Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 1178 Pig Teammates

Chapter 1178 Pig Teammates

Chapter 1197
This has developed to the point that Mark doesn't intend to stay here any longer.

Different road non-phase plan.

Mengsk has chosen a wrong path, and sooner or later this wrong path will cost him himself.

Mark has no intention of becoming an accomplice at all!
It is true that Mark himself is a butcher and has killed countless people, but the earth in that era had no choice.

Without external pressure, there is no way out if you just rely on yourself!

It can be said that it is a choice that Mark has no choice, but what about Mengsk?Mengsk obviously had a choice, in order to reduce his losses, he chose to use this tactic!

Mark is preparing to leave, and the operation on the ground is going on!

"Kerrigan, where are you now?" Mark asked Kerrigan, who was not on the flagship, after counting.

Kerrigan was now in charge of the interception on the ground.

This is the task that Mengsk gave Kerrigan earlier.

"I'm on the surface, clearing up some trouble, what happened?" Kerrigan slumped on the ground and fired a bullet.

"Where are you? I'm coming to pick you up now, Mengsk and I have fallen out, and now we're leaving!"

Mark really doesn't want to make troubles at all now.

"I'll send you the coordinates right now, come and pick me up!" Kerrigan said as he lifted his mask.

"Well, wait for me there!" Mark didn't plan to bring other people, and now he might encounter a large-scale attack by the swarm at any time.

Bringing everyone along is undoubtedly asking for a dead end. The best choice is a small-scale operation with a few people. At that time, Mark will be able to leave more easily without worrying about the entire army.


When Mark started to approach the ground, the Zerg bugs on the ground had already begun to invade in large numbers.

An ominous feeling enveloped Mark's heart, and this uneasy feeling made Mark speed up the spaceship.

However, the speed of the spaceship has been increased to [-]%. The fastest engine has almost reached the limit. The speed of the spaceship cannot continue to accelerate.

Mark simply jumped out of the spaceship to accelerate, using the shield to protect himself, and Mark slid through the atmosphere like a meteorite.

The zerg have taken over the area around the coordinates, and Mark and Kerrigan are in constant contact.

Mark landed at the location shown by the coordinates, but Kerrigan was not found, and the number of Zerg around continued to increase.

Mark called Kerrigan on the comm channel, but there was no response.

the other side.

Kerrigan's visor and communicator fell to the ground.

At this moment, she was like a frightened deer, running away in a panic, looking for a suitable way out.

But the monsters following behind didn't seem to intend to let her go, and bit her tightly behind her.

Kerrigan knew that without the communicator, she would not be able to contact Mark. Now she had to enter the locked door and return to the coordinates, and Mark would definitely be waiting for her there.

Mark is very anxious now, but there is nothing he can do about it. He can only wait here, and there is no communication response from there.

At this time, we can only hope that Kerrigan can get here safely.

This was the last designated location for the two before losing contact.

However, the number of Zergs around was still increasing. Mark wanted a piece, but it was quickly filled by new Zergs, and more and more bugs filled all the vacancies.

Mark stood on the mountain of corpses piled up like a bloody war god, but he couldn't find his family at all.

Tyrannical emotions continued to grow in Mark's heart, and Mark couldn't bear him at all, and burst out all his strength like a demon god.

All the beneficial insects around were devoured at this moment, and a large amount of essence rushed towards Mark's body,
Mark has also turned into a monster at this moment. Kerrigan broke through the blockade and came to Mark, but what she saw was a monster instead of her beloved.

This is the first thought in my heart.

Mark also noticed Kerrigan who was fleeing, and kept trying to connect spiritually.

But Kerrigan had already closed her mind, and the mental nurse had no effect at all.

Mark made a sound to call, but it had no effect.

Zerg swarmed towards Mark again, and now that Mark had finished his transformation, he would fall into the predicament of being besieged again.

But if she doesn't go back, Kerrigan won't believe in herself.

Now he is caught in a dilemma.

Killing all the way, corpses are everywhere on the ground, Mark still hasn't changed back to his original appearance at this moment.

Kerrigan held the gun with the last bullet in it, and she looked at the giant beast that was about to charge in front of her, but at this moment, she heard familiar words.


The giant beast in front of him made a strange sound, until it called his own name.

Kerrigan was a little different, and didn't understand what the beast had to do with him.

Unable to refuse to return to her original form, she excitedly put down her gun and stepped forward to hug the one she loved.

"Sorry I'm late. Now let's go!"


Just as Mark was about to take him away, another wave of Zerg rushed up.

This time they did not launch an attack, but completely surrounded the two of them.

A weird-looking bug came out of it, with a weird tone in its mouth.

Mark could understand what the other person was saying.

It's just the sound made by the worm's mouthparts opening. It mainly relies on the communication between the spirits, and the real mastermind behind the scenes is not here.

Kerrigan could hear it, too.Because they all have telepathy!

"Human, you are already unable to fly, as long as you surrender obediently, I can let this human go." The bug said to Mark.

"Impossible!" Kerrigan answered before Mark could answer.

"It is impossible for you to leave the master of this planet. The swarm has completely blocked this planet. If you want to make any changes, I will give priority to killing the human being around you! Judging from your performance just now, I knew you cared about her."

"Why are you looking for me?"

"You have extremely abundant spiritual energy in your body, and it will become the most important part of my plan!"

"You are the master!"

"Protoss, that's what they call me."

"Then do you know your so-called plan, and what you are resisting is just a wrong decision."

"I just want to get rid of that guy's shackles on me, and the decision I made is only for myself, meaning that other things have nothing to do with me. And you are the key to my liberation. As long as I can transform you, you will It will be the most powerful weapon in my hands, and it will set me free."

"Amon's power is far beyond your imagination, it is impossible for you to be free!"

"Of course I know this, but you are different. You have the same strength as those guys, even stronger than them. Killing those guys is just around the corner. Amon has lost his form now. As long as you can catch this time If given a chance, he could be killed."

The master doesn't have a clear understanding of the dark and fallen creator who controls him!

Kerrigan probably understood the conversation between them,
"I'll take his place!" Kerrigan said.

The master controlled the bug, his eyes flickered, and he said: "You are indeed a good target for transformation, but with him here, he will be even better!"

"Then if I die here, then he doesn't have any scruples." Kerrigan threw off Mark in an instant, stepped back a few steps, away from Mark, and didn't care about the bugs behind her at all, she pointed a gun at herself and said.

Mark never expected that Kerrigan would do such a thing at this time!

Juggernaut naturally understands the relationship between the two, otherwise he wouldn't use this method to threaten Mark.

It's just that Kerrigan didn't expect to use this to threaten herself at this time.

"It's acceptable, although it's a little short of the expected goal." Juggernaut said.

Mark was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

He is really angry now for what this silly girl has done.

"Do you know what you are doing?"

"Go, if you don't go, I will die in front of you."

"Do you think he'll let me go?" Mark can only hope that the Overlord is a scumbag, and that dispels Kerrigan's illusions.

But Kerrigan didn't care so much, and slowly walked into the swarm. Although the distance was gradually widening, both of them could see each other.

"Let him go now!" Kerrigan said.

The master made the swarm take the initiative to get out of the way.

The Overlord knew that it was better to have a substitute than nothing at this time, so Mark turned around and chased after the bugs around him, yelling at him in warning.

Kerrigan yelled at Mark at the same time, "Go!"

Mark prepared a lot and avoided many tragedies, but until now we can't even save the one we love the most, it's nothing.

But most importantly, Kerrigan herself...

Mark knew that things didn't come to a complete curtain call here, and there was still a chance.

There are also Xel'Naga artifacts scattered around the world, and I still have a chance to save her just like Renault in the original book.

"The next time I see you, don't put a gun on yourself!"

The swarm let me open a path, and a fighter plane that can still associate flight is in the distance.

Originally, it was reserved for Kerrigan by Juggernaut, but now Mark used it.

Not afraid of enemies like gods, but teammates like pigs, and they are pig teammates who push themselves into desperation step by step.

Mark vowed that the next time we met, he would slap her ass hard and let her know the consequences of the pig teammates.

(End of this chapter)

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