Chapter 212 This son must not stay!

Seeing what Zhao Gongming said, Li Jing quickly waved his hands and said, "I've never been to that hollow, that white-haired mouse must have known my name from somewhere, and used my reputation to support her. "

"Woof." Xiao Tiangou also barked twice. "Zhao Gongming, don't you want to spit blood on people and villains are innocent. When did I tell you this kind of thing?"

Zhao Gongming looked at Xiaotiangou, and his eyes widened, "It was you and I who were drinking, and you were drunk, but now it's me dirtying your innocence. It's true." Zhao Gongming continued to shoot his thighs angrily.

As if he thought the pond was not chaotic enough, Sun Wukong also joined the battle. He chuckled and scratched his chin, tilted his head and pointed at Li Jing and said: "Of course you don't have a biological daughter, but for this adopted daughter, you should take good care of yourself. Think about it, is there really such a thing?"

"You shameless monk!"

All the gods became a mess in the examination room, Xiao Tiangou yelled at Zhao Gongming, Zhao Gongming patted his thigh and frowned, Monkey King jumped up and down triumphantly in the examination room, King Tota threw the pagoda he was holding in order to smash him Throw it out, before it falls, it flies in mid-air.

Looking at this scene, Qin Shihuang couldn't help laughing. He looked at the other emperors and said with a smile: "Although I'm not talented enough to fully understand this journey to the west, I don't think it should be this scene."

The scene was still chaotic, so Qin Shihuang continued to say, "Look at these gods, each of them looks like a god, and there is no difference between them and mortals. In my eyes, learning from the Western Paradise should be the one that saves all living beings, seeks profit and benefits the country." Why are all these people obstructing the good deeds of my life?" He sighed, if that immortality turned out to be like this in the end, it seems that his painstaking pursuit back then was of no great significance.

After hearing this, all the emperors said yes again and again, and they all agreed.Seeing this scene, Li Shimin was overjoyed. After all, he sent Tang Seng to go to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures.In his heart, he should have his share of credit for benefiting the common people because of emotion and reason.

The test room was full of wild animals and dogs, but the Jade Emperor frowned sadly. He rubbed his temples and couldn't help sighing. This test is really about gods and gods, immortals and immortals, heaven and earth are not distinguished, and the sun and the moon are unclear.

"Okay, stop arguing!" He slapped the table and shouted.

The examination room fell silent instantly.

"Okay, okay." Jade Emperor stroked his brows. "One by one, they are noisy for no reason. They make people laugh for no reason. If they are yes, they are not. If they are true, they can't escape, and if they are not, why bother to explain them. They don't make people feel at ease."

Jade Emperor stood up.He said annoyedly: "It's just that I never thought that the collusion between the Heavenly Court and the monsters would reach such a serious level."

So he pointed to the side of the examination room, "Erlang God."

Erlangshen stood up and took orders: "" "The little god is here."

"As the god of justice in the heavens, you should be in charge of this matter. I order you to thoroughly investigate the connection between the heavens and the mortal monsters, severely punish the gods involved, and never condone."


Erlang Shen took the order, opened his third eye, and watched everyone in the examination room. Immediately, a tense breath rose in the air.

This is just the Jade Emperor's superficial skills. After all, many of the ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties on the Journey to the West were arranged by him, and the collusion between gods and monsters was naturally within his expectation.The appointment of Erlang God now is just an illusion made by him in order to make his face less ugly.

The heavenly court was in chaos because of the collusion between the gods and demons, but the Buddhist world has not been affected by this incident. Seeing the old man Jade Emperor getting burnt out because of the plan of traveling to the west to learn Buddhist scriptures, Tathagata couldn't help but secretly laughed in his heart.

Heaven and Buddhism are like Taiji Yin and Yang. You have me in you, and you in me, but black and white are distinct, and they do not blend together, forming two opposing trends.Although this heavenly court can go to the Buddha for help if there is a problem, and if the Buddha has something to do, the heavenly court can also help, but in the final analysis
In the end, after all, Buddhism and Taoism stand together, externally they are unified like a monolith, but internally they are divided into two factions, which cannot be counted as a whole, so the Jade Emperor is upset, but the Buddha still has the heart to laugh.

Ye Chen turned his attention to the examination room. In the examination room, the gods and demons regained their composure after that short episode, and answered the questions calmly, writing down one answer after another.

The answer was put into writing, some people laughed and some cried, and some cruel truths about Journey to the West were revealed.But in any case, this is something for later. Before the pen is written, what the answer is is just a small thought in people's mind, and it can't affect anything.

The yellow-browed king scratched his head in his seat, background, what is my background?
I am just an ordinary boy under Maitreya Buddha's seat, and my family has no power to shake the world. When the Buddha is not there, I steal the golden cymbal and the human race bag and sneak down to the world, and become a bandit. , A Difficult Journey to the West, such a me, what background?

He scratched at his face and head for a long time, and he couldn't figure it out until he got a handful of hairs. In the end, just after he was about to write down the three big characters "no background", he suddenly seemed to have just opened his mind. One thing came to mind.

As the saying goes, there are stories of foxes pretending to be tigers in this world, so why am I not like this? The future Buddha Maitreya has the ability to know the heavens and the earth, but he can know everything in the cave after leaving the cave. one thing.It can be seen that everything is observed secretly by Maitreya, and my bottom line is that it can only be achieved with his secret promise.

Thinking of this, Huang Mei hastily changed the word "no" that he had just written, and replaced the answer with Maitreya Buddha.

At this time, it happened that Zhu Yuanzhang was making an inspection tour. With his hands behind his back, he walked leisurely around the examination room, looking at the answers of the candidates around him from time to time.It was a coincidence that he just came to Huang Mei's place for inspection, and saw Huang Mei put down her pen just after writing the answer.

After the round of examinations was over, he returned to the center of the trainee examiners.

"Hey, everyone, come here." Zhu Yuanzhang flapped his hands and whispered.

So all the emperors gathered together and gathered in one place.

After everyone gathered, Zhu Yuanzhang said in a low voice: "Just now, everyone knows that the Heavenly Court has colluded with monsters. I just went around the field, but I discovered another thing."

Everyone pricked up their ears, expressing strong curiosity.

Zhu Yuanzhang continued to whisper: "I just saw that the background written by the king with yellow eyebrows is Maitreya Buddha. It can be seen that there is an even bigger mystery behind this incident."

So everyone's eyes turned to King Huangmei. Seeing Huangmei's leisurely and contented appearance after answering the questions, everyone thought that on this westward journey, Lingshan must have hidden secrets.

With their gazes concentrated in one place, the thoughts of all the emperors were also concentrated in one thought.

"This son must not stay!"

(End of this chapter)

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