Be a Poison Milk from Marvel Prison

Chapter 25 Rabbit and Chirp

Chapter 25 Rabbit and Chirp

"Lu... Lu... Lu"

It was as if Wanda accidentally bit her tongue. After a long time, she couldn't pronounce the word "tree".

"Lu Shu." Zhong Shenxiu repeated again.

"Lv Lusu" Wanda still didn't utter the tongue-curling sound in the end, but she didn't realize it. She blinked her big light gray eyes and asked:
"Is this a Chinese name?"

"That's right, I'm half-Chinese and African." Zhong Shenxiu said nonsense.

But the pure Wanda took it seriously, and she glanced several times at Zhong Shenxiu's now exaggeratedly thick lips and charcoal-black complexion in surprise.

Good guy, she couldn't see any traces of Asians in a daze.

After looking at it for a while, Wanda pointed to the sun that was getting darker in the sky, and continued to ask: "Lu Lusu, the sun is getting dark, why haven't you turned white? You were so pale when I first saw you. Very white."

Hearing this, Zhong Shenxiu was finally aroused, and he asked, "Have you ever seen me when I was white?"

"Yes, yes, just now, when you said that you were going to find an osmanthus tree, I specially used Jiubi to change it for you. Hehe, if I hadn't seen an osmanthus tree once when I was young, otherwise it would be really sweet. It can't be changed."

Wanda sticks out her little tongue, "Praise me, praise me" is written all over her pretty face.

"But after a while, I suddenly couldn't find you. I searched for a long time, but I found that you were so tanned. Lu Su, when will you turn white? You still look good when you are white."

Glancing at Wanda, who was gradually becoming talkative, Zhong Shenxiu even had an illusion through her tone of voice.

Now in front of him is not a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl, but a little girl whose age is definitely not in double digits, and she even feels much more childish than Gwen.

But that's good too, the younger he is, the easier it is for him to fool around~

"You can create sweet-scented osmanthus trees, so you created this world?" Zhong Shenxiu pointed to the surrounding houses made of biscuits and the road paved with cotton candy.

Hearing this question, Wanda pouted first, as if a little angry, she replied:
"These are not, these are all created by the villain Tuqi while I'm not around to force Jiubi to conjure them up."

Rabbit strange?

Hearing this new term, Zhong Shenxiu subconsciously began to think about what it meant.

But after thinking for a while, he suddenly burst out laughing.

He made a logical problem. The abnormal Wanda in front of him obviously only has the heart of a child, so naturally he cannot think about his behavior in an adult way of thinking.

He chose to ask directly: "Who is Tuqi?"

"It's a villain, a very bad, very bad, very bad villain!" Wanda floated in the air, with her slender hands thrust into her waist angrily, and the white ball on her chest trembled twice because of this sudden movement.

Hearing this sentence is tantamount to: Eating noodles without garlic is equivalent to not eating garlic.Nonsense that has won the true biography of nonsense literature.

Zhong Shenxiu finally decided to give up asking, he thought to himself!

Judging from Wanda's previous words and his mission introduction.

His mission is to rescue Wanda, that is to say, Wanda must be in some kind of crisis or other unfavorable situation now, and the Tuqi that Wanda said is very likely the culprit that put her into this crisis.

Zhong Shenxiu was thinking in his mind, and at the same time he started to walk around habitually.

There is no purpose, just walking around.He had this not-so-bad habit of thinking.

Then his next mission, this rabbit can be said to be the key to the mission.

Hey, isn't this much simpler!

After Zhong Shenxiu reasoned in his mind, he immediately felt that the whole task had been sorted out by him!

Next, he only needs to follow the steps step by step and slowly search for the clue of Tu Qi. He probably can easily complete the main task, not to mention that Wanda, the task goal and the person who can easily change the world, is still by his side.
What the hell!

I'm making a big fuss! ! ! !

When Zhong Shenxiu walked to the big glass window outside a clothing store, he habitually took a look at his own appearance.

He was bewildered.

Wanda has always been obedient, floating beside Zhong Shenxiu like a light cloud, and Zhong Shenxiu can still see her clearly when she turns her head.

He was on the big glass outside the clothing store, but he could only see him alone.

How can there be any Wanda!
Turning his head quickly, Wanda was beside him, looking at him with a smile.

Looking at the big glass again, there is no one beside me!
Suddenly, Zhong Shenxiu felt horrified, and he tried several times without exception.and this means
Is this Wanda in front of me actually fictional?
Just like this wall and road, are they all fake?

"Wanda, are you here?" Zhong Shenxiu pointed to the big glass in front of him and asked Wanda.

Wanda was startled at first, because she couldn't see herself in the glass either.

Immediately, she died visibly to the naked eye, and the joyful smile could no longer hang on her beautiful face.

Then she sighed and said, "Lu Su, to tell you the truth, I actually sneaked out."

"Steal away?" Zhong Shenxiu asked in surprise.

"Yes, in fact, like Jiubi, I was locked up by that villain Tuqi. It's really boring there. No one can talk to me like you."

"However, I suddenly felt that Tuqi's siege was torn apart. There was a small gap, but I was very thin, so I got out, running, running, running."

"Suddenly came to this place full of Chubi. Here I am really free, I can do whatever I want, I can fly, and I can use Chubi to conjure any toy I want."

"But... not long after I played, I could feel that Tuqi found me running away. It was chasing me. If I was chased by it, I would definitely go back to the boring place before. No one talked to me. Everyone is cold."

"I do not like this."

Hearing this, Zhong Shenxiu understood why the goal of the mission was to save Wanda.

She was indeed in some kind of predicament.

Zhong Shenxiu still hasn't figured out what Tu Qi is, but this doesn't conflict with his previous conjecture. The key to completing his mission now is really Tu Qi.

"Then why did you come to me?" Zhong Shenxiu thought of some unreasonable points.

"Because you are the only one here who has escaped from Tuqi's control. In fact, I came to you to learn how to break away from Tuqi's control." Wanda replied honestly.

Rabbit control?

Zhong Shenxiu pointed to those dull-eyed people in the distance, and asked, "Are these people controlled by Tuqi?"

Nodding, Wanda agreed.

At this time, Zhong Shenxiu finally understood that he had been mistaken about one thing all along, thinking that the thing that created this weird world and that controlled these people was the same thing.

Now it seems:

It was Chubby who created this weird world, and it was these red lights on Wanda.Although it was forced by Tu Qi.

And it is Tuqi who controls these humans in Ingram Street, a thing who doesn't know what it is.

(End of this chapter)

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