Age of Elves: It's up to you

Chapter 37 Battle Trainer

Chapter 37 Battle Trainer

The morning of the first day of school is spent in discussions among the students.

In the afternoon, Lin Xiao and the others were taken to different places to experience the courses offered by the school for different occupations.

The first trial class is a class for Battle Trainers.

The teacher who gave the lecture was none other than Zhang Wenwen.

"Starting today, I will be the main lecturer of the battle training class. If any of you choose the career of a battle trainer, then you will spend the next year with me."

In the afternoon, Zhang Wenwen did not wear the clothes of the rescue team, but changed into a T-shirt and jeans. Although the match was very casual, no one dared to underestimate her.

She is a gym-level trainer.

They are two levels higher than the novice trainers who have just started.

"Do you know what a battle trainer is?" Zhang Wenwen, who was standing on the podium, pointed to the five big characters written on the blackboard.

"I know, he is a trainer who focuses on battle."

Some students raised their hands and answered.

"Yes, this is the most straightforward understanding, but the battle trainers I want to talk about are not limited to this."

While Zhang Wenwen was talking, she observed the reactions of the students below, and found that most of them had doubts and bewilderment on their faces.

"Battle trainer, isn't it just a battle? Does it have other meanings?"

This is what many people think. In their view, battle trainers are born for fighting.

In fact, this kind of understanding is also correct. Battle trainers, the purpose of their existence is to fight.

However, the meaning of this battle is very broad.

"Lin Xiao, do you know about battle trainers?" Suddenly, Zhang Wenwen, who was standing on the podium, called out Lin Xiao's name.

When she shouted, all the students in the class turned their eyes to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao, who was called by Zhang Wenwen, was also taken aback for a moment. To be honest, he never thought that he would be called by name.

However, being named also allowed him to confirm one thing, that is, he should be famous in the rescue team.

"In the morning, I heard you say that you wanted to become a battle trainer, so you should know something about battle trainers." Zhang Wenwen continued.

Hearing what she said, the students around immediately understood that it was Lin Xiao who spoke too loudly when talking about his ambitions, and Teacher Zhang heard him.

Lin Xiao: "."

Lin Xiao was a little helpless. He remembered that he mentioned a battle trainer when he was chatting with Xiao Sheng and the others. Unexpectedly, Zhang Wenwen heard it. If Zhang Wenwen didn't pay special attention to him, he absolutely didn't believe it.

"The battle trainer I understand is actually only a relatively large part of this profession. At the same time, it should also include subduing and cultivating elves."

"From encountering wild elves, to taming them, to nurturing them, and then to the final battle, this is the whole battle trainer."

"Yes." Zhang Wenwen nodded, "Student Lin Xiao answered very well."

Zhang Wenwen looked at Lin Xiao with satisfaction. The child that the old brother and sister Qing said was dead is not as brainless as they said.

The other students also looked at Lin Xiao in surprise. Their understanding of battle trainers is not so deep. In many people's eyes, battle trainers are for battle.

Seeing that Lin Xiao was praised, Xiao Sheng behind him looked a little excited, "Lin Xiao, I can't tell, you have a deep understanding of battle trainers, and you are indeed determined to become the world's strongest elf trainer!" family."

His voice was not loud, but because he was in class, when he said it, many people heard it.

"The strongest elf trainer!"

"Is it the league champion? This guy Lin Xiao actually wants to become the league champion."

"Tch, the league champion is only a regional champion. In this regard, there are trainers who are stronger than the league champion."

"Oh, there is a trainer stronger than the champion, what is that?"

"A world champion, also known as a master trainer."

Seeing the classmates discussing in a hurry, Zhang Wenwen, who was standing on the podium, coughed twice.

Hearing her coughing, the noisy classroom immediately fell silent.

"Battle trainers are a comprehensive profession. Although their purpose is to fight, in order to accomplish this goal, they need to recover the wild elves, and cultivate the elves day after day to improve themselves. The relationship between you and the elves, only in this way can you win the battle."

Hearing Zhang Wenwen's description, the students in the classroom nodded involuntarily.

They never thought that a battle trainer would need to master so many things, not only to understand battle, but also to understand how to cultivate and subdue elves.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Wenwen changed the subject and continued to ask: "Everyone knows, what are the specific identities of the battle trainers?"

"I know," just as Zhang Wenwen finished speaking, Xiao Sheng, who was sitting behind Lin Xiao, raised his hand.

"Xiao Linzi was in the limelight just now, now it's my turn," he raised his hand, looking expectantly at Zhang Wenwen on the podium.

"Well, I'm going to rush to answer now," Zhang Wenwen said with a smile looking at Xiao Sheng who raised his hand. When she said this, all the students in the classroom laughed.

"Okay, let this student who raised his hand tell me about some of the identities of the battle trainer."

"There are gym trainers, battle club coaches, elf rescue team trainers, alliance challengers, alliance kings, and champion trainers"

All of a sudden, Xiao Sheng said several familiar names.

"These are all battle trainers." Someone who didn't know much about battle thought in surprise.

"That's right, what Xiao Sheng said belongs to the battle trainer, but because he is in a different position, so the title is different."

Zhang Wenwen applauded and said that her action made Xiao Sheng, who was already proud of himself, raise his chin again.

"Just now everyone heard that Lin Xiao's dream is to become the world's strongest elf trainer. This can also be regarded as a kind of identity as a battle trainer. Similarly, this identity can also be regarded as an alliance challenger. .”

"Mr. Zhang, what do you mean by Alliance Challenger?" A girl raised her hand and asked.

"Alliance challengers are a group of trainers who travel around the world to challenge the various competitions held by the alliance and win the championship. By constantly challenging powerful opponents, they obtain different trainer level certifications and finally become kings. A super trainer, even a champion trainer, a master trainer."

(End of this chapter)

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