All the people answer the question: an exam, the emperors all cried

Chapter 31 Can't Live Up to the Emperor's Efforts!

Chapter 31 Can't Live Up to the Emperor's Efforts!

The older man sitting in the middle stretched out his hand to block the two of them.

"Stop arguing, you two. It's useless to argue. What you said is wrong. The one who made the most contribution to our Qing Dynasty is none other than Lord Shi Langshi. It was Lord Shi who recovered Taiwan. At most, Lord Li was by his side. Out of effort, what is important is that people contribute to adults."

"You see, our emperor entrusted the task to Master Shi. Master Shi didn't say a word, and took down Taiwan with a few clicks. As far as this achievement is concerned, you can talk about it yourself. If you say that you have contributed the most, Master Shi will take the second place. Who would dare to admit it?" First?"

Hearing this, the two who were arguing just now wanted to refute something, but it seemed that what the other party said was reasonable, and they were at a loss for words for a while, standing there in a daze, neither sitting nor standing.

In the examination room, Kangxi looked at the questions and was confused for a while. Who should he choose? Every minister has made contributions, and the fields are different.

Wei Fu.

Wei Xiaobao chewed melon seeds and pointed at the light curtain.

"Brother Duolong, who do you think the emperor will choose?"

Duolong shook his head. He also felt that this question was not easy to choose. Those ministers of the court and China had made a lot of contributions, and it was really hard to tell which one was better.

"I'm really not sure about this, but I feel that the emperor will choose Lord Nalan or Lord Suo'etu."

"Why, please explain clearly."

Wei Xiaobao's face was full of thirst for knowledge.

"Because the two lords have put in a lot of effort in plotting to bring down Oboi, and this has also stabilized the emperor's imperial power. They must be chosen."

"If you say that, there seems to be nothing wrong with it."

Afterwards, Wei Xiaobao ate melon seeds as if he had nothing to do with himself.

At this time, Kangxi had already made a choice, and after thinking about it, he still chose Zhou Peigong.

Although Zhou Peigong had repeatedly rebelled against the dragon scale, Kangxi held him in high regard. Zhou Peigong made great contributions to the Qing Dynasty, especially in quelling the rebellion of Wang Fuchen, and played a great role.

Qing Dynasty imperial palace.

Zhou Peigong watched Kangxi choose him in the light curtain, and was moved in his heart. It turned out that in the emperor's heart, he had contributed the most.

It seems that we have to work harder in the future, and we can't live up to the emperor's painstaking efforts.

At this time, Yang Guang, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, was thinking carefully.

He still knows in his heart who are the ministers who have made contributions to the country, but it is really difficult to evaluate who has done more, and it is not because he made a rash comment.

Since the examiner said that one off-site assistance can be used, anyway, it is the last question, so it is not in vain, so it is not a bad thing to discuss it carefully.

Thinking of this, Emperor Sui Yang pulled the rope next to him, the halo flashed and disappeared into the examination room.

In the imperial palace of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang returned to his own imperial palace and immediately called all the ministers to discuss.

"My dear friends, you have already seen the question, and you have the answer in your heart about the candidate."

"In my opinion, the emperor should choose General Yang Suyang."

"Why? The reason."

Yang Guang looked at Yang Su, who was called beside him, and the two of them met each other's eyes.

"General Yang is the number one help for the emperor to ascend the throne. He stabilized the emperor's throne in the first time. Can't such contributions be the number one?"

A minister who supported Yang Su said.

Yang Guang nodded repeatedly after hearing this, "Anyone else have any other opinions?"

"Your majesty, but I feel that I should choose Mr. Fanzi Gai Fan."

Yang Guang looked at the speaking minister and motioned him to continue.

"Your Majesty forgot that you once said that Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, let Xiao He stay in Guanzhong, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Xiu let Kou Xun stay in Hanoi. They kept the core of the empire's cause and finally achieved the emperor's career. You also said that Lord Fan is your Xiao He, Kou Xun."

Yang Guang looked at Fan Zigai after listening.

He had indeed said that, the safety of the empire's core was extremely important, and he needed someone like Fan Zigai to protect his career for him.

When Yang Guang fell into deep thought, another minister said.

"My minister feels that Mr. Pei Ju deserves it, because the emperor once said that Mr. Pei understands the emperor's intentions very well. If he is not very loyal to the country, how could he know so well?"

After hearing this, Yang Guang frowned, but didn't say anything.

After a while, Yang Guang raised his head and glanced at the ministers in the court hall, then said.

"Come up with a plan, put your hands up and vote, and choose whoever agrees with it."

As soon as these words came out, people stood behind the three ministers who had just been raised, and Yang Guang also ordered the eunuch to count the number of people and report them to him.

In the end, Fan Zigai won. Seeing this, Yang Guang went back to the examination room and wrote down the answer.

In the examination room, the second off-site assistance was Emperor Liang Yuan Xiao Yi.

After a flash of light, he returned to the Kingdom of Liang, discussed with all the ministers, and finally chose Wang Sengbian.

Soon he returned to the examination room and filled in the answers.

On the other side, Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin also looked at the exam questions with a tangled face, not knowing who to choose, looked at Emperor Liang Yuan who had just disappeared, sighed faintly, and stretched out his hand to pull the rope beside him.

The descendants of the Song family were also puzzled when they saw their ancestors' operations.

Zhao Kuangyin returned to his palace and hurriedly asked the ministers who were waiting here.

"My dear friends, hurry up and tell me who you want."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I feel that Mr. Zhao Puzhao is the person who has made the most contribution."

"Although Master Zhao is a civil servant, he is extremely good at strategy. Moreover, Master Zhao planned the Chenqiao mutiny for the emperor, assisted the emperor to ascend the throne, and later put down the rebellion of Li Yun and Li Chongjin."

"This move alone is already No. 1."

Zhao Kuangyin sighed secretly when he heard the words, indeed, Zhao Pu was the most important counselor and civil servant in his heart.

"The minister thought that General Wang Shenqi should be selected. General Wang is brave and resourceful. He conquered the rebels and made great achievements repeatedly. Therefore, the minister thought that General Wang should be No. 1."

"Master Qi, I don't agree with what you said. General Wang has made great achievements repeatedly, but compared with Master Zhao, he is just a little bit worse."

"If you say it's bad, it's bad. If you don't understand, don't embarrass yourself in front of the emperor."

"Hey, what are you talking about, say it again if you have the ability."

As he said that, he couldn't help but rushed towards the other party.

"Presumptuous, stop the two of them, it's embarrassing every day, well, give the answer right away, don't gossip anywhere."

Zhao Kuangyin looked at the two ministers who were arguing with displeasure, and regretted coming back to help.

After a while, the ministers finished standing in line, most of them stood behind Zhao Pu, so there is no doubt that Song Taizu chose Zhao Pu as the answer.

Returning to the examination room with a displeased face, he picked up a pen and wrote down the answer.

As time passed, more and more emperors chose to assist outside the court. Everyone seized this opportunity and returned to their countries to discuss with the ministers.

Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, who is known as the one emperor through the ages, also pulled the rope around him, and disappeared into the light curtain under everyone's surprised eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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