Age of Elves: It's up to you

Chapter 39 The Qualifiers Begin

Chapter 39 The Qualifiers Begin

By nine o'clock, the venue was full of people standing all around.

Some came to watch the battle, and some, like Lin Xiao, competed in this battle field.

Mo Han arrived after eight o'clock. She didn't participate in the competition, but came here to cheer for Lin Xiao.

At about [-]:[-], there was a commotion beside the battlefield, and the referee and recorder in charge of the third field came over.

Because this freshman competition follows the master rules, the referees are all provided by the Trainer Alliance, and the recorders responsible for recording the game data are also specially trained.

At the same time, outside each battle area, there is a temporary elf center, which is a temporary recovery center specially set up by the elf center for the recovery of the elves who were injured in the game, and also for the elves to maintain their own strength. state.

The referee of the No. 20 station in District [-] is a [-]-year-old man, wearing a black and white referee uniform, holding a small flag with a Pokéball printed on it in his hand. It is a command flag, and the waving of the command flag represents the start of the game. and end.

The young referee Zhang Duan came to the referee's seat and casually glanced at the contestants around the battlefield. These young guys looked excited, serious, nervous, or scared, and some of them were expressionless.

"Ahem," he coughed, and tried the volume of the headset, also in order to attract everyone's attention.

When he coughed, the noisy environment instantly became quiet, and the people on the sidelines also turned their attention to him.

"Baiye No. [-] Middle School Freshman Challenge, District [-], Court No. [-], the first morning of the competition, officially begins."

"I hope everyone can maintain a good attitude in the game, play their best level, don't be proud when you win, don't be sad when you lose, and don't leave regrets for yourself."

"Today's first match will be held soon, please come to the stage with the players whose names have been read."

"Contestant No. 167, Xia Hui, and contestant No. 927, Liu Ye."

Xia Hui is a girl with a gentle appearance. After playing, she bowed to where the referee was.

Liu Ye is a naive young man with a round face, and looks very honest.

Because of following the rules of the masters, contestants are not allowed to carry the illustrated book of watches, so Lin Xiao cannot use the illustrated book to check the attributes of the two elves, and can only learn some relevant information through their battles.

"This game follows the master's rules. The battlefield is an ordinary venue. The rules are 1v1. If one of the two sides surrenders or loses combat power, it will end. Now, please send your own elves."

Under the auspices of the referee, Xia Hui and Liu Ye released their elves. Xia Hui's elf is a Nidolan, and Liu Ye's elf is a trumpet bud.

"It's Nidolan, such a cute elf."

"Trumpet buds are also quite fun, with crooked bodies."

Looking at the little elf that was released, the crowd of onlookers immediately expressed emotion.

"Lin Xiao, who do you think will win?" Mo Han stood beside Lin Xiao and asked softly.

"Nidoran and Horn Bud, the result is hard to say. There is no relationship between restraint and being restrained in the attributes of these two elves, so we can only see the strength of the elves themselves."

"It's just that I feel that Nidolan has a higher chance of winning."

"Why?" Mo Han didn't quite understand the meaning of Lin Xiao's words. Didn't he just say that there is no restraint relationship between the two elves?Why is it said that Nidolan has a high winning rate later?

"Look at the status of the two elves."

Lin Xiao pointed to Nidolan and Horn Bud in the middle of the field.

"Nidoran's skin is bright, his expression is excited, and his eyes are full of confidence. It can be seen that he has been carefully cultivated, but the trumpet bud is just the opposite. I even wonder if he hasn't slept. Wake up, I can't even stand still."

"I see." Mo Han nodded knowingly.

And the result of the ensuing battle just confirmed Lin Xiao's judgment.

After Zhang Duan announced the start of the game, Nidolan rushed directly in front of Horn Ya with an impact, knocking the confused Horn Ya into the air, and then, before Horn Ya could stand up, he directly came with a set of sharp claws, Beat the trumpet buds.

The whole process only took 1 minutes.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xiao couldn't help shaking his head.

In the freshmen challenge competition, all the participants are people who have just obtained elves. How can such a person play a high-level game?

Lin Xiao reckoned that neither he nor Leolu would encounter challenges before entering the top sixteen. He even felt that Xiao Sheng might break into the top sixteen.

Ten minutes after the end of the first game, the second game started. As for the process, it was as boring as the first game. Even because the two elves were of similar level, it took about ten minutes to decide the winner.

"Lin Xiao, it's up to you next time," Mo Han said nervously.

"It's okay." As a contestant, Lin Xiao comforted Mo Han who was watching the match.

"Aren't you afraid?" Mo Han pinched the hem of his clothes with both hands and looked at him worriedly.

"It's okay, don't be too scared."

Lin Xiao was really not afraid, especially after watching the first and second games, he was not only not nervous, but a little arrogant.

"That's it? You still want to make me nervous at this level?"

According to Lin Xiao's thinking, the level of these elves is not even comparable to the big needle bee he and Riolu met in the Forest of Solid Wood.

At this time, Riolu is much stronger than when he met the big needle bee.

After a while, the intermission ended and it was Lin Xiao's turn to take the stage.

Looking at Mo Han who was still a little nervous, Lin Xiao joked with her with a smile, "Remember to take a photo for me later."

"Taking pictures?" Mo Han froze for a moment.

"That's right, anyway, it's the first official battle match in my life, so naturally I have to keep some memories."

"Well, okay." Mo Han agreed, and then took out his mobile phone.

Looking at Mo Han's little hands that were no longer trembling, Lin Xiao smiled, and then boarded the opposite platform.

"The third match of Channel [-] in District [-] is about to begin. Please invite the following two contestants to come on stage."

"Contestant No. 666, Lin Xiao. And contestant No. 123, Song Wei."

Under Zhang Duan's introduction, Lin Xiao walked to the trainer's area on the left side of the platform. Opposite him was a chubby boy who was his opponent, Song Wei.

"Ask the trainers on both sides to release the elves. If it takes more than 15 seconds, it will be regarded as an automatic abstention."

Hearing Zhang Duan's password, Lin Xiao and Song Wei nodded at the same time, then took out the poke ball in their pockets and released their pokemon.

On the left, there is a standing blue puppy, this is Riolu.

On the right, there is a salamander-like creature, most of his skin is orange, the most prominent feature is his tail, the tip of the tail is burning with a red flame.

(End of this chapter)

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