Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 1169 Backwater Base

Chapter 1169 Backwater Base
Chapter 1188 Backwater Base

"Finally, there is a savior. May I ask which unit you belong to?" Several soldiers trapped in the base looked at the heavily armed mercenaries and asked excitedly.

These soldiers did not see the exclusive marks belonging to the army on the mercenaries, so they asked such questions.

Mark stood at the forefront and opened his mask, and said to these soldiers: "We are the rebel army of Keha, and you have now been forcibly recruited into our army! Of course, you can also choose not to join our team Here, there is a result..."

Before Mark finished speaking, the subordinates behind him raised their guns one after another, aiming at the soldiers in the distance.

The soldiers trapped in the base were a group of cowards, otherwise they wouldn't be hiding in the deepest part of the base. Looking at these soldiers who were obviously much better equipped than them, they had no thought of resisting at all.

They immediately held up their hands, showing that they were no threat at all.

"We join, we join, we are willing to join your team!"

As the No.1 soldier shouted, the others did not have any psychological and moral burdens.

They also know what the Federation has done. They dropped a nuclear bomb on Keha, turning the entire Keha into a barren land.

This incident has also been condemned by many people.

Among the Federation's ranks, many people dislike the choices made by the Federation's top leaders.

Others joined in.

Although the base here has been abandoned for a short period of time, there are still a large amount of materials and equipment in the warehouse of the base, which can arm these militiamen in the shortest time.

Mark dispersed his subordinates for vigilance, and then he personally took Jim and the militiamen to collect their equipment.

So go there yourself to prevent accidents from happening.

If these guys had malicious intentions and accidentally shot Lei Ritian to death, then there would be big troubles.

Without Lei Ritian, we still don't know what the future will be like.

For an hour, all the militiamen were equipped with the power combat uniforms worn by the regular federal army, as well as spike rifles, and some of the militiamen chose the firebat armor.

Compared with the power unit of the marines, the firebat armor is thicker and its defense is stronger, but the risk of explosion and the degree of danger are much greater.

It may have been extremely threatening to the militia before, but now there is no need to worry at all.

It's just a group of bigger dogs, no matter how sharp the teeth and claws are, they can tear through the surface's defensive armor.

That can't pose a threat to their lives.

At most, losing an arm and breaking a leg won't kill anyone, and that's better than dying directly on the battlefield. Compared with before, it's completely heaven and earth.

It has to be said that the ideas of these militiamen are really naive and ridiculous, but Mark did not condemn them for knowing them, because he used to think exactly like them.

It was only after being taught a bloody lesson by reality once that I realized the horror of these creatures.

Of course, Mark can completely destroy the entire infected human being with his own power. The reason why Mark didn't do this is because he didn't want to expose his current strength.

Of course, it will take a long time to destroy the stars here, and it cannot be like burning glass.

Instead of burning down the entire planet in a short period of time, you need to go to a city yourself and unleash a massive explosion.

Of course, energy shocks can also be directly carried out in the earth's crust, causing turmoil in the entire plate, causing the earth to fission once, and then countless disasters will occur on the surface.

But relatively speaking, there will be more survivors.


After another hearty lunch, the assembled base soldiers and militiamen wearing new equipment became the vanguard of the team.

Slowly moving forward, testing the beasts that may jump out of the ground at any time.

Passing through a hill, when they were about to go down, a group of small brown creatures rushed towards them. From a distance, the small creatures were indeed about the size of rabbits, but when they looked closer, they were found to be about the same size as calves.

The militiamen had come into contact with these beasts before they walked.

However, the soldiers in the abandoned base should have more contact with them. When they saw these calf-like monsters rushing towards them, their legs were almost weak from fright.

If it wasn't for the bodies supported by the powered combat suits, they would probably be kneeling on the ground begging for mercy by now.

"Everyone keeps the formation stable, output fire, and stop these monsters!" Mark gave the order to attack.The militia are in better shape.

The state of the soldiers in the base is a little bit wrong, they seem to be looking for a chance to escape.

A soldier ran straight to the distance, and before he had run a few steps, Mark raised the gun in his hand to his head, and shot his head off.

The heavy power combat suit fell to the ground. Everyone heard the gunshots and saw the heavy corpse at the same time.

Everyone couldn't believe it. They didn't expect Mark to be so ruthless, killing people directly, without any warning.

"This is a battlefield now. Anyone who tries to escape here is a deserter. I will shoot you directly. Who wants to try, is it you who run faster or my gun? Or you can also aim the gun now Me, let's see who dies first!" Mark said.

No one dared to question Mark. Mark's subordinates were more than the sum of the militia and the soldiers in the previous base.

Not to mention that the equipment they wear is obviously much better than their own.

Now everyone can only bite the bullet and fight. If anyone can escape smoothly, the only one is Sheriff Jim who is riding a vulture car.

When Jim saw what Mark did just now, he was not surprised at all.

When deserters appear on the battlefield, the federation, which is basically dealt with in this way, brainwashes prisoners and turns them into marines.

Such a guy deserves to die, and to put it simply, none of them is a good thing.

Under Mark's order, the militiamen and soldiers resumed their formation and continued to suppress firepower against those who were born like calves.

A few minutes later, there were only three or two kittens left in front of them, and Mark opened fire himself, killing the last few as well.

"Go ahead, our goal is the backwater base!" Mark directly stated the purpose of this trip, which is to tell these people where his destination is.

The militia and those soldiers who were forced to recruit were very happy. The backwater base is a military base that is larger than the abandoned base just now, and there are a large number of soldiers guarding it.

If he could get there, he might be able to escape from this rebel officer.

But when they arrived at the backwater after driving for more than half an hour, what they saw at the base was ruins.The previous viscous liquid was everywhere on the ground, and all the defense facilities had been scrapped, only the ruins of one place were there.

All kinds of monsters reveled in this living land. They saw monsters like the calf before, and monsters like cobras.

It's just that the head of this monster is different from that of a snake, and it also has a pair of sharp front feet.

Everyone dared not move forward rashly, but under the persecution of Mark, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and rush to the high ground.

Naturally, the firebat with the ejector was at the forefront, and Mark's troops, the marines, were at the back, pressing back to prevent the work coming from behind.

The firebat at the front kept spitting out tongues of fire, cleaning up the things on the ground, and at the same time cleaning up the monsters rushing up around it.

The principle of the Marine Corps is to concentrate firepower on those strange-looking snake-like creatures.

Fortunately, the number of monsters is not as many as imagined.

After fighting for more than ten minutes, all the monsters were cleaned up, including that strange building.

The only thing left now is a human outpost overgrown with all kinds of weird and ugly things.

The radar on the top is still spinning, as if telling everyone that it is still operating normally, but the tentacles and weird slime on it are telling everyone that the building has fallen.

Mark ordered to rush into the command center and kill all the monsters inside!

It's going to be a tricky battle.

Only the queen can infect the command center. This is a weird creature, and it must go through a long process to infect the command center.

Mark is not sure whether the queen is in the command center, but if a queen can be captured alive, then Mark can monitor other swarm activities through spiritual power.

He even made this queen a nail that he planted in the swarm.

This is not some fantasy, Mark's strength is fully capable of doing this.

The gate of the base was opened, and everyone walked in slowly.

This kind of command center dedicated to colonizing the planet is very large and very wide, with a large number of facilities and a large amount of materials in it to ensure that the colonized humans have enough buffer time.

But after entering the interior, a large number of facilities were damaged and there were still a few corpses left.

It should have been attacked.

Entering the deepest core, a human mechanical adjutant is still operating, but at this time he made an inexplicable strange cry.

Mark knew it was the cry of bugs, and behind this human adjutant, there must be a queen spying on them.

(End of this chapter)

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