Be a Poison Milk from Marvel Prison

Chapter 8 Medical proficiency at the beginning

Chapter 8 Medical proficiency at the beginning
Everything that followed was so logical. After Zhong Shenxiu asked the prison guard for instructions, she was taken back to the infirmary by Dr. Jin Sha, and then she took a hemostatic cloth and pressed it tightly on the wound, which is called pressing to stop bleeding.

At such a close distance, Zhong Shenxiu could even smell the faint fragrance of Dr. Jin Sha.

Dr. Jinsha has long hair like gold, fair complexion and three-dimensional facial features. She belongs to the standard appearance of European and American women. She is not particularly beautiful, but she is better than her exquisite figure.

Under the loose white coat, you can faintly see its perfect curves.

No wonder it is so popular with prisoners.

After Zhong Shenxiu looked him up and down, he cursed in his heart.

Then Zhong Shenxiu will raise his head and sweep across the entire infirmary. The interior of the infirmary is bigger than he imagined, and all kinds of medical equipment are complete. Now the only few hospital beds are full of wounded patients, and the chairs beside him are also full of wounded people. It is full of patients waiting for treatment.

Those young interns were doing the simplest hemostasis and disinfection work for them.

In terms of numbers alone, the wounded in the infirmary are far from enough compared to the wounded in the entire prison.

Because there are too many injured people, most of the slightly injured prisoners are now throwing some disinfectant and bandages in their cells, and let the prisoners solve it by themselves. Only those who can't solve it or start to have a fever due to infection will be sent to the hospital for the first time. Immediately sent to the infirmary.

The others will wait until the infirmary becomes free.

By then, most of the wounds will have healed on their own.
But no way.

Still, there were too many wounded, and such a small infirmary couldn't handle it.

And this is why Zhong Shenxiu chose to perform this scene at the door of the infirmary. If he wanted to contact Dr. Jinsha at this time, he could only use this method.

Otherwise, unless he cut off one of his legs and his life was in danger, then maybe he would be sent to the infirmary urgently.

But that is the real bet on life, and the risk is too high.

Zhong Shenxiu felt that he was at the door of the infirmary, and this move to cut the branch of the radial artery was a low-risk move, but it could also achieve the ultimate goal.

At least he has now entered the infirmary and had face-to-face contact with Dr. Jin Sha.

That counts as a success.

"Did you just cut it yourself?"

Dr. Jinsha helped Zhong Shenxiu's left thumb to be bandaged, moved closer, and said quietly.

Hearing this, Zhong Shenxiu's expression remained unchanged, and he replied, "How is it possible, I have no tendency to self-harm."

"Really—" Dr. Jinsha's green eyes glanced at Zhong Shenxiu lightly, and paused for a moment under her delicate mixed-race face.

Then she seriously explained: "If this is really the wound you said this morning, then about fifteen hours have passed. After such a long time, there must be edema around the wound."

"But I saw when I bandaged you just now, there is nothing around your wound, it is as clean as if it was just cut."

Hearing these words, Zhong Shenxiu immediately changed his attitude towards Dr. Jinsha a lot, but he had already considered how to deal with this variable when he discovered it, so he took advantage of the situation and said:

"Doctor, you are really amazing. You actually discovered all of this. In fact, I have to come to the infirmary today at the expense of self-harm. I do have something to ask you."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Dr. Jinsha took two steps back and sat back on the chair, raising her legs, and her smooth black silk was inadvertently exposed under the white coat.

Now she is actually very busy.

But she was suddenly very interested in the request of the prisoner in front of him who even did not hesitate to harm himself, and it is very important that the prisoner is a very handsome guy.

"Is such that--"

Zhong Shenxiu pretended to recall the past, and said the words that he had already simulated in his mind several times:
"Actually, I had a dream of being a doctor since I was a child, but because of my poor grades, I failed to get into medical school, and then I started to give up on myself. I even went to jail now."

"I have already regretted it deeply in prison. I think the infirmary is so busy now that there must be a shortage of people. Can I come here to help? Let me make some final contributions to the world."

Relying on these words alone is not enough, Zhong Shenxiu is very clear.

But the so-called negotiation is actually the same as Doudizhu, he needs to use small cards to test first, and then show a few bombs at the right time.

You can't throw a king bomb at the beginning, then the winning chips will be much less.

Sure enough, Dr. Jinsha refused: "Excuse me sir, I really can't let an outsider who has not received any medical training come into contact with these patients."

"I can bandage, and I can also treat diseases. My grandfather is a doctor. I have been familiar with medical books under his education since I was a child, and I still have some experience in treating diseases."

Zhong Shenxiu immediately pretended to be excited to answer Dr. Jinsha's refusal.

"You said it would be enough? I have seen a lot of people like you these days, so I just want to use this to get close to Teacher Jinsha."

A young male intern heard their conversation and came over to Zhong Shenxiu sarcastically.

Because Dr. Jin Sha is the only woman in the prison, the prisoners are trying their best every day, racking their brains to find various reasons to approach her.

Apparently Zhong Shenxiu's reason has already been used.

However, Zhong Shenxiu still looked a little excited. He patted his chest and said, "What I said is true! You can test me anyway."

This is his first bomb.

With his proficiency in medicine, he will naturally not be afraid of any test.

"Okay, then what do you say are the bones that participate in the composition of the human wrist joint?"

The young intern took the lead in asking Zhong Shenxiu, and he regarded Zhong Shenxiu's words as a challenge.

"Scaphoid, lunate, triangular, pisiform, trapezoid, small trapezoid, capitate, and hamate." Zhong Shenxiu said these terms very skillfully.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the young intern and Dr. Jinsha changed slightly.

Maybe Zhong Shenxiu has actually learned it. Except for those who study medicine, no one will memorize this knowledge of human anatomy.

"What are the common types of fractures?" The young intern asked again in disbelief.

But obviously he is currently in the research period, and all he asks are basic questions.

For today's Zhong Shenxiu, this is so simple that he can do it at his fingertips.Without thinking, he directly replied: "Transverse fracture, oblique fracture, spiral fracture, insertion fracture, comminuted fracture, compression fracture, stellate fracture, greenstick fracture."

One is right!
The young intern couldn't believe it, and he immediately asked: "What are the common treatment methods for these fractures?"

"Okay Hal."

Doctor Jin Sha stopped the young intern Hal with a voice, then got up and walked to a prisoner lying on the bed with a big bloody gash on his leg, and said to Zhong Shenxiu:

"Come and treat his wound."

"Yeah." Zhong Shenxiu nodded and stepped forward.

Seeing this, Hal immediately retorted: "Mr. Jinsha, how can a layman like him handle patients!"

To be honest, Dr. Jin Sha is also a little confused, why did she do this?
In fact, the basic anatomical knowledge that Zhong Shenxiu answered earlier is only the surface of the skin in terms of the entire ocean of medicine.

Those who have not undergone systematic training will naturally memorize it as long as they study for a period of time.

It's just that the calm and self-confidence that Zhong Shenxiu displayed at that moment made her extremely curious.

She is very interested in Zhong Shenxiu, a handsome prisoner.
Seeing that Dr. Jinsha didn't answer him, Hal just wanted to refute a few more words, but shut up directly under Zhong Shenxiu's smooth operation.

Zhong Shenxiu put the gravel aside, picked up a knife and a suture needle, and began to treat the prisoner's bloody gash.

Disinfection, excision of necrotic tissue, suturing, and even the little bow after the final bandaging.

They are all so smooth and perfect.

Although his left hand was injured.

But within a few minutes, Zhong Shenxiu completely healed the patient's wound.

With such fluency and speed, I am afraid that even Jinsha can't do it.

The surrounding interns and Dr. Jin Sha were dumbfounded. They never thought that what Zhong Shenxiu said earlier was actually true!
Then Zhong Shenxiu turned around and asked Dr. Jinsha, "Can I stay here to help, doctor?"

However, Dr. Jinsha still hesitated, and she said, "I need to report this kind of thing to the higher authorities."

But in Zhong Shenxiu's eyes, this undoubtedly indicates that:

There is a play!

Zhong Shenxiu was overjoyed, and then——

He's going to move out the king bomb that has been finalized!
(End of this chapter)

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