All the people answer the question: an exam, the emperors all cried

Chapter 108 Someone wants to make up the exam!

Chapter 108 Someone wants to make up the exam!
Everyone else thought that he was probably the same as those before. Even if he was not satisfied with this result, he chose not to question it because he was afraid that his next test result might not be as good as this one.

After all, what Ye Chen said is indeed the truth, and there is nothing to question if it is true.

But what they all didn't expect was that Zhu Youjian didn't choose according to the usual rules, but chose a path that he had never imagined:
"I don't question the result this time, but examiner Ye wants to make up the exam, don't you know if that's okay?"

"Of course it can."

After hearing this, Ye Chen nodded in relief, and then distributed all the punishments from the two dynasties. Those who were punished all had sullen faces.

Only Zhu Youjian, although at first he was a little sad because he was punished, but then he remembered that he chose to take the make-up exam just now, so the most important thing now is to listen to the deeds and comments about other people as soon as possible , Learn by yourself.

"Okay, since everyone is meaningless, I will continue to announce the results of the next candidate."

As Ye Chen spoke, he looked down at the report card in his hand again, announcing the results of Nurhachi, Huang Taiji, Kangxi, Qianlong and other candidates one after another. Everyone had different expressions.

Among these people, only Kangxi and Qianlong barely passed the grades.

Looking at their results, Ye Chen couldn't help but feel a little angry. He shook his head, and said helplessly:
"To be honest, I didn't expect that you could only get such results."

After you, he seemed to want to say something more, but in the end, it just turned into a sigh.

And the emperors of the Qing Dynasty knew what they had done during their reign, and what Ye Chen said was always accurate, so they accepted their achievements silently this time.

Ye Chen glanced at the report card, and then began to introduce the characters on it:
"This one is Emperor Kangxi. Next, I want to show you his video."

While talking, the next video has already started playing on the screen. When the other emperors watched this video, they seemed to be a little bit lacking in interest. What kind of level should these two people be?
There are even some people here who have reached a high score of more than 80 and more than 90. Among all the emperors, it is rare to fail, but what is going on with this dynasty?It turned out to be against them.

Failed all but two, the two that passed.It's just barely crossing the line.

With preconceived ideas, they already had a low opinion of this person before watching this video, and when they saw the content in the video, they also deepened this idea.

Of course, among these people, it wasn't just those who hated him. After seeing some of Kangxi's actions in the video, some people began to admire him.

Because Ye Chen was originally disliked by some things that happened in this dynasty, so when talking about these things, it is inevitable to bring some subjective emotions.

But it was only subjective in emotion, and did not distort the truth. Other people were listening very carefully, including Kangxi himself.

Then there was a person at the scene, but when he heard Ye Chen commenting on Kangxi, he couldn't sit still. His father was his idol in life, someone he respected all his life, and even the things he usually did. Many things are also influenced by each other.

In his eyes, such a stalwart, such a great father, was actually evaluated by Ye Chen like this, so he felt a little unbearable for a while.

Because his emotions were too impulsive, he couldn't even control his anger, and stood up from his seat as soon as he slapped the table.

However, he made a sudden movement and made a loud noise in such a quiet room. Everyone's eyes were attracted by the sound.

Ye Chen only needs to look at the expression on the other party's face to guess what the other party probably means, but on the surface he still pretends to be confused:
"What's the matter, this candidate? Do you have any questions?"

And that Qianlong was really sincere, that Ye Chen asked him so, so you directly expressed your dissatisfaction in your heart:
"Examiner Ye, what did you just say? During my father's reign, not to mention how many achievements he made, but at least it can be regarded as allowing the people to live and work in peace and contentment, right?
He often does things in accordance with the legal principles, and he has always been serious about government affairs. If he is serious and popular, what is he lacking?Why did you end up with such an evaluation in your mouth? "

As soon as he said these words, the expressions on the faces of those around him all changed.

Not to mention how accurate Ye Chen's news is, he said that there are almost no mistakes in the battery, and everyone has seen what Kangxi did through the screen in front of him. How do you say it? With?Justice is at ease.

When the other emperors saw the content in the video, they didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Ye Chen's comments. When Ye Chen commented on others before, few people refuted them.

Why did things like this happen everywhere once they arrived in their dynasty?Thinking about it this way, they became even more disgusted with those people in this dynasty. It was obvious that they couldn't do anything well on their own, and their scores were relatively low, but one by one, they were all very unconvinced by Ye Chen. their evaluation.

Qianlong then glanced at the expressions on their faces, snorted coldly, and continued to wait for Ye Chen's answer.

On the other hand, Kangxi, who heard his son take the initiative to question Ye Chen, couldn't sit still. In fact, he didn't think there was anything wrong with what Ye Chen said, and everything was in line with it. fact.

But he could also understand why his son reacted like this to his clothes, because his education since childhood told Qianlong that his father was his role model and his god.

And the other party has indeed been thinking about her development in this direction, and even strives to surpass him, and I have been an idol since I was a child, and later found out that it is so commented by others. It's not good.

Fortunately, Kangxi himself still had some self-knowledge. When he saw his son questioning Ye Chen in such a gaffe, and Ye Chen hadn't refuted it with more serious words, he quickly stopped Qianlong.

(End of this chapter)

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