Chapter 216 All kinds of strange answers!

Liu Hong and Ye Chen looked at the group of monsters who seemed to be addicted to answering the questions, and thought about how many parents were worried outside the venue, they smiled tacitly at each other, and then, Ye Chen announced the fourth question .

"Based on your stories, or the accidents you encountered, to supplement this sentence, the sentence is as follows:
"When I meet——, I can—————, I can also—————, I can even—————, and finally, I can become——————— The monster."

This is the final question of the fill-in-the-blanks series!

It's just that the moment this question was read out, all the monsters in the examination room were stunned!all!

Not to mention in the examination room, even those gods and monsters who followed the questions outside the examination room were also stunned!

"What is this? What does this mean?"

"1, 2, 3..."

Some people began to count how many were empty, obviously not understanding the meaning.

There were also people who looked at each other and continued to look at the question. Seeing them like this, Liu Hong was very confident about it. It seemed that he got the question right.

"This examiner has a bright future! If my Tang Dynasty had such talents, what would I ask for!"

Wu Zetian sighed regretfully, and even Qianlong laughed, saying that the land of the Central Plains is indeed full of talented people, and it seems that he has managed well, and it is no problem for others to say this, he said, and he was immediately despised.

Even the great-grandson Puyi couldn't bear to look directly at this old ancestor.

"Can you tell me how you came up with this kind of topic?"

There are also those who are modest, and Liu Xun, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, asked curiously.

"That's easy to say."

Liu Hong was very proud of being asked about his experience, so he expressed his thoughts on the question.

"The last question has already shocked them, and made the thread in their hearts completely tense, then increase the intensity next time! Make their nerves even more tense! Moreover, it must be so tight that there is no trace! Under this tense and helpless situation, they revealed more and more secrets that surprised everyone even more! This goal has been achieved!"


After Liu Hong finished speaking, the first person to admire was Qin Shihuang.

"If you use this method to interrogate those officials, let me see who dares to disrespect me!"

"It's not bad for interrogating prisoners. We must tell Zhou Xing and Lai Junchen about this method."

Wu Zetian said, but her husband Li Zhi asked: "Will this give those two too much power?"

"Don't be afraid, I'm stronger than them!"

Her confident smile made Li Zhi straighten his eyes, and he couldn't help booing each other.

The husband and wife spread dog food openly here, and they didn't stop until Li Shimin said "cough! Cough!" twice.

"Let's continue to read this question! Let's get down to business!"

As a predecessor and as a father-in-law, Li Shimin reminded.

"Okay! Stop arguing!"

The real invigilator Ye Chen finally spoke at this moment, he reminded Liu Hong to be quiet, don't let these emperors get excited, the disaster didn't start from his complacency!

But this question is fun, and the monsters can hardly answer it now, and the emperors can't bear it anymore.

"I'll come first! What's so rare about this!"

It was Wang Mang who spoke.

"Just take that Tang, what about Tang?"

It is easy to forget if you are not in the same era and you are not on the same channel.

Liu Xiu reminded with some contempt: "Tang Monk! Tang Sanzang!"

"Yeah!" Wang Mang nodded indifferently, and said what he thought was the most amazing answer: "When I meet Tang Sanzang, I can make soup, eat it raw, and even treat guests! Finally, I will become an immortal monster!"

When Wang Mang said his answer, everyone was stunned, oh!It's okay!

"Hmph! Bug carving trick!"

Unconvinced, Wu Zetian also began to show off his skills.

"When I met Sun Wukong's golden cudgel, I could use it as a clothes-drying pole, or carry water! I could even use it to beat people! Finally, I became another Monkey King!"

oh!It was as if she was talking about herself!Seeing this answer, all the emperors fell silent, and Li Zhi secretly persuaded: "The Empress, keep a low profile, low profile!"

"I'm coming too!"

"So easy! I will too!"

The group was blown up all of a sudden, and Ye Chen had to remind everyone to invigilate the exam again.

"Quiet quiet! Don't forget your duty!"

But inside the arena, Dapeng couldn't sit still, he thought for a long time and finally raised his hand: "I won't! I ask for help outside the arena!"

"Yes, ok."

Ye Chen nodded, it was their right to ask for help outside the court, of course they had to allow it.

It's just that he was so surprised that it was Liu Hong who this guy asked for help!

Liu Hong was also a little surprised, but Dapeng nodded calmly: "Yes, I ask you for help. How to write this question?"

"Hmm! This..."

Liu Hong thought for a while and said, "Of course I can't give you the answer directly, and what I said is that if you write it down verbatim, you won't get points. Let me give you an example."

So Liu Hong gave this Dapeng an example: "Don't panic when you encounter dragons, you can eat them roasted, fried, or raw, and you will eventually become a dragon-eating monster!"

As soon as this example was uttered, Dapeng understood instantly. He nodded, returned to his seat and began to think about his answer, but this aroused the protest of the Dragon Clan.

"What do you mean! Why did you use the Dragon Clan as an example! You still ate the Dragon Clan?"

"That's right! You don't take the dragon family seriously! We need to find the supervisor! We protest!"

"Serious protest!"

Seeing that a bloody storm was about to erupt, it would be quite scary if these guys who could fly and crawl would all rise up to protest.

But Ye Chen immediately came out to appease the Dragon Clan, and said: "This is really just an example, and I definitely don't mean to look down on the Dragon Clan. Let's put it this way, you can also change the Dragon Clan!"

"Who is it?"

There is still popularity among the Dragon Clan.

"Well! Change to brother!"

Ye Chen also had a flash of inspiration and said.

"Oh! It's okay! Got it!"

Unexpectedly, the people of the Dragon Clan actually understood after saying this!

They got it, and many little monsters began to get it too.

"Don't panic when you meet the king. I can say that I just urinated, or that I just went to the toilet, and I can even say that I went to patrol the mountains! Finally, I became the smartest little monster!"

Xiao Zhuanfeng happily wrote down his answer, and Ye Chen, who saw the answer at the side, almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

"Don't panic when you meet Dapeng, I can use it as a pet, or as a mount, and even eat him! In the end, I will become the big Xunpeng monster!"

Maybe it was for revenge, the Dragon Demon of the Dragon Clan really wrote that!
"Well... don't panic when you encounter zombies, I can kill them, suck their blood, and even run away... In the end, I will become a zombie monster that is stronger than the general!"

The emperors looked at these various answers, laughed for a while, and shook their heads for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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