Chapter 99
The severe pain penetrated deeply into Tony's head like ten thousand ants eating marrow.

He almost passed out, his consciousness was extremely weak, and because the steel armor lacked the balance point of his right arm and the energy conduction from his abdomen was blocked, he could no longer maintain Tony's suspension in the air at this moment.

He... fell down again.


Compared with the previous time, it hit the ground even harder, and dust suddenly rose up.

After a long time, when Tony regained consciousness amid Jarvis' intermittent warning, he found that the figure still completely covered by red light had come to his side.

Those eyes, as cold as a god, were looking down at him just like Tony did before.

"Who are you?" Tony wanted to flee instinctively, but found that his body couldn't move at all, so he could only ask in horror.

Zhong Shenxiu did not respond to him.

After observing that Tony's wound would not kill him in a short time, Zhong Shenxiu turned and walked towards the wreckage of the mechanical armor.

Stretching out his hand to grab it, he pulled out the still intact Ark Reactor in his chest.

This thing is considered the most precious in the whole armor, and it is necessary to recycle it.

Throw the rest here, anyway, it has turned into a pile of broken copper and iron, and the other party can't investigate and deal with any clues based on the materials that can be bought anywhere.

As for why the ark reactor on Tony's chest was not also buckled.

The main reason is that Zhong Shenxiu is afraid that he will die
A living Tony is much better than a dead one. One is that Zhong Shenxiu has to rely on him to explode the Heart of Steel, and the other is that he has to rely on his Stark stocks to earn funds for the production of the space gem search device.

And Zhong Shenxiu specially pierced Tony's abdomen with a lightning spear, which is also the reason why the damage caused by the high-voltage current is very terrifying.

But in fact, because it is a high-voltage current, the wound on Tony's abdomen has been scalded a lot at this time, and it will not spur blood like a normal abdominal opening, so he will not live for long.

In addition, Zhong Shenxiu chopped off his right arm, first to ensure that Tony would definitely come to him for treatment. After all, few people except him could achieve the rebirth of a severed limb.

The second is to keep Tony from dying.

Someone once asked, why do people bleed to death when they cut their wrists, but most of them don't when their arms are broken?

This is actually related to the arteries and blood vessels of the human body. The arteries and blood vessels of the human body are extremely elastic. When they are completely broken, they will retract into the muscles like a spring.

For example, someone's upper end of the elbow joint was severed, and it is possible that your brachial artery can spring back into the shoulder at this moment. This leads to the most troublesome thing when performing this type of operation. The arterial vessel that retracts to.
Finding it, pulling it out, and re-sewing it up sounds a little funny, but this is a normal operation for a ruptured artery.

This kind of arterial rebound can also be regarded as a self-protection function of the human body, because it can indeed effectively reduce the problem of arterial blood loss.

Alas. In order to save Tony's life, Zhong Shenxiu really took great pains——

I was afraid that it would kill him too hard all at once, but I was also afraid that it would be too light and cause no harm, so my busy work was wasted.

Glancing at Tony, who was breathing weakly but could last for a long time, Zhong Shenxiu stopped paying attention, but put the Ark reactor in his pocket, and took out a small silver box from his thigh.

Open it, and there are six small metal containers neatly inside, each about the size of a fingernail.

It is full of blood, which he asked Ivan to make before, to be used with his Skrull Transfiguration.

I don't know what kind of black technology Ivan has installed here, as long as it is placed in this small box, the blood in these containers can even last for more than a week.

Some blood is even relatively fresh, and can even last for more than ten days.

With this device, Zhong Shenxiu's restrictions on using Skrull's Transformation were greatly reduced. He only needs to replenish blood to it every other week or so.

It is much more convenient than before.

Zhong Shenxiu walked into a shadow without any cameras or human eyes, and then canceled the magic power of chaos that had been covering his face.

Then open a small capsule.

The finger suddenly turned green, and a hole was opened in it, absorbing all the bright red blood in the capsule.

Soon Zhong Shenxiu changed his image.

He turned into a white man with five big and three thick red necks.
Afterwards, Zhong Shenxiu did the same thing, walked around this area for a long time, changed his appearance several times, and finally made sure that it was absolutely safe before heading home.

He needed to go home quickly. Just as he was leaving, Zhong Shenxiu sensed that people from SHIELD had come to the Stark Weapons R&D Department.

It won't be long before they transport Tony to his Zhongshen Clinic.

As for Ivan and Peter.

They both left early.

This was a long-established plan. According to the plan, after Ivan was filled with materials, he would drive Peter to take the return route planned in advance to the secret base.

Regarding their safety, Zhong Shenxiu was at ease.

After all, there is a "Spiderman", escort it.


"Let's go directly like this, don't wait for the show?"

Peter hung upside down from the ceiling of the cab, looking at the Stark Weapons R&D Department, which was under heavy artillery fire in the distance, and white and blue lasers bursting out countless light currents, and asked.

Hearing that Ivan also glanced at the weapons research and development department where the battle was fierce from the rearview mirror, he was a little surprised:

Who on earth can fight like this with the boss?

Then he looked away, continued to drive the truck, and replied to Peter: "Don't wait, the boss' plan is to let us go first, and he will come back later, don't worry."

Said it was reassuring, but as soon as he heard the booming sound of the energy explosion, even Ivan began to feel a little worried involuntarily.

"Or I go back"

Peter's proposal was interrupted by Ivan before he could speak.

"Follow the order, our mission is to escort this truckload of materials, don't make any troubles." Ivan reminded.

"Oh." Peter nodded with some lack of interest, but his eyes kept staring at the weapon research and development department where the battle was fierce, looking a little yearning.

But Ivan didn't care about this little kid.

He stomped on the gas pedal.

It was almost as if he was about to dry it directly into the fuel tank. At the same time, Ivan kept observing the lonely back road through the rearview mirror and the front windshield.

He had an inexplicable feeling.

Can't tell.

But I always feel like someone is staring at him.

This is the main reason why Ivan negligently accelerated the speed of going back.

I hope it's an illusion. Looking at the darkness around me, Ivan thought.

(End of this chapter)

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