Be a Poison Milk from Marvel Prison

Chapter 161 The Limits of Emotions

Chapter 161 The Limits of Emotions

When Zhong Shenxiu followed behind the Hulk and saw this concrete factory that looked like a giant steel monster with its hideous weapon system exposed, Zhong Shenxiu was a little surprised to be honest.

He didn't expect to catch such a big fish by relying on the Hulk.

Under the watchful eyes of the New York military and police, such a secret base comparable to military base weapon defense level can be built.

Simply being rich is never enough.

For example, Stark Industries, if the original weapon research and development department had such a weapon configuration, Zhong Shenxiu would probably turn around and leave on the spot without even thinking about it.

It's not that Stark has few weapons and can't equip them.

It's just that they can't and don't need to equip so many weapons. After all, they don't want to capture the whole of New York, they just want to prevent petty theft, gang robbery and the like.

Under normal circumstances, their weapons are absolutely sufficient to deal with ordinary people.

It's a pity that Zhong Shenxiu, who was wearing steel armor and using a magic shield at the time, was too perverted, which made their defense fail in a mess.

In the final analysis, it is because the defense of the Stark Weapons Research and Development Department is the defense of ordinary people, not the defense of monsters.

But today's base is different.

There are so many weapons in its defense system that even Hulk was trapped by the continuous gunfire for a long time outside the base, unable to attack.

There is even that kind of infrasonic attack, even if Hulk is involved, he has to struggle for a long time and cannot escape from it.

It can be seen from these aspects.

When the base's weapon system was initially built, it was specially built for monsters like the Hulk, and various large weapons were perfect for dealing with such monsters.

It can be used to deal with ordinary human soldiers, it is completely high-vibration particle diamond knife to kill chickens-overkill.

So this is what surprised Zhong Shenxiu.

After all, according to the normal timeline, New York has not yet experienced a large-scale invasion by aliens, and the mutants are still very low-key under the mutual check and balance of the two big bosses.


Why did the people at this base build the base to a standard that could fight against monsters?
This is a point worth pondering.

That is to say, the person who built this base at the beginning must have known the extraordinaryness of this world and their horror, so he would have raised the weapon standard of the base to a level that can be used alone. The degree of anti-Hulk even surpassed that of ordinary military bases.

This is something that money alone cannot do. It also requires unimaginable influence throughout New York, as well as an extremely extensive network of contacts.

Only in this way can we accomplish this under the noses of everyone, and get all these giant control weapons in our hands.

Think of this.

Zhong Shenxiu started his search in his mind.

In the original book, what power is there in New York that can meet so many harsh conditions?
Suddenly, Zhong Shenxiu thought of a big guy.

Gold and!

But not long after the name came out, Zhong Shenxiu shook his head, rejecting it in his heart.

If it is said that after the New York War, he made a fortune by relying on real estate, and then gradually took both black and white, and finally became the controller of the underground gang empire behind the entire United States, that would be a golden one.

It is indeed possible.

But according to the timeline, the current Jin cannot reach this point.

Zhong Shenxiu has also inquired from other gangsters, the current Jin Bing is at best a New York underground gangster boss, far from reaching that height.

Therefore, it is not necessary to be so arbitrary if I am sorry for Jin and can be ruled out first, let's put it in the suspect area first.

Zhong Shenxiu paused, thinking in his heart.

In case Jin Bing suddenly got lucky, the small purse that exploded ended up being different from the original book, and he secretly became the emperor of the gang early, there is still a possibility.

After all, Jin can become the same villain of so many Marvel heroes, whether it is intelligence, vision, strength, etc., he does have it.

And besides the future Jin Bin, what other organizations are there?

Zhong Shenxiu thought of a name in his mind, after a little thought, he immediately dismissed it.

S.H.I.E.L.D. wouldn't, otherwise those S.H.I.E.L.D. agents wouldn't behave like this after seeing the 48 soldiers before.

The military base in the United States is still hidden under concrete?This is their territory.

It can't be Stark's, can it?
Tony Stark devoted himself to investing, and finally planned to rely on these dark hands to unify the United States and ascend to the throne. Just think about this kind of thing, it is unlikely.
Zhong Shenxiu thought for a while, and suddenly felt that anyone is possible, and no one is possible.

It's like talking for nothing!

Come on, Zhong Shenxiu finally decided to withdraw his thoughts, intending to continue watching, and waited for Hulk, the strongest meat shield, to bear the damage first, and he watched carefully from behind.

With such a large base, there will always be some clues.

Not to mention under the pressure of a powerful monster like the Hulk.

So Zhong Shenxiu once again set his sights on Hulk, and now the fat green is being beaten crazily.

The chugs of dark copper-colored bullets were constantly inlaid on its body. At this time, the power of the metal storm in the base was much greater than what they used on the car at that time.

In addition, it should be a fixed location, which solves the limiting factors such as cooling and bullets.

This group of terrorists used it even more unscrupulously.

Dense lines of fire shot out from every corner like a torrential rain, venting on Hulk, and Hulk was shot into a dark gold and copper "hedgehog" after a while, but because Hulk became stronger twice, although these armor-piercing bullets Looking dense, it can't actually penetrate Hulk's muscles.

What delayed Hulk the most was the sonic weapon.

In the gate of the entire concrete factory, in the weapon wall that just rose from the ground, there are two large infrasonic transmitters.

The two infrasonic transmitters completely covered the Hulk at a crossing angle. The powerful infrasonic waves had an unparalleled ability to limit tremors, making Hulk unable to move at all in it.

He could only raise his arms primitively, as if blocking something, and stood in front of him.

But it didn't help at all.

The further you go, the more restrictive you will be.

Therefore, Hulk can only use his breastfeeding energy to keep retreating, and finally barely leaves the range of infrasonic overlapping, gaining some mobility.

After a while.

Hulk's big head, small brain, seemed a little unbelieving, so he went up again.

Continue to be unable to move.

Seeing this, Zhong Shenxiu couldn't help covering her face.

Not seeing.

Hulk's IQ is truly second to none.
It's simply the endorsement of a reckless man. If you can't do anything with brute force, you will force your way.

Zhong Shenxiu remembers that the Hulk's IQ seems to gradually increase over time. For example, when he was first born, Hulk was as naive as a baby. Later, when he was in the Women's Federation, he seemed to become a little IQ .

Until the later Thor 3, after Bruce Banner completely exiled himself and let Hulk use his body to live for a long time, Hulk's IQ ushered in another leap, not only being able to talk freely with Thor, but even using some tactics slightly .

In the following comics, some Hulks become more and more intelligent.

This means that Hulk's IQ will indeed increase slightly as he uses his body more time.

This is what Zhong Shenxiu summed up.

Counting the timeline now, the current Hulk is estimated to have been born not long ago, and he must have used this body shared by the two of them only a few times.

Therefore, his IQ should be regarded as the lowest state of his career.

For example, maybe like a newborn baby?

Thinking about it this way, there is a sense of joy inexplicably.

A muscular little green-skinned baby who can kill an elephant with one punch
In this way, there is an explanation for Hulk's behavior of being so naive and reckless. After all, he is still a 500-kilogram child.

Seeing that Hulk is getting more and more reckless, he obviously doesn't have the ability to forcibly break into this "blocking formation" of metal storm and infrasonic attack, so he has to bite the bullet and break in without believing in evil.

Zhong Shenxiu can't wait to get countless Wanda's chaotic magic power and inject them all into Hulk's body.

Manipulating his body, Lai Bo's extreme dodge skill micromanagement.

After all, in Zhong Shenxiu's current field of vision, with Hulk's physical fitness, if you want to use snake skin to move around, there should not be too many methods and routes to twist to the rear base.

It was a waste of this body, Zhong Shenxiu ruthlessly cursed.

But it is a pity that Zhong Shenxiu does not have so much chaotic magic power that can control the mind. What he has left now is estimated to be as much magic power as two or three small containers. After all, he did not ask Wanda too much at that time. It's convenient, when it's needed, and it's easy to control your personal thoughts. It's not specially reserved for controlling monsters of this size.

In this way, he, a master tactician, can't play his role now.

I can only watch Hulk's continuous forcible rush.
But one thing is for sure, Hulk will definitely be able to break through the blocking of these weapons.

Because in the eyes of Zhong Shenxiu's true vision, Hulk's combat power is still soaring, and at the same time, with every roar of his, he becomes more and more comfortable in the pinching of these infrasonic waves and armor-piercing bullets.

This also means that Hulk is constantly getting stronger.

It's just that the speed is a bit slow.

When he becomes strong enough to tear through the base's defense with brute force, he probably won't know what year of the monkey will be.

This should be Hulk's limitation, right?
A creature's anger is always limited, even if he can accumulate it infinitely, when the anger reaches a certain limit, although his strength has no upper limit, but the speed of increase will be linked to this anger, and will grow as the anger reaches the limit. Gradually slow down.

This means that Hulk's strength improvement is very fast at the beginning, but it gets slower and slower as it goes on.

Just waiting for him to become invincible in the world, I am afraid that he has been angry for an unknown amount of time at that time. This should be an anger that surpasses human emotions, and can only be reached if it continues and never goes out.

The conditions are not harsh.

Therefore, the biggest limitation of Hulk's ability is actually Bruce Banner, the emotional limitation of this person.

This is actually quite normal.

There are always various restrictions in the real world. For example, as strong as the ancient one, it is still subject to time constraints, and the same is true for being as strong as Odin.

In another world, even the ten blades of the angry beast in the god of death are similar to Hulk's ability, the more angry he becomes, the stronger he becomes, and according to him, there is no limit.

It's really waiting for him to be so powerful that he becomes Zero Blade.

In the end, the power still came to an end, which may really be the same as Hulk.

Not the limit of his abilities, but the limit of his emotions as a creature.

No matter how angry he is, he will be so angry, what can he do?
But in the Marvel world, there is one thing that can help Hulk break through the shackles brought about by the emotional limit of Bruce Banner, the host.

Mind Gem.

Or an alternative with the ability of the Mind Stone, such as Wanda's Chaos magic.

The ability to manipulate the mind can directly ignore this so-called emotional limit, and continuously stimulate Bruce Banner's mind, so that Hulk's strength can continue to grow.

Of course, if this is done, Bruce Banner is likely to go crazy.

At that time, it is unknown what kind of impact it will have on this symbiotic Banner and Hulk.

But Zhong Shenxiu can properly control the speed.

Properly stimulate Hulk's emotions without going too far, so that his strength can grow faster, so that he can break through the defense of this base faster.

Zhong Shenxiu scanned the rear again with the eyes of true seeing.

It was found that those police cars were constantly observing the battlefield from a long distance behind, and a little further away, the four SHIELD agents were also constantly observing the battlefield from a distance.

Police and S.H.I.E.L.D. forces.

When the commotion becomes louder, even General Ross, who has been trying to capture Bruce Banner, will come here.

No, it might even be heading here.

Think of these.

Zhong Shenxiu felt that it could not continue like this.

He needs to let the meat tank Hulk break through the defense of this base earlier, or let the Hulk retreat directly.

However, Zhong Shenxiu roughly calculated the amount of Wanda's chaotic magic power he holds today.

It feels like it may not be enough to quench the endless anger in Hulk's heart.

But it's perfectly fine to add fuel to the fire.

Therefore, Zhong Shenxiu thought for a while, and decided to simply stimulate Hulk again, making his anger more powerful, and finally broke through the base in a short time.

Then Zhong Shenxiu could take advantage of this to sneak in.

Look for clues about the owner behind this base, and see if there is anything of great value.

For example, some valuable research materials.

To know why a base is equipped with such a powerful weapon system?
It must be to better protect its internal research data.

Since this weapon has such strong protection, it can be guessed that the information inside it must be very valuable.

Therefore, this was Zhong Shenxiu's second goal after seeing this base.


He took out a small container of chaotic magic power again, opened it, and wrapped his gray chaotic magic power on the red chaotic magic power.

Intended to be on Hulk's wrath again.

Doused with a wave of oil.

(End of this chapter)

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