Chapter 5 Rhinoceros
On the top of the head is a rhinoceros horn as thick as an adult's thigh, and the whole body except the face is covered with silver-white polymer skin, and the high and raised muscles are exaggerated like sculptures from the Spartan period.

His height must have exceeded four meters, and his huge body stood there like a destructive tank.

Isn't it the old opponent of Spider-Man, Rhino?
Zhong Shenxiu thought for a while, and then remembered the identity of the behemoth in front of him.

In his impression, there are two images of the Rhino in Marvel, one is the Rhino in "The Amazing Spider-Man", which is made of machinery, and the other is the classic Rhino with silver-white polymer skin.

But this one is more like a combination of the two.

It has a huge four-meter-high mechanical rhinoceros, and also has an old-fashioned polymer skin.

The rhinoceros seemed to be going crazy for no reason at the moment, with red eyes sprinting left and right, the first floor of the prison was destroyed by him, and it was a mad cow.

As for White, who was hung on the rhinoceros horn, the situation was not optimistic at this time. The whole person was like a rubber man without bones, shaking there powerlessly as the rhinoceros man went crazy.

Apparently unconscious. Possibly even dead.
The rhinoceros is holding the white and black leaders in his left and right hands respectively, although both of them are still conscious.

But it was not easy to see the blood gushing from their five orifices due to the tremendous pressure.

But what puzzled Zhong Shenxiu the most was that when this extremely oppressive Rhino came to the first floor of the prison, the prisoners still did not stop their desperate fighting.

It was as if no Rhinoceros existed at all.

Therefore, the prison at this time constituted a strange picture of chaos.

The rhinoceros wreaked havoc there with red eyes, and the prisoners who could still stand up were fighting with their lives there, and some who could not even stand up, but were still able to move, all squirmed forward on the ground, as if they would continue to fight go down.

The two do not affect each other, just like being in two different spaces.


This word popped up in Zhong Shenxiu's mind instantly.

The scene in front of me can only be described as weird, it is simply unreasonable.

But what happened next really perfectly explained all the unreasonable phenomena in the prison starting tonight.

The rhinoceros didn't growl and go berserk for too long, and soon he stopped, knelt on the spot, and crazily hit his head with his thick arms.

Eyes with a frightening red light flickered.

He kept muttering something in his mouth: "'t try to dominate me."

Seeing the flickering frequency of the red light between Rhino Man's eyes getting lower and lower, the red light will soon dissipate!
The most shocking scene is coming!
From the bodies of nearly a thousand prisoners, whether they were lying on the ground or still fighting selflessly, the same frightening red light emerged from their bodies, but the color was relatively lighter than that of the Rhinoceros.

Even the thin young man next to Zhong Shenxiu also appeared on his body at the same time.

Immediately, these red lights converged like a swimming dragon, illuminating the entire prison, and their targets were, without exception, the rhino man kneeling on the ground and beating his head madly!

The red light left the body, and those prisoners who could stand up seemed to have finally regained their sanity.

After catching a glimpse of the monster-like appearance of the rhinoceros man, he screamed like a normal person and began to flee in a panic.

In an instant, the first floor of the prison became even more chaotic.

The rhino man with thousands of red lights entering his body was just the opposite of the other prisoners. His eyes were filled with red light again, and his whole body returned to calm——

Then he stood up slowly, no longer struggling or resisting.

At first glance, it looks like a marionette.

His expression was a little dull.

With a flick of the head, White, who was hanging on the rhino's horn, was thrown directly into a perfect parabola and thrown into the distance.His hands were like throwing bowling balls, throwing away the half-dead one black and one white like rubbish.

Afterwards, the muscles all over his body bulged even more, and before the ink was stained for a moment, he raised his head and slammed into the high wall to the west of the prison!

Looking at his posture, it seems that he is planning to directly open a hole in the wall!

Among the fleeing prisoners, some bold ones also noticed this scene, so they all stopped and stared at the rhinoceros.

Zhong Shenxiu took advantage of this period and quietly came to White's side.

White's current situation can be described as miserable.

A bloody hole the size of a basin was opened in his abdomen, and the intestines inside were broken and shattered. Zhong Shenxiu could even directly see his slightly yellowed lumbar spine.

But...White is alive!

Although his breath was thin and thin, as if he would die at any moment, at this moment, he was still tenaciously alive.

For Zhong Shenxiu who has healing skills, as long as he is not dead, he can be saved.

Now he can be called the little "Pursuing Soul of the Underworld".

He looked up for a while, and soon saw an iron table for prison guards on duty at the corner of the narrow road.

It's an excellent cover.

And at the same time that Zhong Shenxiu moved White, Rhino's mighty head hammer also came to the tall west wall!

There was a loud noise, and the entire prison was creaking and trembling, as if it had been hit by a magnitude [-] earthquake.

However, there were only a few more cracks on the west wall, but it didn't break!

You must know that the official data of this rhino is a super strong man who can lift 75 tons of weight, and it is not a problem to knock down a building with a hammer.

But the western wall actually only cracked a few cracks.

I really don't know what kind of black technology Stark Industries used to renovate this prison.

Zhong Shenxiu also fully understood why the prison guards here are so rubbish, but the number of escapees from this prison has always been "0" for decades.

This is a wall that no fucking rhinoceros can break through.

It's really like in the prison break movie, digging with a spoon, digging with a shovel?

After digging through, it is estimated that people will either die, or they will all be released from prison after serving their sentences.

The rhinoceros couldn't take a single blow, he shook his big head, and then took two steps back, and there was another violent impact.


The entire prison was spinning, and the prisoners who were about to stand still became excited one by one at this time.

They found that the monster was actually helping them escape from prison.

Immediately, he began to stare at every collision of the rhinoceros with expectant eyes.

Every sound of that bang bang directly hit their hearts.

Rhino is also worthy of being a well-known super villain in his previous life. With his unremitting efforts, the cracks on the western wall are getting bigger and bigger.

Looks like it won't last long.

And Zhong Shenxiu, who was behind the iron table in the distance, spent ten points of mental energy to restore all of White's intestines.

Although there was still a little mental power left, Zhong Shenxiu did not continue.

Because... the system reminded him just now that he obtained an active ability from White:
[Skrull Transformation Lv.1]


This also means:
White is a Skrull?
In an instant, Zhong Shenxiu felt dizzy.

He had just figured out why these prisoners were so abnormal, and why the Rhinoceros yelled "Don't try to dominate me":

Zhong Shenxiu guessed that these people should all be controlled by the superpower "red light" that can control the mind similar to the Scarlet Witch.

Zhong Shenxiu believes that this gang war riot was essentially organized by the mysterious person who was hiding in the dark and using the "red light" in order to control the rhinoceros in the underground prison.

But... where does White, the Skrull, fit in this riot?

He remembered that since Nick Fury, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., rescued them from the Cree in the last century, all those left on Earth should have been under the leadership of Nick Fury.

So White's true identity is actually an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.?

Zhong Shenxiu thought a lot when she obtained the "Skrull Transfiguration Technique".

He was wondering, the system mentioned that the original body seemed to be a person with special abilities, so would it mean that he had been exposed to the eyes of SHIELD long ago.

And he was sentenced to death, is there any trick in it?

Following Zhong Shenxiu's wild thinking, the rhino man finally broke through the western wall of the prison under the applause of all the prisoners.

Then, greet him.

It's more than a dozen rounds of rpg!

boom boom-

The high-tech weapons of Stark Industries surrounded the hole in the western wall in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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