Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 1144 Federation and Rebels

Chapter 1144 Federation and Rebels

Chapter 1163 Federation and Rebels

Everyone in the room was sitting together, and the fireplace in the corner emitted enough heat to keep everyone warm.

At night, the temperature will gradually drop. The people here are already quite poor, and even the clothes to keep out the cold are quite scarce.

Even this kind of sturdy house is quite rare, and some people can only choose to live in the basement.

Don't think that the basement is a comfortable place. It is damp, dark and airtight, and it can definitely kill people.

The reason for this choice is entirely because of the high pressure of the federal government.

The farmers who are in charge of farming here cannot afford to pay taxes.

At the same time, the guy who started the riot took a lot of resources from these poor farmers.

To insist on saying that they participated in the riots is to impose crimes on them.

Those federal militiamen couldn't find anyone to vent their hatred on, couldn't find those guys who wantonly launched atrocities, so they could only get angry with these peasants who couldn't leave.

They don't even have clear evidence that these farmers and judges are directly related.

It is only subjective intention or wishful thinking, and given a conviction,
This kind of thing is not uncommon on the entire colonial planet of Keha.

Of course, it only happened in this kind of country lanes that were almost ignored. The situation in the big cities was actually much better than here, and the main riots happened in these small places.

Big cities are protected by troops and well-equipped militias, and they are not places where rioters can invade.

These farmers cheered and regarded Mark as their hero, but Mark didn't know how to deal with the dazed look on his face, and he couldn't even remember his own name.

There is a voice in the dark, calling constantly, and the voice repeats a word forever.

The word is Mark!

The surrounding farmers had never seen Mark's face at all, so they quickly asked about it.

"Young man, where did you come from? You can kill an elite marine with one blow. It's really good!"

"I don't know. I found out that I was here when I woke up. My name should be Mark."

"Mark? What a good name, it sounds very meaningful."

"Say no, Mark will be the hero of our town from now on."

"Everyone cheers to Mark."

Farmers who had no culture at first, only knew how to farm, raised their cups one after another.

For the rest of their lives, they just want to celebrate wantonly.

After all, they were nothing more than a group of ants in Angus' anti-federal war.


One night of carnival, after the end, Mark had already woken up. He looked at the clear sky outside and was just about to stretch when he heard the roar of a machine in the distance.

Mark took a closer look and found that it was a convoy, and there was a group of people at the front of the convoy, holding missing firearms in their hands.

Mark was worried that the accomplice of the guy from yesterday had come, so he rushed to the room and directly picked up a gun in the corner of the room.

He didn't know why he used the gun, but it just felt that way.

Loading and aiming is done in one go, as long as the person on the opposite side dares to fire at him, he will immediately fight back.

But before the convoys approached the house, a figure rushed out and snatched the gun from Mark's hand.

"What are you doing? We can't afford to offend those guys."

It was the farmer who took in Mark last night who was talking, and Mark didn't know his name until now.

"Why?" Mark didn't understand why these guys couldn't afford to offend them. They killed a federal militiaman yesterday. Why can't these people be killed today?

"Let's talk first."

The two entered the house, and the convoy also drove past the house without stopping.

After waiting for the people to leave, the farmer said to Mark: "Those guys from the Federation are at the end of their battle. The nearby cities have been occupied by the rebels. Now it's no big deal if we kill the militiamen from the Federation, but these guys Not the same, these guys are members of the rebels, you have to kill them and the whole town will be destroyed tomorrow."

After yesterday's reception, otherwise the farmer who brought Mark would have learned about the specific situation from Mark.He knew that Mark had lost all his memory, and he didn't know what the current situation was like, so he patiently explained the current situation to Mark.

Mark nodded thoughtfully.

"Then these rebels are just for us?" Mark didn't know what to think, and suddenly asked this question.

The farmer snorted first, and then had a distressed look on his face: "How can it be so easy? Those guys are not fun, they just want to take the grain from us and continue to grow their team .If we don't give food, or don't give enough, we can't even think about living before.

Do you know why there are so many dilapidated empty houses here?Originally, all the houses here had their owners, but in the end they were all killed by these guys.Don't make them all good people, they are not much better.

In the final analysis, this is a struggle between big men, and we are just the little people affected by it.If you watch the federal military bases on TV recently, several places have been attacked and exploded, so I won’t say more about them. "

Mark didn't ask any more questions, and there was no result if there were too many questions, and the one in front of him was just a farmer.

Silently turned on the old TV, and the TV started playing after a burst of snowflakes drifted by.

The latest news of the Federation was broadcast on it. First, several military bases of the Federation were attacked, and secondly, a city located nearby fell.

The reason why Mark judged that it was a nearby city was entirely because of the map next to it. The map displayed on the TV was exactly the same as the map next to it. He was located in the south of the city, less than ten kilometers away. very close.

"The Federation will spare no effort to eliminate these rioters and vow to fight these rioters to the last moment. Residents are requested not to do anything to support the rioters, otherwise they will be dealt with according to federal laws. The following is the latest news from the Federation... "

Mark didn't read any more, and the so-called news that followed had nothing to do with him. You know, after this situation, Mark didn't want to stay here any longer.

According to the news, the Federation will soon dispatch troops to suppress the rebellion, so this place will also be attacked by the Federation troops, and there has been a crime of attacking the Federation militia here before, and the Federation troops will certainly not Let it go.

Although I don't know what kind of urine this army is, but the danger is certain.

But I am penniless, and I don't know what my identity is, so where can I go if I go out from here.

New problems posed in front of Mark.

After thinking for half an hour, there was still no result, so Mark simply gave up thinking.

He went to the field behind the house and said to the farmer who was hoeing, "Mr. Keith, when can we get out of here?"

Farmer Keith took off the sun hat on his head and threw the tools in his hands aside.He walked to Tian Biankou and sat down, took a short break, and after drinking two sips of water, he said to Mark: "What's the matter? Said you remembered where your home is?"

"I just don't think it's safe here. The federation's militiamen just came here. There will definitely be administrative records here and there. If the militiamen die here, they will definitely clean up here. And the TV just said that the federation will soon There will be big moves, and the army will be sent to suppress it."

There is no need to finish the class to continue talking. Keith, who didn't know the news, was full of black lines, and immediately rushed to the basement next to the farm.

Mark followed closely behind and walked down the basement with him. In the basement was a classic car and a huge agricultural mecha.

This kind of agricultural mecha is mainly used on harvest days, and usually stays quietly in the basement, reluctant to take it out for consumption.

Such a mecha is enough for an hour of use.

It can be seen from this that Gies still has a certain appeal in this small town, otherwise such an important thing would not be placed in the basement of his house.

Keith kept gathering the tools around him, and finally he took out a box from the corner and stuffed it into the trunk of the classic car.

Geese originally planned to drive away directly, but thinking of Mark standing there, it would be very dangerous to go out by himself. If he could bring such a young man with him, it would be different.

Alone and unarmed, he killed an elite federal militiaman, and he was still wearing a power combat uniform. This combat power should not be underestimated.

At that time, I can guarantee my own safety on the road, which can be regarded as an added guarantee for my life.

Although it is estimated that he will spend a lot of money at that time, it is better than being robbed or killed.

"Mark, you come with me too. We have to get out of here quickly. The troops of the Federation are moving very fast. According to news reports, it may take a few hours to get here. Can we escape from this place at that time?" Saving is still a problem." Keith shouted at Mark.

Mark didn't have any thoughts about this town. He appeared here after he woke up. He also felt that it was not safe here, so he simply followed Geese.

The two got into the car and drove towards the end of the road. There was only one direction, but there was no destination.

The idea is very simple, to escape from this town as soon as possible. Of course, before leaving, he destroyed everything, including his identity certificate.

(End of this chapter)

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