Age of Elves: It's up to you

Chapter 43 The Showdown Between Dark Horses

Chapter 43 The Showdown Between Dark Horses

On the second day, Lin Xiao ushered in his second match in the No. [-] venue in the first district.

It has to be said that Baiye No. 600 Middle School, as the organizer, is really very efficient, finishing more than [-] games in the first round in just one day.

Because of the high efficiency on the first day, the schedule in the next few days became much easier.

The number of matches on the second day was directly reduced by half compared to the first day.

Of course, this does not mean that the game will become easier. On the contrary, because it is a single-elimination match, the opponent will only get stronger and stronger, unless they meet a very weak Chosen One and advance all the way.

Lin Xiao's opponent in the second game was a boy from the class next to him. This guy's elf was a monkey monster.

"Are you Lin Xiao? The dark horse that the post bar mentioned?"

"It doesn't look too good, do you have some secret deal with the landlord?"

"It's just that it doesn't have a big impact. If I beat you, I will become a dark horse."

There are more than 1000 participants in the Freshman Challenge. Naturally, this kind of guy who likes to talk trash before the game is indispensable. Perhaps, for ordinary students, this guy's trash talk will make them feel pressured, but it's a pity Yes, he met Lin Xiao, this kind of guy who lived two lives.

"I thought about it, let's use one trick." Lin Xiao grinned, showing a mouthful of big white teeth.

"What do you mean?" The trash talker was taken aback for a moment.

"One trick to solve you."

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, the opponent was stunned, "Damn, is this guy so arrogant?"

Then, at the direction of the referee, the two unleashed their pixies.

As soon as he came out of the poke ball, the monkey monster rushed towards Leolu with its chest hammered. He had fierce eyes and a raised cross vein on his forehead, giving him a sinister look.

However, Riolu was not afraid of him at all.

The characteristics of spiritual power can make him not afraid of any intimidation.

Moreover, he also heard from Lin Xiao that he wanted to get rid of this guy with one move. As Lin Xiao's elf, he would not embarrass his trainer.

Looking at the monkey monster rushing towards him, a white light burst out from Riolu's body.

Lightning flashes!
The next moment, Riolu rushed out like a bolt of white lightning.

The monkey monster was always in a state of anger, and he was not the kind of elf who was good at observing, so he couldn't see the movements of Riolu clearly, and was directly knocked into the air by Riolu.

"Ugh!!" The monkey monster felt as if his abdomen had been hit by something heavy, and then a sharp pain came, and he passed out.

The trainer of the monkey monster on the side was dumbfounded.

"It's over?"

"Really just one trick?"

"I have been training in the battle club for more than a week, but I was eliminated by this guy with one move?"

"My hard work, my money, wasted like this?"

As for Lin Xiao, his expression was calm, as if this victory should be like this.

"After two rounds of competition, I only used Flash of Lightning and Alloy Claws for the time being. I haven't used any other moves. It hides my strength very well. Let's continue like this, break through the qualifiers, and go straight to the throne of champion."

The opponents in the first two rounds were too weak for Lin Xiao. Whether it was the Charmander or the Monkey Monster, they were all imposing, but they were actually vulnerable.

"It was too easy to win, I hope the next game will encounter some difficulties."

It's not that Lin Xiao is arrogant, he really wants to meet a stronger enemy.

It is not a good thing to win all the time. It will make people ignore their own weaknesses. When they really meet a powerful enemy and are targeted by the opponent, they are likely to lose.

On the contrary, if you encounter some difficulties in the battle, you can understand your own shortcomings and weaknesses in the predicament, so that you can correct them in time and go further.

However, the opponents in the qualifiers for the next two days were not very strong, which made Lin Xiao somewhat disappointed.

Until the fifth day, the game of 64 into 32 officially started.

Those who can get to this step have more or less real skills.

Lin Xiao also met the powerful opponent he was looking forward to on this day.

Guan Xiaofei, who is from Class [-], Grade [-], is known as a dark horse player like him.

"Lin Xiao, come on."

On the sidelines, Mo Han cheered Lin Xiao for the fifth time.

She is not a person who is good at fighting, but after watching the battle these days, she also knows what kind of person is more powerful. In her cognition, this Guan Xiaofei belongs to the more powerful kind.

"Understood, I will definitely win." Mo Han's character is like this, and she is also worried about herself, so Lin Xiao is not impatient, but whispers to persuade her not to worry too much.

"Lin Xiao, this guy is also a dark horse, and he wins every battle easily, so he must not be careless."

Xiao Sheng's 64 to 32 competition is over. His opponent is not weak, but Xiao Sheng is stronger than him, so he was promoted to the top 32 smoothly.

Afterwards, before the competition started, Xiao Sheng introduced Lin Xiao to some matters related to the sparrow.

The sparrow is a relatively weak kind among the flying elves.

However, it is only among the flying elves that he has an innate advantage over other non-flying elves, that is, he can fly.

Flying elves are too skinny in the early stage, flying high and fast, and some even consume skills from a distance, so they can fly in the air to consume enemies.

This advantage is especially obvious in the freshman challenge, because everyone's elves are not very strong, and they have not learned long-range moves. When encountering flying elves, they can only watch the opponent consume themselves, but they can't handle them.

"It's just that, according to my observations in the past few days, this sparrow's moves are all close combat, and I haven't seen him use long-range moves for the time being."

"Well, but don't be careless because of this, maybe he hid something." Listening to Xiao Sheng's analysis, Lin Xiao nodded.

Lin Xiao wouldn't despise Lie Que because he didn't show his long-range moves. He was able to stand out from more than 1000 or [-] people, and he basically had two skills. He didn't want to be overturned because of his contempt.

"There are also some introductions about this sparrow on the forum, but it's not critical. We can only speculate that his characteristic is a sniper, and there are four moves: pecking, gathering energy, random attack and swallow return." Xiao Sheng continued. Said.

"Well, I understand." Lin Xiao nodded. Because of the master's rules, no one entering the arena is allowed to bring a watch book, and even spectators are prohibited from using a watch book. If the recorder finds out, he will be kicked out of the battle field, so most people can only learn about the specific situation of the participating elves through the battle.

"Next is the third match this afternoon. The contestants are Lin Xiao from Class [-] and [-] of Senior High and Guan Xiaofei from Class [-] and Class [-] of Senior High."

On the field, the referee was already in place and began to call Lin Xiao and the others to enter the field.

The match between Lin Xiao and Guan Xiaofei has long been announced on post bars and forums. Both of them are dark horses that suddenly appeared after the match, so they are highly anticipated. Someone has occupied the viewing area around the battlefield for a long time, waiting With the start of the game.

(End of this chapter)

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