Chapter 11 Did You Choose Seriously!
Outside the field, the people of Dayuan looked at everything in the light curtain. Are you sure you are serious?
The Yellow River has surged year after year, and the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River have been submerged by floods and become the country of Wanli Ze.

It was because of such a major disaster that the Yuan Dynasty was unable to recover, and the corruption of the court was fully exposed.

In the face of such a disaster, Emperor Yuan Shun could not give the people in dire straits the slightest hope, so he revolted one after another.

Zhu Yuanzhang was too lazy to mock him.

Although Emperor Yuan Shun looked so naive now, at the end, he complied with God's will and chose to leave Dadu without any resistance.

Now Zhu Yuanzhang just wants to know whether there is a situation like option [-] in any era.

What kind of situation is that?
Ye Chen looked at the candidates present, and several enlightened monarchs in history also looked at him.

"I can say responsibly that the situation of option [-] is real." Ye Chen said with his hands behind his back and his eyes looking straight ahead.

"It's not just the people in the affected areas and the military officers in the affected areas struggling to resist the disaster."

Ye Chen's voice slowly reached the ears of the emperor present.

"It's the real people and military officers across the country, and even the highest leaders have joined in the action to resist the disaster!"

"Everyone is doing their part to tide over the difficulties together!"

Ye Chen's voice gradually became higher and higher, and the emperor in his seat widened his eyes in disbelief when he heard this.

"Then what is the specific situation?" Tang Taizong Li Shimin asked a little excitedly.

"During the disasters of your time, there may be kind-hearted landowners and businessmen who use the food at home to help displaced and homeless refugees! But in the country of option one, every businessman with a little money and a sense of responsibility We will purchase the supplies needed by the people in the disaster area and deliver them personally."

"Even if a disaster occurs, the officers and soldiers in the disaster area will still stick to their posts and will not run away alone."

"The people in the disaster area will not flee their hometown because of the disaster and become refugees. They will bravely resist the disaster with the help of the state, defeat the disaster, and rebuild their homes on the ruins after the disaster!"

Ye Chen's words were sonorous, hitting people's hearts directly, and the emperors present were excited.

Even the Limin people who were watching from the sidelines were shocked.

A scholar sat on the tea table and finally murmured: "Is there really such a time?"

There was a doubtful light in his eyes.

But after a while, he raised his head and said a little excitedly, "Is this the Datong society that Master Confucius has been thinking about?"

The shopkeeper in the store also looked at Ye Chenwei's body in the light curtain. For some reason, he saw what he longed for in this young man.

"Does such a situation really exist? The people of the whole country work together to resist such a disaster!" Qin Shihuang also looked at Ye Chen. Isn't this young fairy already immortal?Why did he tell me about such a society?
"Yes, that is a real society! It's not just droughts, floods, famines, plagues, and foreign invasions. As long as any disaster occurs in one place, the soldiers and civilians of the whole country will resist together."

Qin Shihuang was lost in thought.

What a difference between such a society and the society under his rule!

As long as there is a chance, those old people will think about restoring the country!Isn't it good to have a unified country?Why are they so repulsive?
Qin Shihuang had no answer in mind.

But it seemed that some seeds remained in his heart.

Li Shimin found it incredible, how powerful is such a country!You know it takes a lot of time to go from one place to another!Are they all immortals?Can I travel to Beihai and Mu Cangwu?
Originally, he didn't believe in these gods and ghosts, and his heart was shaken again.

"Are those gods? Don't they take time to travel to and from one place?" Li Shimin finally asked this question.

If these questions remain in his heart, he will always want to figure it out.

It was as if in order to find out how those historians recorded himself, he would read his "Life Notes", and this opened the way for the emperor to read the Notes on Life in the future.

"They are not gods." Ye Chen said lightly.

"How did they do it if they weren't gods?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked incredulously.

Even if it is a thousand-mile horse, it will take three months to drive from Nanjing to the capital, and even to go to the vicinity of the Yellow River, it will take one and a half months.

Is anyone really willing to take that long to transport supplies there?And it's a non-governmental organization!
Zhu Yuanzhang would never believe this.

Ye Chen was also silent for a while, but still raised his head and said, "The further the wheel of the times rolls, the harder it is for anyone to imagine new things that will appear."

Puyi thought of the two-wheeled bicycle he had made, but he is still a child now, and he has no desire to express.

"Just like the original bronze sword was finally replaced by an iron sword, the development of these things will change the way of life."

Ye Chen can only explain so much, he just wants to show these emperors that there really is a society in option one.

"Okay!" Kangxi clapped his hands and shouted.

Kangxi is the only emperor in history who is interested in natural science. His applause means that he believes that the situation Ye Chen said will happen one day.

But his complexion was not as good as it looked.

His smile was a little stiff, and at the same time, he looked at Ye Chen less reverently.

At first, he also thought that Ye Chen was a fairy like other emperors, but he already felt so.

He once followed Western missionaries and studied astronomy, calendar, mathematics, physics, geography, biology, medicine, etc., so he has a deep understanding of regular things.

I also believe that technology can eventually develop to the point where it is as godlike as a god.

But he never thought that he could see him in his lifetime.

This Ye Chen is definitely not a fairy.

In his opinion, Ye Chen should be a person from an unknown era.

However, if this is the case, it is actually no different from a fairy.

Kangxi thought so in his heart.

He learned a lot of advanced knowledge at that time and wrote "Jixia Gewu Bian", but he didn't publish it to the public. In his heart, ruling is always more important than anything else.

Consolidating the rule of the Qing Dynasty was also the most important. If this book was released, he could not imagine what kind of commotion it would cause.

Therefore, he put the book on the shelf, and it was useless for other people to read it.

(End of this chapter)

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