Chapter 154 Movie Connection!

But his deep meaning is to hope that other people can think about it through the few related videos he found, but since these people haven't realized it by themselves, then he won't say much.

"Okay, then I'll show you the fourth video."

The eyes of the other people lit up after hearing what Ye Chen said. Many of them felt a little tired because of the exam just now.

Although the video Ye Chen showed them would make them sad, angry and emotional, but it could indeed give their minds a moment of rest and relaxation.

Others were even happier. They lived in an era where there was no such thing as TV or movies.

Just getting in touch with this kind of thing makes them feel very novel, so playing movies one after another greatly satisfies their curiosity.

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he clicked on the player again, and the player began to play the fourth video - Avengers [-]: Endgame.

But when they saw the content of the fourth video, the candidates present and the audience in their plane couldn't sit still.

What is playing in there?How do they feel so similar?

Somewhat skeptical, after glancing at the characters inside, he lowered his head and glanced at himself, then turned around to look at the people around him, not to mention, even the clothes were able to match.

"This, is this us?"

After seeing this video, the members of Avengers IV were very shocked. Some candidates even asked directly. Ye Chen just nodded slightly as an answer for him.

After getting his response, those Avengers members who were already surprised were even more shocked.

After watching the entire content of the video, they have no time to think about other things. They are full of thoughts about their ending, and their moods begin to become complicated.

Ye Chen glanced at the candidates who still didn't understand him, shook his head secretly, and then continued to play the player for them, the fifth video came.

This time he didn't make a sound to remind, but when the candidates who were used to it saw his movements, they all looked towards the player in unison.

What is the title of the fifth video?The most shocking retrogrades in Chernobyl, to be honest, candidates don't understand this title.

But as the video progresses bit by bit.Only then did they finally understand the meaning of this title.

Until the end of the video, the examinees felt a little unfinished, and felt empty in their hearts. They always felt that this story should not end like this, especially if it should not end like this, which is regrettable.

"Okay, all five videos have been played."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he began to scan the examinees and observe their facial expressions, wanting to see if there was anyone among them who could understand what he meant, even a little bit.

Cheng Xin's face was full of shock at the moment, Ye Chen took a look and told him to stand up:
"Let's randomly select a candidate and tell us about his impressions."

As he said that, he called Cheng Xin up, and the latter was obviously a little confused when he called him up, but he soon figured out how to answer:
"I feel that there seem to be some similarities in these five videos, but for a while, I can't seem to say it."

In fact, the reason why he said that was also because he guessed in his heart that Ye Chen would not be so free as to show them some irrelevant movies for them. In this kind of scene, everything Ye Chen did should be Is it to serve the exam this time?

Ye Chen nodded when he heard the words:
"It's okay, what else do you think of, you can say it, no matter what you say is right or not, I won't deduct points for you."

Ye Chen's words were like giving the other party a dose of reassurance, and the other party finally said hesitantly:
"I see these movies seem to be about how people choose when disaster strikes? And whenever this happens, there always seems to be someone who needs to be sacrificed, at least in most cases."

As he spoke tentatively, he observed Ye Chen's expression, seeing that Ye Chen's expression hadn't changed, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Okay, you answered well, you can sit down."

He knew that it was not easy for the other party to see these things without any reminder from him. After he finished speaking, Lu Xun volunteered to stand up again. Seeing that he was so active, Ye Chen signaled him happily answer.

"I watched these videos, and they seemed to have some connection with the question I just answered. It seemed that the number of people sacrificed in these videos corresponded to the options in the question one by one."

When Ye Chen heard the other party say this, he felt even more satisfied, although the other party probably answered along his line of thought because he had received some hints from Cheng Xin before.

And after hearing what Lu Xun said, all the students in the examination room showed expressions of sudden realization. After careful comparison, it was indeed like this.

"You all answered well."

While talking, Ye Chen signaled the candidates who stood up to speak to sit down, and then began to explain to the candidates:
"These five videos correspond to the five options abcde, arranged in descending order according to the ratio of the chain of sacrifice and the chain of responsibility.

Although there may be some connection between this question and the previous question, you should not approach this question from the same perspective as the previous question. "

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he didn't forget to give them a few reminders.

Even though they had heard this statement in advance and compared it, some candidates were still a little confused when they heard what Ye Chen said.

The emperors who were watching at the moment and who had taken the exam were also stunned when they heard it. They didn't expect that there would be such a connection, and they all began to rejoice in their hearts that they didn't take the exam this time.

At the same time, they also began to secretly admire the two candidates who answered the previous questions.

"My God, the exam questions this time are too difficult. Fortunately, we didn't take the exam this time."

"It's this kind of question. I'm afraid I can't answer any of them. I'm starting to admire the candidates in this exam."

These emperors talked with each other and began to discuss.

(End of this chapter)

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