Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 1122 Quickly strangled

Chapter 1122 Quickly strangled
Chapter 1141 Quickly strangled
There are not a few guys who choose to take risks for money.

There are countless examples from ancient times to the present.

They all thought that they had the ability to hold these benefits in their hands, but in the end, they got nothing, and even put their own lives in it.

After receiving the news, Mark had such emotion. He remembered a game he once played, which was commonly known among players as picking up trash.In a special mission, the player will enter a room full of gold bars, which are very heavy.

Even if I throw away everything on my body, I can't take much with me. I keep moving forward with a heavy load, and I don't want to give up any gold bars on my body.

But after killing the boss, the boss will start a countdown, and the bomb will explode when the countdown is over, and then kill people.

Under normal circumstances, players can completely walk out of the explosion area.

But players with a lot of gold bars on their bodies and heavy loads couldn't walk fast at all.

In this case, no matter how you try, the end result is a word!die!

Because at this time, the player will throw away all the gold bars he has obtained, so that there is still a glimmer of life.

Once the shackles of these gold bars are released, you will be able to escape this crisis-ridden place smoothly!
And the name of this mission is: Dead Money!
And now these mercenaries are lunatics who are desperate for money.

"Follow their plan step by step. I just want to see what new tricks they can come up with. By the way, if possible, after I get rid of those guys, try to recruit their mercenaries as much as possible. I am very happy Be optimistic about you, in the future, the protection task of fever relief may be outsourced to your mercenaries, cherish this opportunity, follow me and I will not only let you have soup to drink, but also meat to eat." Mark can be said to have given a very generous condition.

This is a mercenary, and there is no way to get rid of it anyway.

A permanent job.

In fact, for these space engineers, they can rise up and become space pirates at any time, but after becoming space pirates, they will be wanted.

The main reason is that they don't want to be wanted, so they do the mercenary business, but being a mercenary is not something you can do just by saying it.

And the job is the task of hiring, which is the most troublesome and terrifying. Many mercenary teams have no way to receive the task and have no way to maintain their own livelihoods, and are finally forced to do nothing.

Either choose to go back to your hometown and be an honest farmer, or choose to become a space pirate.

The vast majority chose the latter, and would not choose the days when the former was licking blood.

There are still many soldiers left with traumatic mental illnesses due to wars on the earth, not to mention these cosmic mercenaries fighting in the universe.

This is why many space pirates were formerly space mercenaries.

Because they have no way to get out of this kind of life now.

And the benefits of a stable job are huge, and they don't need to waste energy and time looking for suitable tasks.

Countless cosmic mercenaries dream of joining these big chambers of commerce and becoming their exclusive escorts, but the composition of mercenaries... has always been very complicated, mixed with fish and dragons, and hard to describe.Some can even be said to be quite bad, and embezzling goods is not uncommon.

"Guaranteed to complete the task you gave me!"

"Don't talk so much, use your actual actions to prove your value, I don't like to listen to those big words."

The captain of the early bird quietly turned off the communication, quite excited in his heart, he really wanted to tell his loyal crew members the news, but he was afraid that there would be other spies who would betray him.

A few days later, the mercenary fleet suffered "heavy losses" in the battle.

It's just that this kind of loss is heavy, and only the mercenary knows how heavy it is.

In fact, the fleet did not suffer any damage at all, and what was lost was only some outer armor, but the losses reported by these mercenaries were very serious, according to the originally established treaty.

Mark is obliged to repair these ships lost in the battle.

If the loss of the ship is too heavy, the new ship will be directly compensated or the corresponding funds will be compensated.

Sometimes the value of repairing a ship exceeds the value of the ship itself. Unless the ship is of special value or commemorative significance, it will basically not be given up directly.

Because there is nothing more necessary to say, the money needed for maintenance can completely buy a new ship, which is more advanced and better than the old one.

But now there is no new ship to replace, so we can only bite the bullet and spend money to repair it.

If he didn't know the inside story at all, Mark really thought that these guys had caused normal losses due to the special combat situation.

After all, the fighting has been fierce during this period of time, and the ships of these mercenaries are very fierce.

It is also normal for such serious losses to occur during battles.

But now that Mark already knows the inside story, it is naturally impossible to submit so obediently.

No matter how rich Mark was, he couldn't be taken advantage of. He directly rejected all mercenaries' applications for ship maintenance, and said that he would send professionals to board the ship for inspection.

The application for maintenance funds will only be allowed if it is determined that the inspection does reveal serious damage that requires urgent repairs.

But how many of these mercenary ships really have such problems?
It can be said that such a small method drove them to a desperate situation.

It may be viewed from the perspective of God, the logic is very simple, and it is also easy to guard against.

However, in this special environment, most people will not doubt the authenticity of this matter, but give out the money as soon as possible to ensure that these mercenaries will not rebel, and to ensure that their combat effectiveness continues to be used as cannon fodder Top at the forefront.

Because the more special time it is, the less people want to gamble.

It depends on the problems that can be solved with money. Who wants to let a war fail?

It’s not just about money if you fail, a lot of derivative problems after failure will make you headache, compared to those who lose this little money, it’s really nothing.

Earth is really kind of reliant on mercenaries right now.

However, it has not reached the point where without these mercenaries, there is no way to win the war.It's just that without these mercenaries, the loss is estimated to be greater.

Mark did not violate the original agreement.

Because it was clearly stated when the treaty was signed.Mark is obliged to carry out maintenance, and the maintenance personnel are naturally from Mark's side.

These mercenaries did not expect that the signed treaty would have such a big loophole.

It can only be said that the group of lawyers who acted for Mark are all talents who have counted and counted to the full level.

Human beings have really pushed the intrigue to the point where it can no longer be ordered.


Seeing that Mark's maintenance personnel were about to board the ship, the captains of these mercenaries also began to have a headache.

They want to deny these maintainers to upload, but without any good reason.

In desperation, they had to forcibly destroy some important equipment.

Of course, those excellent technicians can see that these equipment were damaged not long ago, but another problem arises at any time. The task Mark gave them was only to let them determine whether the equipment on the ship was damaged. Things don't belong to them.

These technicians don't want to be the first bird, everyone wants to get out of these mercenary ships alive, so they just record everything, even if these souls haven't been long, even those people are still there destroying it Did not see the same.

The mercenaries also quietly stuffed some resources or money to these technicians, and the technicians did not refuse. They took things one by one, but they had to hand them in after returning.

This is the case here at Mark, you have to follow his rules and regulations, or get out.

When the technician brought the complete technical report back to Mark, Mark sneered.

When the early bird captain had already contacted adjutants or deputies in multiple fleets in private.

After careful communication with them, most of the lieutenants and lieutenants decided to kill their boss.Everyone wants to reach the sky in one step, and everyone wants to get this once-in-a-lifetime iron job. Compared with that boss, the iron job is not worth mentioning in front of him.

Even if some people are reluctant, but think about those people under your own hands, those people will not reason with you, they talk about hard work, but they talk about money.

If you don't agree, someone will kill you and your boss, and then you won't be alone.

Instead of dying in peace and giving this benefit to others, it is better to obtain the benefit by yourself.

And the risk of doing this is very, very low.The early bird promised that Mark would provide help in private, kill all their captains, gain actual control of the fleet, and then organize them into a huge mercenary organization.

And this mercenary organization will be directly affiliated to Mark's Chamber of Commerce in the future, and at the same time contract all the caravan escort missions that trade with the Chamber of Commerce.

Time gradually points to 12 o'clock, and an operation against the high-level mercenaries is also quietly unfolding.

Explosions and fierce gunshots were heard from several ships. Obviously, the captain was not missing, but facing Mark's action team and those mercenaries who had already defected, the beheading operation went very smoothly. .

50% of the captains of the fleet were captured alive, and the rest were either killed or committed suicide by swallowing guns. Anyway, there was no good end.

The worst one was directly thrown into the universe by their subordinates and turned into ice!

(End of this chapter)

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