Age of Elves: It's up to you

Chapter 213 Silver Companion Beast VS Yan Emperor

Chapter 213 Silver Companion Beast VS Yan Emperor
Chapter 38 Silver Beast VS Yandi
Silver Companion Beast is the biggest achievement of Pioneer since its establishment.

The predecessor of Silver Companion Beast is named Attribute: Kong, and it is an elf created with the goal of the legendary elf handed down from mythology.

Attributes: The appearance of Kong and Silver Companion Beasts has greatly improved the strength of the pioneers.

Attribute: After Kong evolves into a Silver Companion Beast, the mask that restrains the power in his body will disappear, and the power in the Silver Companion Beast will be completely released. At that time, the Silver Companion Beast will have what ordinary elves cannot have strength.

Within the pioneer organization, every escort has a silver companion beast, which is the savings of the pioneers over the years.

Not only that, each escort also has a corresponding attribute disk according to the direction he is good at.

Like Moxuan, his disk is a ghost disk. After inserting the disk into the drive on the head of the Silver Companion Beast, the Silver Companion Beast can change its attributes through the AR system, and its body cells will change. And emit different light.

Mo Xuan walked to the side of the Silver Companion Beast, and inserted the ghost disk in his hand into the driver on the head of the Silver Companion Beast.

Afterwards, the body of Silver Companion Beast began to change.

The feathers on the top of his head changed from white to purple-black, and the membrane behind his tail also changed to purple-black.

Silver Companion Beast, the driver loading is complete.

Mo Xuan retreated behind Silver Companion War Beast, his face full of anticipation.

"After so many years, I finally have the opportunity to fight the legendary elf." He said with a smile, his tone full of excitement.

"Go, Silver Companion Beast, let him see your strength."


The Silver Companion War Beast turned into a golden light and rushed towards Emperor Yan.

"Ultimate Impact!"

"This Silver Companion Beast is really ruthless. It used a powerful ultimate impact as soon as it came up."

Looking at the Silver Companion Beast rushing towards him, Emperor Yan didn't panic, nor did he retreat, he had the pride of being a legendary elf, and he would never back down from an enemy like the Silver Companion Beast.

He opened his mouth, and a raging flame gushed out of his mouth.


The red flames illuminated the surrounding environment, and the flames came fiercely, hitting the body of the Silver Companion Beast.

The nearly half-meter-wide flame was directly knocked away by the Silver Companion Beast, but his advancing body also stopped because of this.

"In the first round of the fight, the two sides were tied." Lin Xiao stood behind Emperor Yan, muttering to himself, "But strictly speaking, Emperor Yan should have won. He used flame jets, round moves The power is not comparable to the ultimate impact with 150 points of power."

After stopping the Silver Companion Beast with jet flames, Emperor Yan moved.

He is Emperor Yan, so he won't stand still and be beaten forever.

He let out a long howl, and flames began to spread from the place where he was standing on his four feet, and then he started to run. As he continued to move forward, the area of ​​the flames became larger and larger, and finally gathered around Emperor Yan to form a huge Fire blast.

"It's Flame Charge!"

It's not that Lin Xiao has never seen Flame Charge, but this is the first time he has seen Flame Charge with a radius of three or four meters.

For example, the flashing charge of the stir-fried pig and the flaming red tumbler before, compared with Yandi's flashing charge, it is like a child's play house.


Faced with Emperor Yan who was rushing towards him, the feathers on the head of the Silver Companion Beast gave off a faint black light, and purple-black electric lights flickered around his body. The body is covered.

Then, with all his strength, he rushed out.

"It's the ultimate move of Silver Companion Beast, a multi-attribute attack."

Different from the previous ultimate impact, the multi-attribute attack is a unique trick of the Silver Companion Beast. By covering the body with high energy, it hits the opponent to attack, and the attributes of the multi-attribute attack will change according to the different disk attributes.

Under the cover of the energy of the ghost system, the Silver Companion Beast collided with Emperor Yan violently.

Under the night sky, the red and purple-black shock waves collided together, making a huge roar.

Immediately afterwards, a shock wave surged out from the center of the impact, causing Lin Xiao and Mo Xuan, who were watching from the side, to step back two steps.


After a few seconds of stalemate, the red shock wave shrank suddenly, and then saw Emperor Yan slam into the Silver Companion Beast fiercely like a sharp arrow, knocking him into the air.

The second round of the contest ended with Emperor Yan winning.

The Silver Companion Beast that was knocked into the air did not lose its fighting power. On the contrary, a surge of anger rose in his heart. During the process of flying backwards, he turned his body abruptly, and the light of the ghost system on his body flickered. Facing Emperor Yan, he spat out shadow balls emitting purple-black light.

bang bang

The shadow ball fell like a hailstone, hitting Yandi's body and the ground around him, making explosions.

Emperor Yan's body was also covered by the dust caused by the explosion.

The body of Silver Companion War Beast landed on the ground steadily, looking at Emperor Yan who was covered by dust, a glimmer of pride flashed in his eyes.

"Be careful!" At this moment, Mo Xuan behind him suddenly said.

The pupils of the Silver Companion Beast shrank suddenly, and then, the dust covering Emperor Yan shrank suddenly, and then a huge fireball broke through the dust and flew towards the location of the Silver Companion Beast.

Looking at the huge fireball, Silver Companion Beast didn't dare to neglect, the ghost energy on its body flickered, and it directly left the place with a few jumps.

The fireball lost its target, hit the ground, and exploded. After that, five flames scattered from the fireball, forming a huge character.

Although Silver Companion War Beast had already responded, his speed was still slow, and was concentrated by a flame extending from the big character explosion, and a trace of scorched black appeared on his front legs.

Seeing this, Mo Xuan frowned.

"Is this the strength of Emperor Yan? In just a few rounds, the Silver Companion Beast was injured!"

This is not over yet, after the dust cleared, Emperor Yan stepped forward with both feet.

Afterwards, a trace of flame appeared around the body of the Silver Companion Beast. The trace of flame spread rapidly, and then converged to form a red circle.

"Oops!" Seeing the moment when the red circle appeared, Mo Xuan had a bad breath in his heart.

The next moment, red flames rose from the circle, directly surrounding the Silver Companion War Beast inside.

"Flame vortex."

Lin Xiao's face under the mask was full of sighs.

Emperor Yan is too strong.

He is worthy of the name of the legendary elf, his strength is too powerful, his use of fire moves is unbelievably proficient, almost at random, and every move is very powerful.

Compared with his flame vortex, the flame vortex of Xiao Yan's platypus is definitely not enough.

"Hold on!"

The vortex of flames shrank rapidly, and after a while, it came to the surrounding of the Silver Companion Beast. Seeing this, Mo Xuan directly asked the Silver Companion Beast to use a slapstick move to defend it.

A green light curtain rose around the body of the Silver Companion Beast, resisting the flame vortex that was about to hit him.

However, this did not end.

The vortex of flames is still continuing, and the Silver Companion Beast still hasn't escaped from the predicament.

Seeing the calm Yan Emperor not far away, Mo Xuan frowned.

"Is this the strength of the legendary elves? It's so strong that my champion-strength Silver Companion Beast is no match for him at all."

He sighed, the excitement of being able to fight Emperor Yan was no longer in his heart, and he was replaced by solemnity.

"Oh, there's no way."

Mo Xuan knew that he had already lost the one-on-one, and there was only one way to fight for victory.

A look of ruthlessness flashed across his face, he reached into his pocket, took out five elf balls, and threw them towards the sky.

Accompanied by five colored flashes, five elves appeared around him.

"Ghost-type, evil-type elves, Geng Gui."

"Ghost-type, flying-type elves, follow the wind ball."

"Ghost-type elf, death coffin."

"Ghost-type, fire-type elf, crystal lamp fire spirit."

"And ghost-type, dragon-type elves, Duolong Baruto."

Deserving of the title of ghost-type escort, Mo Xuan's five elves are all ghost-type, and they are all extremely powerful.

After releasing his remaining five elves, he unzipped his clothes, exposing his neck.

It can be seen that around his neck he wears a necklace with a keystone set in it.

As the core figure of the pioneers, he naturally has the keystone necklace.

On Geng Gui's hand, there is a corresponding super stone tied to it.

"Evolve, Geng Gui!"

Mo Xuan stretched out his right hand and pressed against the keystone on his neck. Then, a purple-black light flew out from the keystone on his neck. On the other side, the super stone on Geng Gui's arm also began to glow, a purple-black light It spread out and intertwined with the light of the keystone on Mo Xuan's neck.

The light of evolution appeared on Geng Gui's body.

The light lasted for a moment, and a weird-looking elf flew out of it.

Looking at the elf with a weird shape, a name appeared in Lin Xiao's mind.

Super Gengar.

The super-evolved Geng Gui, like the previous Geng Gui, cannot see his lower body. At the same time, the evolved Geng Gui has become larger, with spikes on all parts of his body, and the lower part of his body has turned purple. red.Spikes grew out of the originally pointy tail.There is a yellow gold coin-like object in the middle of the forehead with a hollow hole in the middle.

"Go, help Silver Companion Beast."

Super Geng Gui took the lead in launching the attack, and his strange figure disappeared out of thin air, as if he had never appeared before.

"Oops, is it a sneak attack? This move will hide your body and attack the enemy in the dark."

After Super Geng Ghost disappeared, the other four elves of Moxuan were divided into two teams. With the wind ball and the crystal lantern fire spirit appearing on the top of the Silver Companion Beast, black light radiated from their bodies, and the black light spread , blocked the ever-shrinking flame vortex.

The wave of evil, if there is only one elf, the wave of evil can't stop the flame vortex, but at this time there are three elves in the flame vortex, and almost all of them are champion-level elves, the three elves use the wave of evil together , directly blocked the flame vortex, and, with the cooperation of the three elves, the flame vortex showed signs of being wiped out.

Seeing this, Emperor Yan was about to make another move when two elves suddenly appeared in front of him. They were the two remaining elves of Mo Xuan, Death Coffin and Duolong Baruto.

A blue light flashed on Death's Coffin, and a powerful shock wave rushed out of his body, flying towards Emperor Yan.

On the other side, Duolong Baruto was also not idle. After using the mental force in the death coffin, he immediately used the dragon's dive.

The blue dragon shadow wrapped around his body and rushed towards Emperor Yan.

Just as Emperor Yan was about to defend, the Super Geng Ghost who had disappeared before suddenly appeared behind him. Black energy flickered between the hands of Super Geng Ghost, and he smashed towards Emperor Yan's back.

"Emperor Yan, watch your back!" Lin Xiao who was standing behind shouted hastily.

Emperor Yan, who had gained the upper hand in the battle with the Silver Companion Beast, was now facing an extremely dangerous situation.

He was attacked from both sides, facing the siege from three sides by Super Geng Gui, Reaper's Coffin and Duolong Baruto.

"What should I do!" Lin Xiao watched anxiously from behind, but he couldn't do anything.

Now he only has two elves, Riolu and Burning Worm, but their strength is simply not enough in this kind of battle, and they must be instantly defeated.

"Rainbow Feather?"

But now Lin Xiao couldn't get close to Emperor Yan at all, that is to say, the rainbow feather couldn't be sent to Emperor Yan at all, nor could he help Emperor Yan.

Lin Xiao looked at his system backpack, but found that there was nothing that could help Emperor Yan.

"Wait, this thing."

The corner of Lin Xiao's eyes jumped, and then a red gemstone appeared in his hand.

"Can't fly!"

"No, Gulardo!"

"Can this thing attract Gulardo?"

After seeing the vermilion gem, a plan immediately appeared in Lin Xiao's mind.

If this plan is not done well, it may exacerbate the demise of Windu, but if it is done well, maybe even the problem of Sidoran can be solved.

And the key to this plan lies in the scarlet gemstone in his hand, as well as himself.

He took a deep breath and held the vermilion gem in both hands.

"Gulardo, can you hear my voice, I need your help!" he shouted in his heart.

Lin Xiao kept shouting in his heart, but the vermilion gem didn't respond at all.

"No, it's a fake." He thought to himself.

At this moment, the battle in front of him suddenly changed.

Faced with the siege of Super Geng Gui, Death Coffin, and Duolong Baruto, Emperor Yan did not retreat, he let out a loud roar, and then his body rose into flames like a rainbow.


The moment the rainbow-colored flames appeared, they spread out, centering on Emperor Yan, the surroundings of his body directly turned into a sea of ​​flames.


And the Super Geng Ghost, Death Coffin, and Doron Baruto who besieged him were caught off guard by the rainbow-colored flames, and were directly enveloped by the flames, screaming in pain.

"Holy Fire!"

(End of this chapter)

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