The behind-the-scenes hands that started with Konoha

Chapter 31 How Misunderstandings Are Made

Chapter 31 How Misunderstandings Are Made

"You have already completed this Wensi Tofu Soup, and your knife skills are perfect, you can add other ingredients on this basis.

The sour taste of the sweet and sour fish is a bit miscellaneous, it should be the problem of vinegar, please improve the production process, and try other fish, try to find the one that is most suitable for this dish.

The numbing flavor of the scallion and pepper fish is not enough. The problem should be in the peppercorns. You can try other varieties of peppercorns, or start to breed new varieties of peppercorns.

The mullet egg soup is not thick enough to blend with the egg slices, and it cannot achieve that tender and smooth taste. You should go down and find a way to solve this.

The broth of the potted tofu is good, but the taste of the tofu is a bit poor. Try to make it with other beans.


Comparing the delicacies he had eaten in his previous life, Shimura Xuanding revealed the difference.

Generally speaking, Zhicunlu's culinary skills are still very good, especially in terms of knife skills, but after all, he has become a monk halfway, and there are still many shortcomings.

But the problem is not big, as long as it continues to develop like this, one day it will be able to perfectly replicate the eight major cuisines of Huaxia in the previous life, and even surpass them.

Uzumaki was stunned by this guidance, and couldn't help but recall how she felt when she saw Hashirama's secret scroll back then, and felt that this little brother was more and more like Hashirama, and she didn't speak human words.

As for Senju Nawaki, when Shimura Xuanding said these inhuman words, he quickly ran away and ran to the secret pavilion, but he went to the top floor of the secret pavilion.

"Old sister, something is wrong, grandma wants to find us a step-grandfather!"

Entering the top floor of the secret pavilion in a hurry, Senju Naoki shouted anxiously.

These bad words made Tsunade, who was practicing the Yin Seal, almost run out of Chakra, and it took a while to calm down Chakra.


"What nonsense are you talking about? How could grandma find us a step-grandfather!"

Annoyed, he punched the stupid Ododo in front of him on the head, Tsunade felt that this kid was out of order, even his grandmother dared to arrange it.

"I'm not talking nonsense, I saw with my own eyes that my grandmother had dinner with that guy Shimura Xuanding, and kept serving food to my grandmother, and my grandmother didn't refuse. They looked more like a couple than our parents, not to mention how affectionate they are! "

Clutching the rapidly bulging forehead with tears in his eyes, Senju Nawaki said that he was not talking nonsense, he witnessed it with his own eyes.

When he was eating before, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He always felt that that bastard had plans for his grandmother, and the worst thing was that his grandmother didn't refuse.

This was a very dangerous signal. Maybe that guy would really become his step-grandfather.

"Damn little pervert!"

Seeing that his stupid Ododo doesn't seem to be lying, Tsunade got angry, got up and hurried to his mansion, ready to drag out that little pervert and destroy it humanely.

Although my grandmother's face is not old because of the Yin seal, she even looks younger than her granddaughter, but it is her grandmother after all.

If she was with an elder, she would bear it. After all, her grandfather passed away early, and it was not easy for her grandmother to be widowed for so many years.

But why did you have to choose that little pervert?
These two people really want to get together, in the future should I call that kid apprentice?
Or the post-grandfather as Sheng Shu said?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and he ran quickly with the teleportation technique, and Tsunade, who soon returned to the mansion, felt it a little bit, and found Genkan Shimura lying in a bedroom, breathing long, probably asleep, and his grandmother was in the living room. Flipping through a scroll on the sofa.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Tsunade walked into the living room and sat opposite his grandmother, without speaking, just watching quietly.

After a while, a young man walked in quickly and sat silently next to Tsunade. It was Thousand Hands Orange Water.

Just now when his nephew Senju Naoki came to him, he immediately put down his business and rushed over.

"Is something wrong?"

Putting down the scroll in his hand, Uzumaki asked in bewilderment, the expressions of these two people seemed to have something serious.

On the opposite side, Tsunade and Senju Chengshui's nephew and uncle looked at each other, and finally Senshou Chengshui bit the bullet and said, "Auntie, what do you think of Shimura Gending's child?"

He didn't dare to ask his aunt directly if he wanted to remarry, or raise a face, otherwise he would definitely be hanged and beaten.

Don't look at him as a shadow-level powerhouse, but he is no different from a child in front of this aunt.

"A handsome young man, what's the matter?"

Expressing her impression of that little brother, Uzumaki Meidu felt even more puzzled, what happened to these two?
"But he's Shimura Danzo's son!"

Tsunade opened his mouth at this time, but also didn't dare to ask directly, and was going to remind him from the side.

"Danzang is Danzang, and his son is his son. Is there an inevitable connection between the two? Don't misunderstand little brother Xuanding just because of Danzang's relationship. That little brother is quite nice."

With dissatisfaction on her face, Uzumaki felt that the two juniors had misunderstood that little brother.

She herself is very accurate in seeing people, and coupled with the ability to perceive malice from Nine Tails, she has never sensed the slightest malice from that kid for such a long time.

Such a good guy is rare!
Seeing that Tsunade was about to speak again, Uzumaki raised her hand to stop her, and said dissatisfiedly, "I know this well, so I don't need you to teach me!"

Seeing Uzumaki Mito's determination, Tsunade and Senju Chengshui's uncle and nephew on the opposite side looked at each other again, and smiled helplessly.

Although they were unwilling, they did not dare to offend this elder.

No way, this one has the biggest fist in the Qianshou family.

"From now on, the teaching of Shengshu will be handed over to little brother Xuanding. Don't interfere, just make sure that he doesn't die."

Uzumide reveals her decision, but Tsunade strongly opposes it.

"No, I don't agree to give the rope tree to that little pervert to teach!"

Just kidding, now she can't wait to destroy that little pervert, how can she let him teach her own Oudou?

My own Oududou is stupid and cute, what if that little pervert is taught to become another little pervert, peeping in the bathhouse?
Their Qianshou family can't afford to lose that person!
"Little pervert? Didn't see it!"

Uzumaki blinked her eyes cutely, Uzumaki couldn't understand her granddaughter's words.

She thought her appearance was top-notch, but when she first met that little brother, his eyes were clear, exactly the same as when Zhu Jian saw her back then.

This kind of man is generally not moved by beauty, has his own philosophy and persistence, and is absolutely impossible to be the little pervert in the mouth of his granddaughter.

Even though he was a little more diligent before, it should be because of the vortex sealing technique he knew.

In addition, according to his understanding of Shimura Danzo, it is unlikely to propose that the E-level body-building secret technique be used as a ninja school textbook without seeking fame and fortune, and even use the D-level body-building secret technique as a bargaining chip to make many ninjas clan agree.

This is not Shimura Danzo's style, so this matter should be the work of that little brother, but I don't know why Shimura Danzo acquiesced in this matter.

But no matter what, being able to do such a thing is enough to prove that the little brother's heart and heart are exactly the same as Zhujian's back then, and he is all for the sake of the village.

"Okay, okay, both of you have misunderstood little brother Xuan Ding, and you should be more polite to him in the future. According to seniority, he is now the same generation as you, Cheng Shui."

She could see that the two of them had a deep misunderstanding of the little brother.

"What? The same generation as me?"

With a confused face, Qianshou Chengshui couldn't understand what this aunt meant.

It stands to reason that he is of the same generation as Shimura Danzo and others, why is he now of the same generation as that kid?
Could it be that the kid is actually not Brother Danzang's son, but Brother Danzang's younger brother?

Senshou Orange Water couldn't help thinking about it, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, and he couldn't help feeling more pity for Shimura Danzo.

Tsunade on the side also had a big brain, but it was a different kind of brain.

"It's over, it's over, grandma is really tempted by that little pervert, and she has started to raise her seniority for that little pervert. This is obviously preparing for the future together!"

It's not nice to be with a grandchild, but it's much better to be with a nephew.

My grandmother really fell!
Uzumaki doesn't know what the two juniors in front of her are thinking, otherwise she will be pissed off.

"Hashirama once left an inheritance on the first floor of the Secret Pavilion, splitting the clues to unlock the seal and writing them into those scrolls.

Today, the little brother found this secret scroll inheritance, and he is regarded as Zhujian's second-generation disciple.

Although we cannot pass on the secret arts of our Qianshou family to him because of foreign reasons, at least we must give him some respect. "

She was very clear about her husband's intentions in doing this back then, it was a test, as long as she could find this secret scroll, she would be able to receive key training.

It's a pity that no one from the Qianshou family has passed the test for so many years, and even few people go to the Secret Pavilion to read books. Even if they do, they go directly to the second floor. Almost no one touches the scrolls on the first floor, let alone read them all. It's the last time.

"What? He got the secret scroll inheritance from Grandpa!"

Huo Ran got up, his eyes widened, Tsunade really didn't expect such a thing to happen.

At that time, I left a message to let the kid go to the first floor of the secret pavilion to read books, just to let him learn more, read the notes of those ancestors, have a deeper understanding of the ninja world, and prepare for future missions out of the village.

But who would have thought that little pervert could find the inheritance of the secret scroll left by his grandfather, how did that kid do it?
Also, when did my great-grandfather leave the inheritance there?
How could she, a granddaughter, not know?
Thousand Hands Orange Water at the side didn't speak, but exuded a faint murderous intent.

The inheritance of secret ninjutsu is the lifeblood of the ninja clan, and it must not be passed on to the outside world, especially the inheritance of the secret scroll left by the uncle.

Since that kid has got his uncle's inheritance, he can only get rid of it ruthlessly. I believe that even Brother Danzang won't say anything about it.

That kid has violated the taboo bottom line of the ninja clan, and he deserves to die!


Just as Qianshou Chengshui was thinking about how to kill Shimura Xuanding, a scroll hit his forehead, and the huge force carried on it sent his whole body flying, and it was embedded on the wall to become a humanoid relief.

"Your generation is useless!"

The whirlpool Meidu who threw the scroll looked at Qianshou Orange Water bitterly, feeling more and more that the Qianshou family was going downhill.

Among other things, this measure is not even as good as Feijian!
Facing his aunt's reprimand, Qianshou Chengshui was at a loss, and at the same time was very confused.

Did you do something wrong?
"Go back and copy the diaries of Hashirama and Tobima ten times for me!"

Too lazy to pay attention to this small-minded nephew, Uzumaki waved her hand and signaled to get out of here.

Being the head of the clan has only so much ability, no wonder the Qianshou family will gradually decline.

"Yes, Auntie!"

Although still full of confusion, Qianshou Orange Shui didn't dare to refute, buckled himself off the wall and bowed away, taking away the scroll at the same time, because it said the secret scroll between the pillars.

"You also go and copy the diaries of Hashirama and Feijian ten times for me. Don't try to use the shadow clone to save trouble. Also, after going back this time, if you don't repair the Yin seal, you are not allowed to come out!"

Tsunade stared at Tsunade who was about to say something, and Uzumi signaled you to get out of here too, she was annoyed seeing these juniors.

One is obsessed with gambling, the other is a patriarch but narrow-minded, and that kid Shengshu is even more stubborn. Qianshou's generation is completely useless! ——
(Attention everyone, the pig's feet are about to start to take the blame, and the journey of proving the Tao with the scapegoat has officially begun, and it will surely surpass his father Ninja Nabe Shadow to become a more compelling Ninja Nabe Fairy!!!
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(End of this chapter)

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