Chapter 98 Another country!
Hearing that voice, Zhu Gaochi looked in that direction. It turned out that the person who asked this question was Yang Shiqi, one of the three Yangs, and he looked at him gratefully.

This person is a senior figure, although the other party asked this question, most likely not to help him, but just curious about the answer to this question in his heart.

But in any case, what the other party did was a small favor to him.

Ye Chen also turned his attention to the person who asked the question. It turned out to be this old minister. This person is loyal and strategic, and he is indeed a rare talent.

Since the other party is curious, then he should also answer for the other party:
"It must be that Yang Shiqi is not the only one who has doubts in his heart. If that is the case, then I will show you a video first."

As he said that, a new video began to play on the player. This is a video about Marco Polo's ship sailing in the sea. The ship started sailing on a continent, and after a while, it sailed to another It is completely different from the previous Bianda Road on the mainland.

Among those sitting here, there are many smart people. Although they still can't fully understand what is going on and what Ye Chen is going to say, they already have some understanding in their hearts.

"Wow, what do you mean? Is there another country on the other side of the ocean?"

Among the crowd, I don't know who said such a sentence.

Other people also began to chatter about their own ideas. Ye Chen, I saw their enthusiasm and nodded in satisfaction. These people are already trying to understand the video in their own way. content in the .

"In addition to China, that is, the continent we are on, there are many other continents of different sizes outside, and if we want to get in touch with those continents, the easiest way is to build ships and go sailing."

"I didn't expect that there is such a vast land outside the land where we are, so there are also people of other emperors on those lands?"

Looking at those, Ying Zheng suddenly felt that his blood was surging. All he wanted to do in his life was to take all the land into his pocket.

"of course."

Ye Chen nodded, and then continued to play another video.

At the beginning of the video, a group of people who are still wearing animal skins and turf are holding wooden sticks in their hands for an inter-tribal game.

Those people played special musical instruments to encourage the warriors on their side, and then a ship caught their attention.

They all put down what they were doing and greeted them. They showed a very welcoming attitude to the guests who came from afar, and even brought out a lot of delicious food and drinks to entertain them.

However, after accepting their hospitality, these guys picked up weapons that were a hundred times more powerful than wooden sticks in their hands and began to attack and hurt the aborigines here.

The aborigines were not the opponents of these outsiders at all, and were quickly defeated by them all, and turned this place into a colony.

They even gained huge benefits because of this. They arbitrarily enslaved the aborigines here, robbed some special products here, and transferred them to their own country for profit.

After carrying out this invasion and colonization and obtaining huge benefits, those people began to taste some sweetness, and began to try to use their ships to reach farther places and find farther lands.

Finally one day, the navies they sent out discovered the mainland where Huaxia was located, so they reported the news to their superiors.

After getting this good news, they rushed here to invade without even preparing for a few days.

If you don't know where the land at the beginning is, when you saw the clothes worn by those people on the land in the second article, all of you present clenched your fists and watched the scene in the video. everything.

Among them, some people's moods are completely different from theirs, others are angry, and after Zhu Gaochi learned that the cancellation of the voyage was one of the reasons for his demise, he became restless. Because in his heart, he also felt that this matter was indeed his responsibility.

Apart from him, the other emperors of the Zhu family all bowed their heads, unable to bear to watch the scenes played on the player again. If they didn't know what it was just watching, wouldn't they There will be such a big emotion.

But when they know where the incident happened, and the incident is related to the decision they made, it will be completely different.

All of a sudden, there was a series of sighs and sighs.

After the video was exhausted, Ye Chen pressed the pause button and turned his attention to Zhu Gaochi:
"Everyone who passes the test will be rewarded, and by the same token, those who fail will naturally be punished."

Zhu Gaochi knew very well in his heart that these punishments were nothing compared to what he had done before, so he took a deep breath and walked in front of Ye Chen.

After punishing Zhu Gaochi, Ye Chen started announcing the results of the next person without stopping:
"Zhu Zhanji, 68 points."

After hearing the score he announced, Zhu Zhanji patted his chest, and finally took a big breath of relief.

Having experienced Zhu Gaochi's lessons learned from the past, he was afraid that he would be the one who failed and would be punished, but fortunately, his score has already passed.

"Although there are not many passing grades just now, it is still very good, and the rule of benevolence and propaganda created by it can be regarded as another small prosperous age."

After meeting Zhu Gaochi, who had the worst grades among them, and looking at the emperors who had passed the test, Ye Chen's mood improved a lot.

After saying these words, he turned around and started playing related videos about the rule of Renxuan.

Zhu Zhanji changed from a nervous look to a smiling face, but this time, Ye Chen didn't let other people evaluate him. After playing the video, he asked him:
"Do you have any doubts about what I said?"

"No no."

It was too late for Zhu Zhanji to be happy in his heart. How could he choose to question, and he shook his head repeatedly when he heard the other party's question.

Ye Chen nodded, and then began to announce the results of the next person.

When Zhu Zhanji saw that he had no reward, he was more or less disappointed. However, when he thought about his performance compared with other people who had rewards, it was indeed a lot worse. If he wanted a reward like this, he would still You need to keep working hard.

(End of this chapter)

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