Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 1167 Years of Changes

Chapter 1167 Years of Changes
Chapter 1186 Years of Changes

Time never waits for anyone, and a few years pass as soon as the eyes are opened and closed.

The original little hairy girl has now become a slim beauty.

From time to time, I make some inappropriate jokes to Mark. Mark understands what she means to him, but there is still a hurdle between Mark's brows, which he cannot overcome.

When the hurdle in Mark's heart passes, maybe the two of them will be able to be together for real.

This is definitely not a change in Mark's perception of emotions.

It's just that Kerrigan always has a weird feeling watching him grow up.

Teenagers have grown up, and they have all kinds of longings and fantasies about beautiful love.Especially whether Mark himself has anything to do with her, but he takes care of him meticulously.

The rebellion in the first period has long since disappeared, replaced by the dependence on Mark.

Perhaps it was because of this that Mark made all kinds of provocative temptations.

Mark didn't pick up because of his conscience, and he stuck to his own bottom line.

This still doesn't change the fact that Mark is indeed a scumbag.

It was indeed a fact, and Mark never denied it.It is enough that I can give the people I love happiness and give them what they want.

say what?say what?He is talented and beautiful, how many pairs are born with him, and you, a monster, object?

PS: The voice of Supreme Treasure is heard.

The relationship problem is indeed a headache, and the work is not much better.

Over the past few years, the Federation has gradually been able to free up its hands to deal with internal problems.Although the Mengsk family has been dealt with a long time ago, the Federation still does not fully trust the company.

Various security companies emerge in endlessly, but Mark is very clear that behind these security companies are all high-level leaders and giants of the Federation.

What they have in their hands is resources and money, and they forcibly smashed out one company after another to seize the market, and squeezed the market share with various low prices and various new federal equipment.

Obviously, the Federation still doesn't want to believe that Mark is going to suppress the company to ensure that Mark can't pose a threat to them.

In terms of funds, because there are no new tasks and customers, the capital chain will soon be broken.

And tasks and customers need a huge network or a good enough price to maintain them.

The Federation has invested a lot of money, and the latest price war to suppress Mark is no joke. Mark has not even opened for a month.

Coupled with the current rebel forces within the federation, there is almost no federation with absolute right to speak.

Connections are useless at this time, and no one will cooperate with Mark under the pressure of the Federation.

The squeeze from both sides caused Mark's company to decline gradually.

There is no way, in this bad situation, Mark can only let the company change slowly.

From the original security company gradually transformed into a mercenary company.

What seemed like a change in business direction was actually a compromise to federal oppression.

To survive in such cracks, mercenary companies need to bear much more risks than security companies.

Although the company also took on the task of mercenaries before, but at that time there was no complete transformation, only a small number of people were accepting such tasks, and now almost everyone is devoted to this aspect.

The remaining security contracts will continue to be implemented, and all other tasks will be implemented in new contracts.

The prelude to the legendary mercenary company has officially opened.

The position of the company still hangs in Keha.

Mark still has control over this one-third of an acre of land. The Federation wants to oppress the company on this land, and it is impossible to oppress Mark.

Otherwise, they would not choose to attack Mark from a commercial point of view.


The end of 2389.

The guild war lasted for four years.

Neither the Federation nor the Kelmorian Commonwealth has any way to continue this protracted war.

For the people on the old earth, the 4-year war can be said to be a very short hundred-year war, and there have been four-year wars, which is really nothing.

But after entering the interstellar era, the four-year war, large and small battles, are being staged almost every day and every moment.

Conflicts in various regions have never stopped.

The number of casualties is just a number.

The huge economic expenditures made both sides want to quit, especially the model personnel union has no way to continue fighting. The federation annexed a large number of coalition mining guilds, and the foundation of the Kelmorian union has been shaken.

Now the Kelmorian Federation, which is almost powerless to fight back, is holding a sigh of relief. This breath can severely damage the Federation, but at the same time, the Federation will be completely disbanded, and even disappear from this universe.

This peaceful "negotiation" started under such circumstances.

After a period of wrangling, the Hymerian Consortium was allowed to exist and retain its autonomy, but the minerals had to be sold to the Federation at the lowest price, and the profit margin was not allowed to exceed 10%.


When the universe was first explored, this was a profit margin that no one could have imagined.

No one will accept it,
Because it is too low, exploring a planet to find mineral veins, and then building a mining base, can only get 10% of the profit in the end.

The risk investment expenditure is completely out of proportion, 10% of the carelessness will make a company lose its fortune.

Even the united guilds can't afford it.

If it hadn't been for the Camerian Consortium to find multiple ore veins that produce stable ore, this condition would not be acceptable anyway.

The Federation also took advantage of this point and forced the Kel Morian Federation to submit.

After Mengsk received this news, I knew that I couldn't bear it any longer.

It is necessary to launch an attack on the Federation while the Federation has not yet caught its breath. It must not be allowed to spread to the Federation. If it is time to launch an attack, it will be impossible.

Keha's rebel army, guerrilla warfare has officially begun!
Countless battles were fought in various cities in Keha, and almost every city was burning with gunpowder. The Federation was overwhelmed by the attacks and was ready to hand over this arduous task to Mark.

Because they received news that the leader who launched this rebellion was the remnant of the Mengsk family.

Arcturus Mengsk, they hope that Mark can kill the remnants of the Mengsk family with his own hands.

But after going through so many things, how could Mark trust these bastards from the Federation?
They used their actual actions to prove that this group of guys is not credible at all. These guys' mouths are as smelly as straw paper in the toilet.

The Federation quickly launched an attack on Mark and his company, but when they came to Mark's company, they saw nothing but an empty building.

Mark had already taken away all his belongings, and the relevant personnel had also represented Keha.

They didn't even know where Mark was.

Mark disappeared with his men for two years.

The Federation really couldn't accept such a guerrilla attack. Keha is now a muddy mess, and the economy has no way to recover, so they made a final decision.

A nuclear bomb will completely destroy the entire Keha!
It can be said that this is an extremely crazy behavior, but no one with a little brain would make such a decision, or allow such a decision to occur.

But the high level of the Federation passed this decision.

The battlecruiser appeared in the Federation's high-altitude orbit, and the nuclear bomb was dropped towards the ground.

The entire planet was destroyed by nuclear bombs, millions of people were massacred, and those who survived joined the rebel army.

Arcturus also changed the name of the rebel army to the Sons of Keha, which means to let everyone remember this massacre, and let everyone know that the people portrayed are not dead yet!
The nuclear bomb did not stop the rebellion, but promoted the rebellion on multiple planets within the Federation.

When the war continued, many people had thoughts that they shouldn't have, and now, at this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, they couldn't help it.

That would be a good time to take advantage of the fact that the federation has bloodbathed the entire planet. This matter can be used as an attack point to form a group of righteous troops to completely wipe out these disgusting politicians in the federation.

Mark also joined the Sons of Keha with his mercenaries at this time.

Mengsk was very happy after learning of Mark's arrival, and finally he could fight side by side again.


After not seeing him for many years, Mark also began to lose recognition of Mengsk.

In other words, the current Mengsk is getting closer and closer to the future emperor, full of lies and justice.

It feels completely unreal.

His high spirits and ambitions back then seemed to have been lost to him long ago.

Mark only saw power in his eyes.

"You've changed, Mengsk." Mark said with a smile, looking at his old friend in front of him.

Mengsk didn't seem to care about what Mark said, but replied with a smile: "Is it more handsome and talented than before?"

"I can't talk about being handsome, but my talent has indeed increased a lot." Mark had to admit this.

"That's good!" Mengsk put a glass of wine in front of Mark.

Mark pushed the wine back and said, "I haven't touched this thing for a long time."

"Why are you afraid that drinking will delay things?"

"I quit drinking just for one person, not because I was afraid of drinking and delaying things. Alcohol has no effect on my body." Mark said frankly.

Mengsk is curious about who can make Mark care so much, but he didn't say it immediately. He wants to win Mark as much as possible now, and he will be an irreplaceable surprise soldier in his hands.

"Mark, I am very happy to bring people to join my organization, but I have to tell you that I can't give you any money, but if our uprising can be successful and a glorious empire can be established, you will be the leader of the empire." General." Mengsk drew a big pie.

An irresistible flatbread.

(End of this chapter)

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