared in the answer, it was Zeratul!

He was seriously wounded, and he walked up to Jim with scars, stretched out his hand and placed it on his forehead, and memories belonging to Zeratul flooded into his brain.

Watching from an outsider's perspective, watching Zeratul go through it all.

He couldn't imagine how Zeratul survived alone.

He wanted to ask Zeratul something more but put his finger where his mouth was.

Protoss has no mouth, but human beings have him. He understood Zeratul's intentions, did not continue to question Zeratul, stepped back step by step, and disappeared into the darkness.

After Zeratul left the ship, the lighting system was restored again. He was working on this unmanned passage, and gradually fell into contemplation. At the same time, he also found that there was an extra item in his hand.

More secrets are hidden in it.

(End of this chapter)

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