Chapter 70 Idol Substitution!

"At that time, Chang'an City in the Tang Dynasty was one of the most prosperous cities in the world at that time. Even the capital was large in size, and the population in Du City was also very large. Even businesses from all over the country had frequent exchanges, basically in Chang'an City. You can eat delicacies from all over the country, and the supplies are also very rich, so you can imagine how prosperous the Tang Dynasty was at that time."

"So you know the importance of territory and population, right? This is a disguised expression of whether a country is prosperous or not."

After these speeches ended, the candidates present all agreed with each other, and at the same time realized the importance of the country's territory and population.

At this time, new scenes gradually appeared in the pictures in the video, coming to the Yuan Dynasty and the pictures of Genghis Khan's reign.

Seeing that it was Genghis Khan's video, Ye Chen was also very familiar with it, and was ready to explain the emperor well.

"Come to the Yuan Dynasty, let's talk about Genghis Khan, the first emperor of Mongolia, and the main activities of Genghis Khan's life can be divided into three stages. The first is to unify the tribes in Mobei and establish the Great Mongol Kingdom. The second is to go south. , the war to unify northern China, and the third is the Western Expedition to establish a great empire across Eurasia, because the activities of Genghis Khan’s life involved the Mongolian people, China, and the world.”

"In a nutshell, Genghis Khan is the hero of the Mongolian nation, the great man of the Chinese nation, and the giant of the world."

Hearing Ye Chen's explanation below, Genghis Khan felt extremely proud. Let's see, those praised emperors are not as highly rated as him. They have all become giants in the world. That can only show that what he has done has surpassed There are many, many emperors, and the influence is quite great.

The emperors below the examination room were all shocked when they heard the words. They felt that this was the first time that the examiner praised an emperor in this way. The evaluation was already very high. Those emperors who had been praised before all looked in the direction of Genghis Khan curiously. , I want to see how legendary this person is.

"Really, is this emperor even more powerful than our ancestors? The examiner's evaluation of him must be too high."

"I don't know. I really want to know what's good about this emperor, but the examiner must have his reasons for saying this."

"I think he is definitely not as strong as our ancestors. Didn't he say that our Tang Dynasty is the most prosperous, and there is no other emperor who can compare with our great ancestor."

"It's okay for you to say that, but now the examiner is the one who praises Genghis Khan, so it's impossible for us to question the examiner."

"Then I would like to hear how this emperor is comparable to our great ancestor."

The two young emperors at the end of the Li Group were discussing in a low voice.

Ye Chen knew that his words had aroused everyone's doubts, and it was indeed the first time that he praised an emperor like this, but Genghis Khan was worthy of his explanation, and he was speaking the truth, ignoring everyone's arguments, and continued.

"Genghis Khan's status and achievements in the history of the Mongolian nation are indelible. Because of Genghis Khan, the Mongolian nation was formed and Mongolian society developed."

"He was born in a war-torn era. At that time, the tribes fought and killed each other for a long time. The endless tribal wars not only hindered the development of production, but also allowed the rulers of the Jin Dynasty in the south to massacre and plunder at will on the grassland. Opportunities for the people."

"It was under such difficult and difficult conditions that Genghis Khan gathered many tribes under his own banner, and finally unified the tribes of Mongolia and established the Great Mongolian State."

"Under the efforts of Genghis Khan, the Mongolian script and language were unified and made a great contribution to the unification of Mongolian civilization."

"He went south many times to conquer Xixia and the Jin Dynasty, and brought back advanced technology and craftsmen from the Central Plains to the grasslands. Handicrafts and agriculture have developed greatly in Mongolia."

"After the unification of Mongolia, from a poor and impoverished Mongolian nation, after the rise of Genghis Khan, it became an increasingly prosperous nation."

After hearing the words, the emperors present gradually understood why Ye Chen would comment on Genghis Khan in this way. This emperor unified Mongolia with his own efforts and developed it so well, which is indeed worthy of the praise of the examiner.

And those emperors who were still a little bit unconvinced suddenly lost their confidence. Seeing Ye Chen's introduction like this, maybe this Genghis Khan's achievements are not limited to this, and there may even be more incomparable places for them. Thinking about this, These emperors felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

Especially Tang Taizong Li Shimin, who was praised just now, thought how prosperous Tang Dynasty was in his hands, but the examiner did not praise him with that kind of words.

It is precisely for this reason that he really wants to know what is so special about Genghis Khan, and it will also allow him to learn.

Seeing the different expressions of the examinees present after listening, Ye Chen also understood that some of these emperors admired some of them and some were more dissatisfied, so he didn't pay much attention to it, so he continued.

"And he attached great importance to the absorption of advanced national culture, valued learned talents, and reused those foreign people of insight, and these people played an enlightening role in the improvement of Mongolian culture."

"Generally speaking, Genghis Khan has made great contributions to China's future development. It is luck that these things he did will affect the development of future generations of China. That's why I say he deserves my praise."

Seeing Ye Chen finished speaking, the emperors in the examination room began to discuss.

"It's no wonder the examiner spoke so highly of him just now. After I heard it, it really looks like that. Don't even mention it, this Genghis Khan is really powerful."

"That's right. At first, I thought that the examiner was wrong. He must be inferior to the previous emperors. But who would have thought that it would be even worse than the previous emperors."

"Now I finally know why. This Genghis Khan is really awesome. Look at him, he hasn't said anything since the beginning. I didn't even know that this person existed. How stable he is."

"Don't say anything, from now on my idol is Genghis Khan."

The two Qing emperors whispered.

An older emperor glanced blankly at the other emperor after hearing this, and felt that this person changed idols a little faster, faster than changing women.

"You are a bit promising. You just told me that your idol is Tang Taizong Li Shimin. After a while, your idol has changed. Then it's a little easier to be your idol."

(End of this chapter)

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