Chapter 174 An Example!
Everyone nodded their heads one after another, and Ye Chen felt relieved, and finally resolved the matter.

"Then we look at it now, the understanding of the hero subject in this exam, I think it should be done in this way..."

"He actually wants to start telling us how different heroes should interpret such a meaning through different test questions. I think this kind of test is very good!"


Afterwards, everyone under his command began to discuss in succession, but Ye Chen was not in a hurry.

After they had finished discussing, he walked up slowly. It was obvious that they had given enough time this time, and these heroes seemed to have really realized something.

"It seems that the scoring standard this time can indeed divide each hero into one category. The heroes in everyone's heart are different in every world."

I don't know what happened to someone, but suddenly said such a sentence in the crowd, followed by a burst of very normal emotion, obviously he also admired this matter very much in his heart.

After hearing such a situation, other people started to think about this situation slowly in their minds. It is indeed what he said about Didi, and it is actually similar to what he said.

"Actually, if you guys still want to listen to it now, I can give you a few more examples. Do you still want to listen to the sacrifice training?"

It is true that many people have already started to understand slowly, but Ye Chen went shopping around while they were discussing, but found that there still seemed to be some people who didn't understand.

Then I thought about the time, there was just a little more now, maybe I could use this time to have a good chat with them.

Those who just didn't understand much nodded their heads one by one. It was obvious that they really wanted to work hard to figure out this matter.

"Actually, this matter is very, very simple. You can take a look at Bao Longxing."

Ye Chen smiled slightly, and then directly put Bao Longxing's photo on the projection screen, and also some things about tolerance, all of which have been presented, and his video can also be typed.

"Everyone can look at an example of him as the first sacrifice chain, and look at his deeds. I believe you will be able to understand it soon. Remember to combine some of my previous things and some words to understand."

Ye Chen didn't say much this time, he just hoped that everyone could slowly connect practice and theory, so that they could make faster progress.

Seeing that everyone had seen it almost, he then directly projected the photo of Supreme Treasure on the big screen.

"At this moment, I believe that what everyone is seeing now should be familiar, it is the Supreme Treasure that you have always longed for."

After this picture was put up, everyone already knew it.

After all, Supreme Treasure is known to many people, especially those men who regard Supreme Treasure as a very mythical man.

"You also know that for a sacrifice like Supreme Treasure, he has reached the second chain of responsibility, so you should be able to understand now."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he directly threw this question to everyone, hoping that they could understand it in their hearts, and they could also understand their good intentions.

At this juncture, if they still can't understand the meaning of this, then for Ye Chen, it is really too much torment.

But soon after, he also found out that things here are not bad, and the people below have started to talk about it.

But only Supreme Treasure was stunned in place, because this was indeed a very unexpected thing for Supreme Treasure.

"Why did I make such a big sacrifice, but I didn't even achieve the first responsibility, and I even knew that it was only a second responsibility. Why did this happen?"

Although Supreme Treasure didn't bring it up to Ye Chen directly, he had been slowly thinking about such a reason in his heart.

To be honest, he felt that compared with the previous one, all his sacrifices were greater than his own, but his own responsibilities were only so small. In fact, the more this time came, the more he would I feel weird.

"Then logically speaking, if my guess is correct, it is basically a message that the greater the sacrifice, the smaller the reward, and the greater the hero looks."

Cheng Xin on the side began to say this silently. It was obvious that he was just guessing on his own, but he didn't expect to say these words out loud.

Everyone also cast strange glances at him one after another. Obviously, almost everyone was a little confused by his idea.

Cheng Xin originally wanted to explain it to them again, but she didn't expect that everyone would realize it later, and instead they all expressed similar ideas one after another.

"I just said that this matter seems very weird. If you look at it this way, there is probably no problem. Isn't this matter already normal?"

At this time, everyone ran to Cheng Xin's side one after another. It was obvious that they admired Cheng Xin's ability to come up with such a theory.

"It's really amazing. I really didn't expect you to come up with such an idea. If it were us, I'm afraid it's only now that I realized it later. I didn't expect you to have thought of it ahead of time!"

"It seems that your thought theory must be very good. Looking at it now, you are really amazing. We are very gratified to see that you can look like you are today!"

Seeing the situation in front of them, these few people felt very happy, and then they walked over quickly. It was obvious that these ordinary people wanted to curry favor with Cheng Xin.

Cheng Xin was also secretly happy in her heart, she had already guessed all of this, but now hearing so many people praise her, it really made them very happy.

So Cheng Xin has been completely immersed in everyone's praise for her, and you haven't thought about other things at all. For such a situation, he seems to really enjoy and be very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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