Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 10 The Danger at the Airport (recommended to add more)

Chapter 10 The Danger at the Airport (recommended to add more)
Chapter 10 Airport Danger

Scum!This is not the first time someone has used this word to describe Tony Stark.

The women he fucked could form a reinforcement company.Naturally, you don't need to think about what those girls who have been hurt by him call this playboy.

Good get together and break up?For profit?
Not all of them are.

Just like Pepper.

Can you say he's for Tony's property?
of course not.

Pepper has never had any unreasonable thoughts about Tony's property.The love for Tony has always been hidden in my heart.

Even when Tony takes those dubious women home and goes to bed.But what did Pepper say?It's ridiculous that the bastard asked Pepper to help him throw away the condoms he used with other women.

But even so, Pepper still loves Tony. If this is not love, then what is love?


The final journey is not as far as imagined.

Although Tony and Ethan were a little weak, they were still able to move.

Especially when Ethan saw the airport, he still had a flash of light. Where did a frail doctor burst out with such strong willpower?

Is this doctor still the kind who knows how to play games and pass the level with one life!I'm like a pediatrician!

Mark had already informed Pepper Pepper here.

The reason Mark was able to contact Pepper so easily was entirely thanks to Emon.

The communicator given by Emon was easily connected to Xiaojiali's phone.Mark didn't tell Pepper who he was, but Mark said that he would take Tony and a tow bottle to the nearest airport at that time.

Pepper also thought about sending someone to pick Tony up immediately, but under Mark's insistence, he still didn't tell where he was.

Naturally, some wicked god wanted to see the playboy famous genius suffer.

I really don't know if Emon is a bad idea.

At least Mark can understand it.

An obscure civilian airport in Afghanistan. It can be said that no one even knew that there was an airport here before.

But with the news of Tony, many people knew about this small and unknown airport.

The simple barbed wire is the guardrail here, and children can easily turn it over.And it's still rusty.

But now there is a group of US Marines on guard here.

These guys all came here by helicopter.

The purpose is to ensure the safety of Tony Stark, a playboy.

Of course, not only Tony's Pepper came here, but also his uncle Obaday Stein.

This old guy was completely a good old man who devoted his whole life for Tony before he was fully exposed.

It's a pity that this guy is full of bad things in his heart, and all he thinks about is taking away Stark Industries.

Unfortunately, the right opportunity has not been found.Not long ago he had seen hope.But hope was dashed.

The mercenary camp seemed to have been attacked by alien creatures, and all the corpses left on the ground were gone!That's right it's gone!It's as if it never showed up.

At the same time, his good nephew Tony also disappeared.

But the heavens seemed to be helping him, that is, his favorite nephew appeared again.

On the way here, the old guy didn't hold back his smile at all.On the surface, it looks like an old man who has found his missing family, and the most seasoned S.H.I.E.L.D. agent can't see anything wrong.But in fact, this guy is completely thinking about how to kill Tony.

Once Tony finds out what happened at that time, it is estimated that the old guy himself will be sentenced to life imprisonment.die?There is absolutely no problem for the old guy to use a little relationship on his own and pull down his old face.

Tony's heart is still soft.At least without threatening Tony's love.

Pepper is one of Tony's weaknesses.


Outside the airport, a group of hired NATO mercenaries waited for a long time.

Each of them holds the latest Stark Industries munitions. Even the armored vehicles are specially made by Stark Industries. They are completely gold-made mercenaries.

It seems that they are completely private soldiers raised by Stark Industries, but even Tony and Pepper don't know the existence of these soldiers.

In fact, this team completely obeyed Obaday Stein, and nominally this team was just a security team.

But their captain is a Hydra member.

"Okay guys, let's get to work, as long as we finish this task, everyone of us can make a fortune!" the captain said to the crowd.

A dozen or so members cheered.

However, Mark, who was a few kilometers away, had already started doing intelligence work.

After the surveillance radar scanned around the airport, Mark knew everything about it.He was quite wary of that heavily armed mercenary squad.

There are Marine Corps protection here, what do these mercenaries do, and that old guy Obaday is also there.Mark basically guessed something.

Looking at Tony and Ethan who were ecstatic, Mark finally didn't say anything about it.

"Can you give me a small position generator?" Mark asked Emon in his body.


Mark said bluntly: "You want me to protect Tony Stark's safety, but the opponent later will be the army of one of the world's most powerful countries and a fully armed mercenary. I can't guarantee that this scene will be good if I don't have anything. Ah! And my death will do you no good!"

"Don't worry! You won't die, things can be given to you, but I will add a new task for you now. That is to kill all the mercenaries and not be wanted!" Amon said, and a situation occurred The device was sent to Mark, but he also put forward his own conditions.

Mark took a breath and looked at the small position generator in his hand.This cold thing feels a little hot to the touch,
"Okay! But I also ask, don't give me any tasks within a month. Such a moth task can obviously be solved in a day, but it has dragged on for such a long time." Mark also complained by the way.

"Hehe!" Emon laughed and disappeared again, as if he had never appeared in Mark's world.

Mark was like a heartless dead child. He cursed inwardly before starting to fiddle with the position generator in his hand.

In fact, Mark didn't know that this was actually the beginning of his nightmare.There is no difficulty at all in missions, and what the Naganaga did next was what really made Mark difficult.

 25 is a very auspicious number, and 25 cards are recommended to be updated once.


(End of this chapter)

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