Chapter 2 This Question Is So Difficult
The emperor, of course, plays a vital role in the country and is about to draw a circle.

Ying Zheng, who is cautious by nature, felt that this kind of exam would definitely not be easy.

Especially before the exam, the examiner Ye Chen said that this exam is related to the luck of the country.

Of course, this exam will not be easy. This is the exam room for the stars of all ages. Not to mention the emperor of the world, even saints and immortals have to come here to take the exam.

Examination results are closely related to one's own destiny and the destiny of the country.

Yingzheng remembered that he had given Fusu a question, and it seemed simple, but there was a lot of truth in it.

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng was even more cautious in fighting.

Then analyze the topic again.

A, the emperor has no effect on the country

Qin Shihuang's first reaction was negative. If the emperor had no effect on the country, why did the emperors have to be established in the past?
How can a country come without an emperor?

Thinking about it, Qin Shihuang remembered the time when he swept the six kingdoms, when the Qin Dynasty was at its strongest.

Qin Shihuang beheaded him and the six princes,

Thinking of this, Qin Shihuang suddenly thought that although the royal family he had given them was destroyed, he would also return all their land to the Daqin territory.

But those people in the market still call themselves Yan people and Chu people, and they have no sense of belonging to the newly established Qin Dynasty, and they also lack recognition of me, the first emperor in history.

Ying Zheng took a deep breath, and then looked at the following options
Emperor b is very useful to the country, Qin Shihuang wanted to choose this

C. The emperor has little effect on the country
D, there is no country without an emperor
Qin Shihuang looked at these options and didn't know how to choose for a while. They seemed to be right, but they didn't seem to be completely right.

Ying Zheng didn't know what to do. He looked up and looked around, but he saw that few other emperors seemed to be as entangled as he was.

This made him a little uneasy. Could it be that he asked for help?
This made it difficult for Ying Zheng to accept. He was the first emperor, so how could he ask for help on the first question!

Ye Chen looked at the emperors in the examination room.

Some are obviously selected emperors without even reading the title, such as Zhu Youxiao is on this list.

There are also those who think deeply about the questions, such as Wu Zetian, who are very cautious about every question.

Of course, there are still those who are still struggling with the first question.

Qin Shihuang, Zhu Yuanzhang, Li Shimin and others who established their own dynasties are pondering over and over again on the first question.

Looking at the quiet examination room, Ye Chen sighed.That's right, my own ability is to organize every eternal star examination room.

No matter what field you are in, there is competition, and if there is competition, there will be selection, and the survival of the fittest.

This is not an ordinary examination room, where Ye Chen can dominate everything and start any examination.

These include situations in the world that do not require exams in the first place, such as house buying exams, marriage exams, etc.

If they fail, as long as Ye Chen thinks that candidates may be punished in various ways.

Moreover, Ye Chen's examination room can not only test any trivial matter, but also test saints and even immortals.

The losers, even immortals, will be beaten back to the mortal world, and many years of cultivating immortality will be abolished.

The reason why this emperor exam was organized was because of the tasks issued by the system.

Everyone knows that an exam is required to become an official in the court, but no one has ever heard that an exam is also required to become an emperor.

But the ability of the emperor determines the lives of the people in the dynasty.

With strong ability, the people will naturally live in abundance.On the contrary, the life of the people will not be so easy, and if they are close, they will even be rebelled by the people.Overthrow the dynasty.

People's living standards depend entirely on the emperor, which is obviously unfair to the people.

The purpose of this exam is to assess the emperor, to screen out those emperors who are not capable, and to save the people from suffering.

So Ye Chen organized this exam, and Ye Chen made the exam questions himself. If the exam results can affect the candidates and save more people, Ye Chen can also upgrade the system after each exam. Forcibly summon the most powerful people to take the exam.

And all kinds of matters in each exam are done by Ye Chen alone, including grading the test papers after the exam, dealing with problems and so on.

When each emperor was seriously taking the exam, a huge curtain of light slowly opened up over the time and space to which they belonged and over their dynasty.

The emperor's own people can see that the emperor is taking the exam, and the exam questions can be clearly seen.

Everyone was curious when a line of words suddenly appeared on the light curtain: "Everyone outside the examination room, please pay attention, your emperor is taking the examination and may come back to ask you for help at any time. You can also try to answer."

In the Qin Dynasty palace at this time, all the ministers looked at the huge light curtain in the sky. Although they were afraid, they saw that their master was seriously reading the question.

And it is always possible to turn to them for help.Everyone stared at the screen intently.

Li Sizhao and other senior ministers also looked at the topic and fell into deep thought.

Others in Qin Chao also looked at the first question.

In your opinion, what is the role of the emperor to the country

A: The emperor has no effect on the country
B: The emperor is very useful to the country
C: The emperor has little effect on the country

D: There is no country without an emperor
"Such a simple test question? Why didn't His Majesty answer it?" Zhao Gao asked
"I'll choose the second one after seeing it."

But everyone looked at it for a long time, and seeing that Qin Shihuang hadn't written yet, they couldn't help feeling a little impatient.

"What's going on, Your Majesty, are you asleep?"

"Your Majesty can't read?"

At this time, Fusu said, "If the topic is really that simple, will Father be frowning?"

Fu Su turned around and said to Li Si, "Lord Li, the emperor has not answered for so long, so there must be a mystery to this question."

"I don't know if Mr. Li can see a thing or two."

Li Si shook his head. "Back to His Royal Highness, the old minister doesn't know how to answer, each answer is not wrong from different aspects."

"Let's see how His Majesty chooses."

Looking at His Majesty's frowning look, Hu Hai said, "Isn't Master Li also helpless? If the father asks us for help,"

"What should we do?"

At this time, Zhao Gao said, "Based on the thinking and knowledge of the few of us, after all, it is too one-sided,"

"It's better to call together the great Confucians in the city and think about it together, maybe there will be an answer."

Fu Su hurriedly said, "Then quickly gather people and invite all the great Confucian scholars in the city to the hall to discuss together."

Not only on Qin Shihuang's side, but also in all dynasties.

All the servants in the palace are thinking about how to answer this question, or choose the second answer directly.

In fact, when Ye Chen asked this question again, he didn't give a standard answer.

Ye Chen's original intention was that the emperor should be selected according to the situation of his own country. The correct answer is only when he clearly understands what effect he has had on the country.

At the same time in the first year of Jingtai in the Ming Dynasty, two light curtains appeared in the sky. It turned out that one belonged to Zhu Qizhen and the other belonged to Zhu Qiyu.

"Yu Qian, look at this." Queen Mother Sun asked.

All the ministers also looked at Yu Qian
Because Zhu Qizhen was captured alive by the enemy in the war two years ago, the ministers immediately made Zhu Qiyu the new emperor.

From this point of view, the emperor seems to be a dispensable role that can be changed at any time.

This made Yu Qian feel that this topic seemed to be mocking himself.

"Returning to the Queen Mother, this question, I feel like it's aimed at us."

"But Your Majesty, they should all be able to answer correctly."

This made the ministers look at each other, but they didn't say anything

Everyone looked at the sky; two huge light curtains.

I saw Zhu Qizhen and Zhu Qiyu looking at this question, their faces changed a little.

But Zhu Qiyu just glanced at the options and chose, C
The emperor has little effect on the country.

(End of this chapter)

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