Be a Poison Milk from Marvel Prison

Chapter 78 Pepper and Happy

Chapter 78 Pepper and Happy
A military airport in New York.

When Coulson brought Zhong Shenxiu here in his car, his biggest impression was that it was big. Nuoda's airport was endless at a glance, and there were all kinds of planes parked inside.

From time to time, there were bursts of engine roar of fighter jets, strong wind-breaking sound of military helicopter propellers, and the roar of that giant transport plane.

It's like a movement here, one after another.

Coulson parked the car next to an empty apron, and the landing taxiway beside it was being cleaned and evacuated by staff, and it seemed that a plane was about to land here.

There is another car on the side, the small silver figure on the front is the most eye-catching, representing the extraordinary value of this car.

This is a black Rolls Royce, and there are two people standing beside the car, one is a slightly fat man wearing a black expensive suit, a pair of dark sunglasses, and pursing his lips.

The other is a woman in a workplace OL suit, a little thin, with freckles that fit the aesthetics of Westerners under her blond hair.

Both of them were familiar characters to Zhong Shenxiu.

It is the two classic supporting roles that are indispensable to the Iron Man series.

The former is called Harpy, Tony Stark's personal bodyguard, and the latter is called Pepper, nicknamed Pepper. Now he is Tony Stark's personal life assistant, and in the future he will be the CEO of the Stark Group. Tony's wife.

At this time, both of them were looking into the distance, as if they were looking for the trace of the prodigal son who had been away from home for three months in the blue sky.

As soon as Coulson's black Toyota parked here, it attracted the attention of soldiers in camouflage uniforms standing aside with dark rifles.

The higher up gave them a death order.

Next, an important person will be welcomed here, and they need to ensure that everything is safe. Therefore, they need to investigate first for this kind of person who has not been notified in advance.

The vigilance is not necessary, because the other party can drive here from the gate swaggeringly, which shows that the identity is definitely not that kind of vicious gangster.

But the normal process still has to go.

So there was a man who looked like the captain of the soldier squad, and when the black Toyota stopped, he went up to it.

Tap on the car window and shout: "Sir, please show your relevant documents."

Hearing this, Coulson lowered the car window, showed that formulaic smile, took out a small notebook from his pocket, handed it to the soldier captain, and didn't say anything more.

And when the soldier captain looked at the certificate carefully, a little solemnity appeared on his expressionless face.

He quickly gave a military salute, and said solemnly: "Welcome, sir!" At the same time, he held the ugly document with both hands and handed it back to Coulson.

After taking it and putting it back in his arms, Coulson nodded as if responding, and then got out of the car.

Seeing this, Zhong Shenxiu naturally withdrew her gaze from looking at Pepper and Happy, and also followed Coulson out of the car.

However, he also noticed what happened just now, so Zhong Shenxiu got out of the car and walked to the side of Coulson, and asked in a low voice: "What documents did you show? It can have such a big effect, I remember your S.H.I.E.L.D. Isn't it the intelligence service?"

"Secret." Coulson returned a formulaic smile.

Then he walked quickly to Little Pepper, who was already looking at him, stretched out his right hand, and introduced with a smile: "My name is Coulson, we belong to S.H.I.E.L.D., and we have called you in advance Greeted."

Wen Yan Xiaojiao thought for a while, but she didn't think about it for a while. In order to avoid the embarrassment of the scene, she also shook hands and responded:

"Sorry, the CIA and the FBI have come to look for me recently, and I'm a little confused for a while."

"We are an independent department, and our functions should be more centralized. About five hours later, our employees called you back. It was the call to seek treatment for Tony Stark. I heard that you did not agree. said Coulson.

Hearing this, Little Pepper immediately slapped his head, "Oh, I remembered. At that time, I thought it was a harassing call. After all, Tony had been missing for so long. Suddenly someone called me and said that Tony was seriously injured and needed to Emergency treatment, if I agree, I will treat him as a liar."

"Not long after that, the military called me again to say that Tony was found and was on the plane to New York, so I hurried over to pick him up again and forgot about it." With a little apologetic smile.

Coulson's face remained the same, and he still had the iconic smile. Instead, he extended his hand and introduced to Little Pepper: "This is Zhong Shenxiu, the world's top doctor I invited to treat Tony."

Hearing this, Pepper also shifted his gaze to the handsome young man behind Coulson.

So handsome and young. These were all the thoughts in Xiaojiao's mind at this moment, and then she began to react again.The world's top doctor. So young?

In her impression, all the doctors who can be linked with the top are at least 30 years old, and even most of them are middle-aged and elderly people with gray hair.

The main thing is the medical industry, which requires a lot of practical foundation and knowledge of various diseases, otherwise it is impossible to become a qualified doctor.

As for Zhong Shenxiu, does this look 20 years old?
Pepper was even a little skeptical, so she was a little skeptical about Coulson's title of "the world's top doctor".

Seeing Xiaojiali's eyes scanning up and down, Zhong Shenxiu probably guessed what she was thinking.

However, he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, it's useless to explain medicine by lip service. It's still necessary to practice true knowledge and cure the disease before the other party starts to change.

Therefore, facing Xiaojiali's questioning eyes, Zhong Shenxiu just smiled lightly.

But at this time, when he heard the word Zhong Shenxiu, Ha Pi, who had been standing behind Xiaojiali, pursing his lips and wearing sunglasses behind his back to play handsome, suddenly took off his sunglasses and took a serious look at Zhong Shenxiu.

Asked: "Zhongshen Clinic?"

"You know?" Zhong Shenxiu was a little surprised. He knew that his Zhongshen clinic was already well-known in the rich circles of New York, but he didn't expect it to be so famous, even Happy knew about it.

At this time, Pepper also looked at Happy with questioning eyes, waiting for his next explanation.

Happy took two steps forward, then stared at Zhong Shenxiu with wide eyes in disbelief, and said, "I didn't expect you to be so young!"

Then he moved his gaze to Pepper and explained:
"You've been busy taking care of Tony's affairs recently. I don't know. This Mr. Zhong Shen is very famous in New York recently, and has even been hailed as the miracle doctor of New York!"

 Second correction is being written

(End of this chapter)

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