Age of Elves: It's up to you

Chapter 179 Spirit Exchange

Chapter 179 Spirit Exchange
Since Wang Shi established the Black Stone Gym, he has encountered all kinds of challengers, but this is the first time he has encountered a trainer who defeated him so quickly like today.

He is not an ordinary first-level gymnasium owner. In a metropolis like Baiye City, even if he is a first-level gymnasium owner, his strength will be stronger than that of the first-level gymnasium masters in surrounding towns. Many people would rather go to the surrounding area of ​​Baiye City to find a challenge in a first-level gymnasium than to come to him.

Kirulian's fast attack and Leolu's tenacity made Wang Shi, the gym owner, a little impressed. It's not like he hasn't lost a game before, but it's the first time he lost so thoroughly like today.

Especially in the end, the big rock snake used the tight and heavy pedals on Leolu, how did Leolu escape.

In fact, the reason why Lin Xiao let Riolu use the iron tail when he was tied tightly was because he thought of some operations of Pikachu in the anime. In the animation, Pikachu used the iron tail to hit the ground many times to offset the damage he suffered.

The same was done by Riolu at the time. He concentrated energy on his tail, and used the iron tail to touch the ground to offset the damage caused by the big rock snake's stomping.

This is a flexible use of Iron Tail. If he hadn't watched the anime, Lin Xiao might not have thought of this method of use.

"I lost." Actually, to Wang Shi, it doesn't matter if he loses. As the owner of the gymnasium, he is unlikely to win all the time. He just has some doubts about whether Riolu didn't fall under the heavy foot of the big rock snake. Fortunately, it was Lin Xiao who explained it to him later, and he suddenly realized that the moves could still be used in this way.

Afterwards, Wang Shi took Lin Xiao and the others away from the battlefield and came to the front desk of the gymnasium.

Here, the service staff at the front desk updated Lin Xiao's watch illustration, and after that, Lin Xiao's identity information was changed.

He was still an ordinary trainer before. After defeating the Blackstone Gym, Lin Xiao's trainer level has changed, and now he has become a gym-level trainer. At the same time, there is a star symbol behind the gym-level trainer , which represents the number of gyms he has defeated.

A star represents victory over a gym. When there are four stars, it will transform into a moon. When there are two moons, it will become a sun.

After owning the sun badge, it means that Lin Xiao has the right to challenge the king of heaven.

Similarly, after this Gymnasium Challenge, Lin Xiao no longer needs to go to school, nor does he need to take the college entrance examination and enter university for further studies.

He has become an official alliance challenger, and the next thing to do is to go to the highest peak by challenging gyms one by one.

After bidding farewell to Wang Shi and Wang Can, Lin Xiao and Mo Han came to the nearest elf center.

Give the poke balls of Kirulian and Riolu to the nurse, and with their resilience, they can fully recover in about half an hour.

Sitting in the elf center, Lin Xiao began to recall the previous battle.

Using his excellent defensive power, and supplemented by various moves with negative effects, he forcibly grinds the opponent to death.

The tactics of Wang Shi and Hu Hu brought Lin Xiao a lot of reference.

"Can I learn from his method and create a pot that belongs to me?"

This is a very stupid fighting method, but I have to say that for some elves who are not very strong, this method can have unexpected effects, and may even catch the opponent by surprise .

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao took out the elf ball of Lily Root Doll.

Seeing his movements, Mo Han, who was sitting opposite him, asked, "Is this the Lily root doll?"

"En." Lin Xiao nodded.

"I remember when I first caught her, she was only at the normal level, how is it now?"

"After training with Riolu and the others for three months, the strength has reached the elite level." After speaking, Lin Xiao pressed the button in the middle of the elf ball and released the Lily root doll.

Lily root doll is still a little confused, it seems that she was sleeping just now, so her eyes were not fully opened when she was released from the poke ball.

"Baby?" Lily Genwa gave Lin Xiao a puzzled look.

"Lily root baby, do you want to become stronger?" Lin Xiao asked.

"Baby." Lily Root Baby shook her head directly.

Why do you want to become stronger, isn't it very comfortable now?There are delicious things to eat every day, and I can sleep comfortably every day, without worrying about other elves attacking me.

Lily Root Doll feels comfortable in her current life.

"." Seeing the appearance of the lily root doll, Lin Xiao felt that he could not let this guy stay with Xie Mi anymore, or he would really become a useless elf.

Mo Han on the opposite side laughed aloud. She hugged the Lily root doll, then took some snacks from her waist pocket and fed it to the Lily root doll.

Looking at the lily root baby lying comfortably in Mo Han's arms, Lin Xiao shook his head helplessly.

Lin Xiao's goal is to become the strongest elf trainer in the world, so every elf he trains is different, such as Leolu, his training of Leolu is biased towards confrontation, lightning flash and tile splitting Coordination, the use of iron tail is more used in offense.Kirulian and Riolu have both similarities and differences. Her attack method is more flexible and varied. To describe it in one word, it is fast attack, a fast attack system with teleportation as the core .

The growth direction of the two of them has basically been finalized. If they are forced to modify it, it will only make them uncomfortable and weaken their strength.

Therefore, Wang Shi and Hu Hu's sloppy tactics definitely cannot be used on the two of them.

Well, in this case, there is only one choice, Lily Root Doll.

He began to think about how to transform the lily root doll.

"But, this guy doesn't like fighting." Lin Xiao sighed, not knowing what to do.

Just when Lin Xiao didn't know what to do, Mo Han took out a poke ball from his arms.

"Lin Xiao, why don't we exchange elves?" Mo Han said suddenly.

"Exchanging elves?" Lin Xiao was stunned for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"Didn't I catch a mimosa at the Hundred Flowers Ceremony? Then, I found that she seemed to like fighting very much. When she was in the breeding room, she always liked to fight with other elves." Mo Han said Mimosa was released from the poke ball.

This is an elf with a small body and two yellow-green legs. Her body is connected to the unopened flower buds on her head, and her eyes seem to be squinted.Her overall color tends to be green, with three dark green petal-shaped patterns on her chest, while the petal patterns on her head are lighter in color.

Looking at the mimosa on the table, and the lily root doll in Mo Han's arms.

He was silent for a while, and asked, "What do you two think?"

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, Mimibao and Lily Genwa gave each other a look, then lowered their heads.

"If you are with me, it may be more difficult. My goal is to become an elf master. You may have to train every day, and you have to fight other elves. If you are with Mo Han, you don't need to fight others , and don’t need to train every day.”

Hearing Lin Xiao's explanation, Mo Han went on to say: "You don't have to worry that you won't see me or Lin Xiao after the exchange, we will go on a trip together, and everyone will be able to see each other every day, so don't worry separation."

Hearing this, Mimosa and Lily Root raised their heads at the same time.

After Mo Han said that they would not be separated because of this, the two elves finally made a decision.

They, agreed.

Mimosa likes to fight, so she decides to follow Lin Xiao.

Baihegen doll likes a comfortable life, so she decided to follow Mo Han.

After that, Lin Xiao and Mo Han brought the two elves' poke balls to the poke ball exchanger in the poke center.

In this world, poke balls are bound to everyone, and a special authentication program is set up in poke balls. Just exchanging poke balls is not enough, and the internal certification of poke balls must be changed, or else they will be used later. During the process, the Pokéball and the Pokémon inside still show the previous owner, so if you want to exchange Pokémon, you need a special Pokémon Exchanger.

The spirit exchanger is a square instrument about one meter in size. There are two round tables on both sides of the instrument. On the round table are two pipes, which are connected to the inside of the machine.

The method of use is to put the poke ball on two different round tables, and then start the instrument, the poke ball will be received by the instrument through the pipeline, and after some internal transformations, the poke ball and the owner of the internal poke will be exchanged, and then Two poke balls will appear on another round table through the pipe.

Following the instructions on the instrument, Lin Xiao and Mo Han placed their elves on the round platform, and then pressed the red button in the middle of the instrument.

Afterwards, accompanied by a sizzle of electric current, the two poke balls were sucked into the pipe by the instrument. After about a minute of vibration, two poke balls fell out of the pipe.

At this point, the wizard exchange is complete.

Lin Xiao and Mo Han picked up the elf ball at the same time and released the elf inside.

Lin Xiao's is a mimosa, while Mo Han's is almost a doll.

The two elves obviously didn't recover from the exchange, so after being released, they froze in place. They didn't raise their heads until Mo Han called twice, and looked at their new masters.

After feeling the friendly eyes of Lin Xiao and Mo Han, the two elves smiled and fell into their arms.

After a period of warmth.

Lin Xiao and Mo Han were sitting at the dining table. Mo Han was playing with Ibrahimovic and Mimosa, while Lin Xiao took out a small notebook and wrote Mimia's training plan.

He first looked at the basic information of Mimosa in the watch book.

"Elves: Mimosa

Level: ordinary level
Attributes: Grass, Poison

Feature: Leaf Defense (Will not fall into an abnormal state when the weather is sunny and sunny.)
Qualification: Advanced

Moves: Absorption, Growth, Paralysis Powder, Trouble Seed, Hypnosis Powder

Mimosa's attributes are not very high, and her strength is only at the ordinary level, but she has two very bright spots.

The first is the trait, Leaf Defense.

It has to be said that the characteristics of Leaf's defense are tailor-made for the rambling tactics.

With this feature, as long as Poison Rose learns a sunny day, she can ignore the enemy's negative status moves.

When the time comes, the shy buds will be alive and well, and the enemy elves will be in various negative states. This picture, just thinking about it, makes people feel at ease.

In addition to these two points, there is hypnotic powder.

Under normal circumstances, this move cannot be learned by Mimosa, his subsequent evolutionary Poison Rose and Rose Redo.

This is an egg move, which is a move inherited from the parents.

Originally, inheriting moves is a very rare thing, and what Lin Xiao didn't expect was that Mimosa inherited hypnotic powder.

This hypnotic powder is perfectly adapted to the "dog tactics" that Lin Xiao is thinking about now.

There were more and more thoughts in his mind, and in the end, Lin Xiao directly took out the paper and took notes.

"Gou tactic, the purpose of this tactic is to keep yourself alive, and then add various negative states to the enemy. There is almost no need for a direct confrontation."

The core of tactics is to use various moves with negative effects to weaken the enemy's ability.

That is to say, the choice of Mimosa moves and how to use them all need to weaken the enemy's ability as the core.

In order to abide by this core, there must be corresponding moves to match it.

Lin Xiao frowned and thought for a while, and wrote the names of some moves in the notepad.

"Paralyzing powder, hypnotic powder, parasitic seeds, sweet aroma, poisonous needle, highly poisonous, poisonous water chestnut, saline water chestnut, charming, hold on, substitute."

Looking at the name of the move he wrote on the paper, Lin Xiao's body couldn't help but tremble.

None of these moves are fuel-efficient.

Whether it's the paralyzing powder or the hypnotic powder in the front, or the guard and double in the back, they are all extremely disgusting moves.

Negative status, and various escape skills.

Together, I can disgust you, but you can't even touch me.

Not to mention that Poison Qiangwei and Rose Redo can also learn various poison-attribute moves. This is an enhanced version of the pot.

Huhu's two moves, mud throwing and mud shooting, one is to reduce the enemy's hit rate, and the other is to reduce the enemy's speed.

But Poison Rose is different, he is a super stacking debuff machine that concentrates poison, paralyzes, slows down, and binds in one.

Lin Xiao has already decided that the cultivation of mimosa is going in this direction.

Don't pursue the kind of powerful moves like Sunshine Flame, you only need to integrate these moves with negative status.

At that time, Poison Rose, or Rose Redo, will become Lin Xiao's hole card.

Lin Xiao could even foresee the wonderful look on the local trainer's face after the enemy elves were possessed by various negative states during the battle.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao couldn't help laughing out loud, which made Mo Han and other elves who were sitting by the side look strange.

 There was a wrong place before, Mo Han should have chosen Mimosa, but it can’t be changed in the chapter

(End of this chapter)

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