Be a Poison Milk from Marvel Prison

Chapter 42 Mr. Zhong Shen is Really a Good Man

Chapter 42 Mr. Zhong Shen is Really a Good Man

When Coulson saw the tragic appearance of Agent May, his years of experience as an agent did not make him overly panicked.

Without any hesitation, he did as Zhong Shenxiu expected—letting a group of agents carry Agent May to No. 19 Ingram Street.

Look for the miracle healing superpower.

Along the way, Coulson's eyes kept scanning those passers-by who were still a little dazed, some of them had already recovered early, and when they returned home, they roared angrily that there were thieves.

The flames were still shining in the distance to the west, which reminded Coulson of a mission he encountered in the Middle East, which was about an underground natural gas leak being ignited. To be more spectacular.

This should be the explosion detected an hour ago
It has only been about ten hours, and now such a small street as Ingram Street has undergone so many changes.

During this moment on the road to medical treatment, Coulson's eyes continued to flash with pensive thoughts.

He glanced at Agent May, who was in a coma and whose life and death were uncertain.

Coulson recalled her line again: "Ritual. Next Moscow?"

Ceremony Moscow. Next?
Thinking about it, an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Coulson's mind. This thought made the experienced agent feel a little numb.

Zhong Shenxiu made a brief detour to monitor the roadside, then hurried back home.

Change back to your own appearance, change into a suit of clothes, simply tidy up your appearance, and deal with some minor details
When he finished these, Coulson and others also rushed over.

"Mr. Zhong Shen, a colleague here is seriously injured, and I hope you can help him." Coulson is still so polite at all times, but the sweat on the brow reveals his nervousness.

Although I already knew that these agents would come today, I still had to pretend.

Zhong Shenxiu pretended to be slightly dazed, staring at Agent Mei lying on the stretcher surrounded by scarlet blood for a while.Only then did he "react" immediately, and hurriedly greeted:

"Quick, come in and put her on the ground."

All the well-trained agents hurriedly followed suit.

It was only now that Zhong Shenxiu had the time to see the injuries on Agent Mei's body.

The abdomen was directly pierced by the thunder spear, and there was a scorched hole, and the surrounding area was scorched meat roasted by high-voltage electricity.The right wrist was sliced ​​straight open by the sharp weapon, and the scarlet blood gushed out first.

It's a bit ruthless to do it yourself——

Zhong Shenxiu slandered, but when he looked up at Coulson who was dispersing other agents, he knew that no matter what, his goal was achieved.

And he also wants to see what kind of ability the so-called Agent Heart (pseudo) in Agent May is, because there is only a 1% chance of obtaining it, if he doesn't make the injury worse, otherwise he will be cured in a while, It is even more difficult to obtain this ability.

So without saying a word, Zhong Shenxiu summoned the healing technique, and covered Agent Mei's severed hand with that ball of green light.

These kinds of wounds are most likely to bleed too much to death, but those wounds on her abdomen that were scorched black by lightning, although there is a risk of death from hyperosmotic shock, at least they will not bleed too much temporarily.

And why not just use Agent May's severed hand picked up by the other agents for treatment?

Don't ask, it's too fast to cure like that!
Coulson, who was standing behind the door, didn't understand Zhong Shenxiu's innocence. Seeing that Zhong Shenxiu didn't receive any rewards, and didn't ask any questions, he showed Agent Mei his magical healing superpower almost without hesitation. .

His frown was finally relaxed, and the smile on the corner of his mouth was more sincere.

Mr. Zhong Shen is really a good man.

Coulson felt sincerely in his heart.

Suddenly he thought of something, and hurriedly took out the encrypted mobile phone exclusive to S.H.I.E.L.D. from his pocket, edited the information on it, and sent it to his braised egg boss
"Xiu Zhongshen is all right, the specific matters on Ingram Street are under investigation, and the vision has been eliminated."

Before everything is decided, Coulson will not directly report his illusory conjectures. Usually, only when there is nothing to investigate, Coulson will make the conjecture the final task report.

But now the vision on Ingram Street has many doubts.

Coulson still intends to wait for Agent May to wake up and ask carefully before making a specific conclusion or taking the next step.

This is the basic quality of a qualified agent.

Just as Coulson was thinking wildly, Zhong Shenxiu's treatment also ended simultaneously.

It took 20 seconds. Nothing came out.

Although there was still some mental power left, Zhong Shenxiu didn't intend to use it up all at once. One was that after exhausting the mental power, he would feel dizzy for a while, which was as uncomfortable as motion sickness.

The second reason is that since becoming a first-order chaotic body, the recovery speed of Zhong Shenxiu's mental power has also increased synchronously, to two o'clock per hour.

Therefore, for the 20 points of mental power, as long as he has a good sleep, he can basically restore it to full.

And these days, Zhong Shenxiu has also maintained such a rule in using mental power, that is, counting recovery, and using as much as he can recover, which can also ensure that when something happens the next day, his mental power will be full at any time. of.

For example, in this chaotic magic event, his mental power was always full even though it didn't play any role.

In addition, Agent Mei's injuries have not healed at the moment, Zhong Shenxiu only healed some fatal injuries for her, such as the flesh and blood on the abdomen scorched by lightning, and the right hand that formed a skeleton and a piece of skin .

As long as he thinks, these are delicate tasks that require more time for treatment.

At least it will take dozens of seconds, I don't believe it, it really can go to this point!

Zhong Shenxiu looked at these wounds and complained in his heart.Then he looked up at Coulson and said, "There is nothing serious right now, just some minor injuries that need to be treated for a few more days."

Hearing this, Coulson nodded with a smile, expressing his understanding.

Although he is not a person with superpowers, after so many years of contact with various supernatural phenomena, Coulson also understands a truth:
The so-called superpowers are nothing but human beings in essence.

As long as he is a human being, he will definitely get tired after using superpowers for a long time.

The more powerful the superpower, the greater the consumption. Thinking of Zhong Shenxiu's miraculous superpower that can compete with the God of Death, it may be normal to consume more.

Therefore, Coulson will not urge her out loud, saying that you must give her treatment and recovery today, Barabara.

But he probably would never have guessed that this was just Zhong Shenxiu deliberately slowing down the pace of treatment. If he had really opened up all his firepower, the current Agent Mei would have recovered a long time ago, even the injury she suffered when she was one year old could heal her OK!

But Zhong Shenxiu would not do this, after all, she still wants to squeeze the wool——

After a while, Zhong Shenxiu glanced at the large area of ​​scorched flesh on Agent Mei's body, and asked very naturally, "What did you encounter?"

Zhong Shen Hu Youxiu is about to start his routine!

 After running around for a day, I finally got home. I owe a total of three chapters these days, and I will pay it back slowly starting tomorrow~

(End of this chapter)

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