Chapter 75 Thief Cao Is Myself!
But Cao Cao was really confused, why he stared at himself when he said these things.

No matter how you look at it, it feels a little inexplicable.

"Wow, this video is really a bit..."

"It's quite pleasing to the eye, too."


Some emperors looked better, but they started to sit here and whisper.

Seeing them like this, Ye Chen understood that these emperors still couldn't change.

Then, after all the videos were played, Ye Chen started to like everyone. What kind of thoughts do you have?
Obviously, everyone was immersed in the beautiful video, and couldn't tell why for a while.

"The videos I showed you just now are all about modern society, that is, some of the daily shooting routines of your descendants, and they are also some normal entertainment in daily life."

Seeing everyone's puzzled faces, Ye Chen also had a certain understanding of the video just now.

Although these emperors were somewhat confused, they basically understood the general idea.

"Actually, everyone knows what these things look like, but in order to better interpret the things you just asked, I will give you a better answer now."

Ye Chen's appearance of selling lawsuits made more emperors feel a little strange.

But at this time, it is natural to have a certain idea about this matter.

Afterwards, Ye Chen showed some of the daily actions of some ordinary men's brush videos about the offspring, including some things in the comment area.

"This is what I want to show you. Now these are some of the daily actions of your descendants, and there are some things that are deeply influenced by you."

Seeing such a scene is really surprising.

It was completely unexpected that this incident was actually affected by one of them.

"I think Mr. Han has something to say, you should just say it. What is it inherited? The few of us are also a little confused, and we don't know how to answer."

Qin Shihuang and others on the side felt a little weird, and then began to ask Ye Chen, hoping that Ye Chen could speak directly.

"Since everyone is so anxious, I just want to tell you that the mentality of ordinary men watching videos I have seen in the contemporary era is entirely derived from Cao Cao."

As soon as Ye Chen said this, all the eyes of everyone on the scene gathered in front of Cao Cao, and Cao Cao himself was a little stunned.

Cao Cao really didn't expect that at this juncture, he could become the target of public criticism.


Cao Cao was already a little stunned, and he didn't know why he mentioned himself directly now. In addition, when Ye Chen was watching the video, he paid attention to his eyes from time to time. there are some problems.

"what's going on?"

"Because everyone should know about Cao Cao's spiritual heritage."

"Since Mr. Han has already mentioned this point, I hope Mr. Han can explain it clearly. After all, we are all confused."

At this time, other people were a little surprised, but in the end, Qin Shihuang and the others took the lead, so that Ye Chen should be able to give them a complete idea.

"Oh, I almost forgot, maybe you don't know, but in fact, don't all these comments say that Cao thief is actually something in me?"

"That's right, tell me quickly, my curiosity is about to surge up."

At this time, everyone's eyes were all fixed on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen stared at them and explained the matter.

This made everyone present laugh out loud. I really didn't expect that there would be such a funny reason for this matter.

"Everyone may feel a little inappropriate, but the fact is true. Of course, I also hope that you don't need to take it too much as an opinion, just to show you."

This matter is basically the same as what was said, but seeing everyone laughing, Cao Cao secretly darkened his face.

I have to say that I am a little embarrassed now.

"The meme is Cao thief, but it's me. Everyone likes other people's women now. Other people's girlfriend consciousness is that they like beautiful girls, so they quote it. This is what this question wants to solve. stated things."

By this time, everyone has silently understood the meaning of this.

It's just that more people think it's too funny.

At this point, the entertainment moment of the video is also to present the introduction of the stalk in the form of another short video.

After Ye Chen's explanation and Ye Chen's joking words just now, it is now possible to truly understand the meaning.

After the video ended, the emperors started laughing one by one, and then asked each other.

"Okay, okay, as for Yang Jian, you want to know what you did, so I want to show you this video, after watching it, you should understand."

Then Ye Chen found a video of Yang Jian leaving the imperial examination system for future generations.

This video shows the selection of officials since Qin Shihuang until the implementation of the imperial examination system. This situation is also a good improvement for the whole society.

"I really didn't expect that there would be such an influence. It's really pretty good."

"That's true. Just the conditions, these are very good."


These few people began to talk about it silently, and they seemed to have a lot of praise for this matter, but.

The people of Zhutian Dynasty were moved by the talents brought by the imperial examination system, but Ye Chen should give them a more objective evaluation now.

"So for this topic, no matter what you have done to the scholars of the past generations, and some contributions to the officialdom are very large. You are very good at this point."

Watching Ye Chen suddenly praise himself in front of everyone, Yang Jian felt extremely relieved and proud in his heart.

"In fact, from the very beginning to the present, there can be a future. Some good systems like modern ones really cannot do without some reforms and changes from all of you here. So I think these praises are for all of you. I hope all of you You can just want to be here, I won’t talk about them one by one.”

(End of this chapter)

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