Age of Elves: It's up to you

Chapter 19 Strange phenomenon

Chapter 19 Strange phenomenon
These are three elves that look like mice and have purple fur on their bodies.

"Ah, it's little Lada." Xiao Sheng was startled by the sudden appearance of the little elves, and he called out their names amidst exclamation.

"Play," the naughty panda beside him was also startled by little Lada, and the leaves in his mouth fell to the ground.

He didn't care about Xiao Sheng who was overreacting beside him, because the little Lada had already rushed towards Lin Xiao and the others.

"Leo Lu, prepare to fight!"

"Pikachu, use the lightning flash!"

Lin Xiao and Tian Zhi gave orders at the same time.

When they gave the order, Riolu and Pikachu rushed out together.

Riolu faces the little Lada in the middle, and Pikachu faces the little Lada on the right. As for the little Lada on the left, leave it to Xiao Sheng and the naughty panda.

Riolu held his hands on both sides of his body, and the white light took shape in his hands, turning into claws exuding metallic light.

The little Lada opposite him obviously wouldn't retreat because of this, since he chose to attack actively, he wouldn't run away easily.

His red eyes glanced at Riolu and Pikachu viciously, and finally his eyes stayed on Riolu.

Watching Riolu use the alloy claws, Little Rada opened his mouth, and then the fangs in his mouth grew longer while shining white.

"It's an evil move, bite it."

Although Little Radha is an ordinary elf, but because he can do some food-stealing things, he can learn evil-type moves.

Facing the straightforward attack of little Rada, Lin Xiao smiled lightly on his face.

Such an attack was like throwing himself into the arms of Riolu.

"Leolu, use a feint attack to avoid the bite of little Lada, and then use the split tile to finish him." Lin Xiao said the order in one breath.


Under Lin Xiao's command, Leolu's body suddenly jumped forward, making the appearance of attacking.

Because he absorbed the Serious Mint, his speed became faster again.

At the moment when he was about to fight Xiao Lada, Riolu's body moved aside in a strange posture, avoiding Xiao Lada's bite directly.

Seeing that his attack was in vain, Little Rada's heart tightened, but his anger made him give up and run away.

With his body completely exposed to Riolu's attack range, a white light burst out from his body.

"Riolu, be careful, it's a flash of lightning."

Seeing the little Lada who used the flash of lightning, Riolu did not panic at all, but directly increased the strength in his hand.

The tile splitting was like a broken bamboo, and it hit little Lada directly on the head.

This is confidence.

After experiencing the previous battles and the promotion last night, Riolu was full of confidence.

He knew that this move would be able to get rid of little Lada.

"La da," the fact was just as he had imagined, although the little Lada was aggressive, he was killed by Riolu in just one round without a fight.

Looking at the little Lada who fell to the ground, Riolu snorted, his face full of conceit.

Seeing Leolu's appearance, Lin Xiao frowned slightly, "Recently, Leolu has been a little drifting."

"In the battle just now, I didn't choose the safe tactic of dodging and then fighting back, but chose head-to-head."

This is not a good sign, Lin Xiao decided to find time to talk to this guy about his life after the trip to Ashes Cave is over.

"Pikachu, use the electric shock."

"Naughty panda, use shove."

While Lin Xiao was thinking about how to correct Leolu's attitude, Tian Zhi and Xiao Sheng also settled the battle.

Looking at the little Lada who fell into a coma, the expressions of the three of them were a bit wrong.

"Little Radha, an elf, shouldn't attack people and other elves casually."

Xiao Sheng went to little Lada and squatted down, looking at the unconscious little Lada, his eyes were full of doubts.

"Oh, why?" Lin Xiao also came over and asked.

Although Xiao Sheng doesn't talk very much, when it comes to things related to elves, his words are quite convincing.

Anyway, he is also determined to become a researcher of elves.

"Little Lada is a kind of elf who is extremely cautious. They usually hide in the dark and only attack people when they are threatened."

"Threat? Are we going to threaten him if we walk away?" Tian Zhiman was puzzled.

Lin Xiao and Leolu, who were standing aside, were also full of doubts.

"Yeah, it's strange here. Logically speaking, the dirt road we're traveling on doesn't belong to their territory. That is to say, we pose no threat to them. Under such circumstances, how could they launch a war at will? attack."

"They're not sparrows and big needle bees." Lin Xiao nodded in agreement.

"That's right, they're not the sparrow and the big needle bee, the kind of guys who will go to people when they see them. Little Lada is different from them."

"Then what happened?" Tian Zhi felt that his head was not enough. He was good at fighting, and thinking about other things was a kind of torture for him.

"I don't know." Xiao Sheng shook his head, then stood up, he looked at the Ash Cave in the distance, "Maybe, what happened there."

"Then let's go there quickly, if something really happens in Ash Cave, the wild elves there will be affected," Lin Xiao said with some concern.

"Well, let's go quickly." Tian Zhi also nodded in agreement, wondering if it might have something to do with the rare elf that suddenly appeared.

After a while, the three of Lin Xiao brought their elves outside the Ashes Cave.

There is nothing unusual outside the cave, it is quiet, there are no people and no elves.


Xiao Sheng circled around the cave twice, and finally stopped at a corner on the right side of the cave entrance. He pointed to the ground in front of him, and beckoned Lin Xiao and Tian Zhi to go over.

Coming to Xiao Sheng's side, Lin Xiao saw what Tian Zhi was pointing at.

It was a series of footprints.

"These footprints are those of little Lada." Xiao Sheng said with certainty.

As an elf researcher, the identification of this common elf footprint is a compulsory course for him.

"That is to say, the little Lada ran out of the cave?" Lin Xiao said.

"Yes, perhaps it should be said, they were driven out of the cave by some fellow."

Hearing Xiao Sheng's words, Tian Zhi's heart skipped a beat, "Is that the cherished elf that suddenly appeared?"

"If this little elf comes from other places, if he enters the cave, he may take away the territory of other little elves." Xiao Sheng nodded.

"It shouldn't be too late, let's go in quickly, as long as we capture that guy, we can solve this problem."

Xiao Sheng didn't speak, but stood up and glanced at Lin Xiao.

Noticing Xiao Sheng's gaze, Lin Xiao nodded, "At this time, we can only go to the cave to have a look."

 Seeking recommendations!


(End of this chapter)

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