All the people answer the question: an exam, the emperors all cried

Chapter 96 Why don't you learn how to govern the country!

Chapter 96 Why don't you learn how to govern the country!
And Zhu Yuanzhang, after hearing the other party's results, you looked at him. He has always been very pleased with this son. Now hearing that the other party has achieved such high results, he is also very happy for the other party.

Ye Chen paused, and then continued to talk about what he hadn't finished:
"The cabinet system in the prosperous age of Yongle can liberate the emperor's energy very well, and at the same time ensure that the prime ministers in the cabinet restrain each other, which is really a rare and good way.

Moreover, the construction of water conservancy projects has been greatly promoted, which has greatly facilitated the lives of the people. When it comes to what he did during his reign, every citizen is full of praise. "

Originally, Zhu Yuanzhang was in a very good mood when he heard the above, but when he heard Ye Chen mention the cabinet system, his face suddenly changed. He has never thought this system is very good. He was afraid of power before Will be scattered on the side, so even the prime minister system was abolished.

The fear is that people who are inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people will not be satisfied with being inferior to others because of their inflated vanity.

But what he didn't expect was that this could be an extra point for the opponent.

But when he was still not satisfied, the other emperors heard about Zhu Di's actions, and each of them secretly praised this guy's actions in their hearts.

"You are also really, why don't you learn from others?"

One of them was quite old and was speaking to a group of people who looked slightly younger than him.

"That's right, it's fine to say that they didn't know about it. You obviously succeeded to the throne after him, so why don't you learn how to govern the country?"

Under the leadership of the two of them, some people began to criticize the emperors around them one after another.

Even though it has been said, none of them dare to speak back, and the seniority and inferiority between them can be seen at a glance.

Among these people, Ying Zheng was the most angry. He looked enviously at Zhu Yuanzhang, who was still dark-faced, and shook his head. Why is this person so ignorant?Obviously this son has made such a good achievement, but he has to get entangled in those trivial matters.

Moreover, he was talking about others, but his own score was not as good as his own son. How great would it be if Zhu Di was his son?
Thinking of this, he turned his head to look at Hu Hai who was standing by his side with his head bowed at the moment. The other party obviously understood that he was thinking about something in his heart at this moment, and he didn't dare to speak with his head down.

He sighed, looking at the pitiful appearance of his unbelievable son, he didn't plan to say anything, but the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, he finally broke out.

How many miracles did he create when he swept the world?In the end, the eldest son who was the most popular was abolished, and this idiot was replaced.

It stands to reason that for an ordinary person, even if he has no ability, it would take at least three or five generations of people to lose everything by keeping the achievements he has created. However, within a few years in the hands of this guy, they were all lost:
"As long as you are a little bit stronger than that guy, our country of Qin will not end up like this, you trash!"

Because in a sense, Qin Shihuang is indeed the senior of these people. If he hadn't laid the foundation for sweeping the world, there wouldn't be so many emperors in the future. So seeing him angry, there was not a single one present People dare to persuade.

It was fine if they didn't dare to persuade them, and they all avoided there far away, for fear that they would be involved suddenly.

But everything can no longer be reversed. Even though Ying Zheng was upset, he could only scold Hu Hai who didn't dare to move. When he saw that the other party didn't move, he suddenly felt a little boring. Also stopped.

It's time again, according to the usual practice, let the emperors comment on the actions of this person's life, because the actions of this person are really good, and other people just want to find out some faults, and it is not so easy to find of.

So apart from the compliments, it's just the same problems over and over again.

Zhu Yuanzhang, who has always been black-faced, finally found the opportunity to express his thoughts:
"Can the cabinet system really be regarded as a manifestation of good management? I don't think so. It is unnecessary to give them too much power, which will cause them to have two minds. Even the power they have , can already decide the selection of the monarch?

The emperor is the foundation of a country, if everything is selected by them, who knows what they will do in these selections. "

When he said this, his eyes were staring at Ye Chen closely, obviously questioning Ye Chen's judgment.

But when Ye Chen saw him like this, he suddenly laughed. Sure enough, just now he thought this guy's temperament had changed drastically. As expected, he was still the same person, but he couldn't pretend anymore:
"All the answers you want to know are included in the test paper."

Hearing what Ye Chen said, everyone at the scene lowered their heads and looked at the test paper on the table in front of them. When they opened the first page, they saw a question—— , how to lead the country?

"I think he's not the only one. Many of you must be wondering why the mature system Zhu Di chose got full marks, right?"

Hearing what Ye Chen said, some people at the scene were hit by what he said. Although they didn't say anything, they were indeed curious.

Of course, there is no need for them to speak, as long as Ye Chen sees their eyes, he can already understand the thoughts in their hearts:
"Presumably some of you should have heard about the origin of the prime minister, right? In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was already such an official position as a prime minister. After going through the Warring States Period, before the Qin Dynasty, it was because of this Definition of naming."

After hearing what Ye Chen said, this kind of person nodded to express his understanding.But I still don't understand what Ye Chen said has anything to do with the cabinet system.

"Actually, you don't have to avoid this official position so much, after all, the reason why it exists must be needed by someone.

Everyone knows that Zhu Yuanzhang abolished this kind of official position as soon as he took office, and all the work was handled by him alone. This is indeed admirable. "

After Ye Chen finished speaking, the expressions of the other people looking at Zhu Yuanzhang turned into admiration.

They have never experienced such a life. Even though they have a prime minister, they still feel very tired when dealing with those things every day, so they really can't imagine how much energy the other party has to expend.

After saying this, Ye Chen suddenly changed the topic and shifted the conversation to the other two people present.

(End of this chapter)

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