Age of Elves: It's up to you

Chapter 138 Visiting the Training Hall

Chapter 138 Visiting the Training Hall

Under Fang Huai's explanation, Lin Xiao and the others came to a gate.

The gate is closed at this time, and a huge yellow lightning symbol is painted on the silver gate.

Fang Huai took Lin Xiao and the others to stay here. He pointed to the door in front of him and said, "The things in this room are one of our many research results."

Then, he walked to the card machine next to the gate, took out a white card, and opened the gate.

After the gate opened, Fang Huai walked to the middle of the gate.

Seeing what he meant, he didn't intend to let Lin Xiao and the others enter the door, but just wanted Lin Xiao and the others to visit.

After stopping Lin Xiao and Leolu, Fang Huai explained: "The reason why I stopped you is because it is more dangerous inside."

"Dangerous?" Xiao Sheng glanced inside the gate and found two huge machines inside. The machines looked very similar, with a huge ball on top, and a pillar connected to the lowering of the ball.

Sensing Xiao Sheng's gaze, Fang Huai introduced, "We call this thing an electric column."

"Electric pole?"

"Well," Fang Huai nodded, then took out a small remote control from his pocket, and pressed the switch on the remote control.

After the switch was pressed, there was a rumbling sound in the room, and then the two towering electric poles began to flicker.

Accompanied by bursts of flickering, a yellow electric glow appeared between the two silver balls.

Under Lin Xiao's surprised eyes, Fang Huai began to explain.

"This is our improved electric moves training room. Through the cooperation of transformers and electric beads, the entire training room can be filled with electrical energy, allowing different elves to feel the energy of electricity in it, and then feel and learn different electrical skills. It is a move, once, during the construction of the training room, a researcher's little Magneto learned [-] volts in the electrical training room."

Lin Xiao was surprised that the electrical moves training room that Fang Huai mentioned was a bit powerful, and it was possible for the elves to comprehend moves in it.

Moreover, Lin Xiao felt that the electrical training room might not know the function of comprehending moves, and it should also enhance the power of the moves of the electric elves.

Lin Xiao looked at the electrical training room in front of him in surprise. In his opinion, this invention of the research institute is indeed very useful.

At least, this electrical training room is like a paradise for electric elves.

It's just that Lin Xiao and Mo Han don't have electric elves, so this thing is useless to them.

On the other hand, Z1 sneaked out his head from Mo Han's backpack at this time, and his eyes were also somewhat surprised. Obviously, the appearance of the electrical training room made him also feel novel.

"How about it, do you want to experience it?" Seeing the surprise on Lin Xiao and the others' faces, Fang Huai said with a smile.

Lin Xiao nodded.

Although he nodded, Lin Xiao himself had no intention of going in.

This electrical training room is specially designed for electric elves. If elves and humans with other attributes enter, not only will they not improve, but they may hurt those elves and trainers.

"It may not be possible now, because the protective clothing is placed in the office. If you are not here, if you don't have protective clothing, you will be easily injured if you go in." Sure enough, Fang Huai quickly shook his head and said.

"Since there is an electrical training room, does that mean that there are other training rooms in this training hall?"

Lin Xiao didn't care what Fang Huai said, anyway, he didn't have an electric elf.

What he was wondering about was whether there was a training room for fighting elves and super elves. After all, he really had fighting elves and super elves.

"Of course, there are many." Fang Huai nodded: "Since it is a training hall, it is certainly impossible to only have one type of training hall."

Speaking of this, Fang Huai closed the door of the electrical training room, and then led Lin Xiao and the three of them towards the training hall.

They first passed an area with a transparent glass cover, which was planted with a lot of green vegetation.

"This is the grass-type training hall, which is kept sunny 24 hours a day. It is a unique place to train grass-type elves, especially those who want to comprehend the moves of the sun and flames. The success rate here is higher than that of the outside world. Dozens of times."

"This is the Flying Department Plaza. Through constant wind blowing, the moves of the flying elves are trained. At the same time, it is also a place for the flying elves to learn moves such as Yan Hui."

"This is the fighting room. There are [-] fighting dolls of different specifications. A large number of fighting moves are recorded in the fighting dolls. By fighting with these fighting dolls, you can correct the moves of the fighting elves. It is also an excellent place to learn such moves as melee combat."

Hearing this, both Lin Xiao and Leolu became interested.

"This fighting training hall is an excellent training place for Riolu, especially, here you can learn super powerful fighting moves like melee combat."

However, at this time Fang Huai seemed to be immersed in the explanation, and did not notice the eagerness of Lin Xiao and Leolu. After introducing the fighting training hall, he took Lin Xiao and the others to the next place.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao sighed, thinking that he could only come here to train later.

"This is an artificial waterfall"

"This is a poisonous swamp"

"This is an extremely cold iceberg",

"This is a strange space." After walking through a dozen training halls, Fang Huai led Lin Xiao and the others to the last training hall.

"The strange space should be the place where the elves of the super power department train." Xiao Sheng asked.

"Yes." Fang Huai nodded, then frowned and said: "To be honest, I did not participate in the construction of this training room, so I don't know much about this training room, but I have heard others say that it is This training room is the most powerful of all training rooms."

"The most powerful?"

"Yes, I heard that if you train in it, you can learn moves such as predicting the future, eating dreams, magic space, wonderful space, and magic space. It is the place where elves can learn the most moves among all the training rooms."

"And, I've heard of it."

Lin Xiao and Xiao Sheng looked at Fang Huai, waiting for his next sentence.

"In this training room, only elves are allowed to enter."

"Only elves are allowed in? What do you mean?"

"It is said that after entering this training room, people's spirits will be affected, and even hidden trauma will be left."

"Is it so scary?" Xiao Sheng replied.

"Yes, so when you wear protective clothing to visit various training rooms, don't enter this training room. Even if you have protective clothing, you can't block the energy in the training room."

(End of this chapter)

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