Age of Elves: It's up to you

Chapter 135 Luo Ye's friend

Chapter 135 Luo Ye's friend

Baiye City, Kowloon Plaza.

A group of people with different identities stood around the rocky arena, watching the duel in the arena.

Luo Ye stood in the crowd, still as before, wearing a plain long skirt and a white beret.

Beside her stood a tall girl with a ponytail.

The girl was wearing a black top and tight jeans on her lower body. Her legs were long, like a straight pen holder.

"This boy is the Lin Xiao you told me about?" The girl adjusted her black glasses on the bridge of her nose, and her eyes wandered away from Lin Xiao.

"Yes, he is Lin Xiao, the one who defeated my brother." Luo Ye showed a smile on his face, and said in a low voice: "You said that you want to avenge my brother, so you can take this opportunity to observe his strength .”

The girl didn't look at Luo Ye, her eyes stayed on Lin Xiao all the time, and there was a hint of curiosity in her beautiful eyes.

The girl is not from Baiye City, she is from Ximu County near Baiye City.

And she herself is called the No. 1 trainer of the younger generation in Westwood County by those good-for-nothings in Westwood County.

She came to Baiye City this time for two purposes. The first purpose was to participate in the Hundred Blossoms Challenge, and the second purpose was to fight and defeat Luo Ye.

The Luo Ye brothers and sisters used to be from Ximu County, but five years ago, they followed their business parents to Baiye City and settled down here.

The tall slender girl, named Su Jing, used to be Luo Ye's neighbor when Luo Ye and the others were still in Ximu County.

Therefore, even though Luo Ye and the others had been away for five years, Su Jing still did not break contact with them, and the friendship between the three was not affected by the distance.

After hearing the news that Baiye City held the challenge, Su Jing rushed here overnight, and planned to register early the next morning and challenge Luo Ye.

In the end, Luo Ye's answer to her was, "After I defeat Lin Xiao, I will fight you again, and then I will leave home."

Afterwards, Su Jing learned about the relationship between Lin Xiao and Luo Ye from Luo Ye. Afterwards, the two traveled together and met Lin Xiao in Kowloon Square.

After knowing that the opponent was Lin Xiao, Su Jing proposed to stay, and wanted to take this opportunity to see how strong the person who defeated Luo Ye was.

And at this time on the battlefield.

One stone after another was smashed into pieces, and among these pieces, there was a swift blue voice shuttling.

This is Riolu.

And above the gravel, there are gears.

Because of the light weight effect of the body, Gear's body becomes lighter, which also makes the height at which he can float higher.

For Riolu who has not mastered long-range moves, he has nothing to do with the gear floating in the air.

But the gear is different, he can not only float in the air, but also master the long-range electric shock and charging beam.

This made it impossible for Riolu to touch the gear, but the gear could hit him with electric shocks and charging beams. After a while, some wounds appeared on Riolu's body.

If this situation continues, no matter how powerful Riolu is, he will be consumed by the gears to death.

Finally, Lin Xiao found a solution.

That is to smash the stone in front of you.

Looking at the shattered and untouched rocks around him, Lin Xiao gave an order directly.

"Riolu, use Lightning Flash."


Riolu turned into a white light, he shuttled between the gravel, and then rushed towards the sky along the gravel that hadn't landed yet.

The gear obviously didn't expect Riolu's move, and was stunned for a moment.

He didn't react until Riolu appeared in front of him.

But it was too late, Riolu made a chopping tile, and Bai's right hand hit him on the head.


Gear was thrown down from the sky by Riolu, and the huge impact made Gear fall into a coma.

Winning or losing is in an instant.

Riolu won.

This sudden change made the onlookers unable to react for a while, and some people didn't even know what happened.

"This is the end?"

"Riolu won?"

"Didn't he just touch the gear?"

"How come the kung fu gear fell down in the blink of an eye?""

Surprised expressions appeared on the faces of the people around. They never thought that things would change so quickly. The situation changed in a blink of an eye, and the outcome was determined in a blink of an eye.

At this time, someone among the onlookers recognized Lin Xiao.

"It's him, Lin Xiao!"

"Ah, is that Lin Xiao from Baiye No. [-] Middle School?"

"Yes, that's him, the champion of the freshman competition of Baiye No. [-] Middle School. Moreover, I heard that a few weeks ago, he fought Luo Ye from Baiye No. [-] Middle School. He was the one who won the final victory."

After learning of Lin Xiao's knowledge status, the people around sighed.

Among these exclamations, there is admiration and envy.

Among the crowd, after seeing Lin Xiao's final victory, Luo Ye showed a smile, and she said to the woman beside her.

"Well, I said he is very strong."


Su Jing nodded, the fighting method of Riolu and Lin Xiao was indeed beyond her expectation.

As a trainer, she could naturally see how bold Lin Xiao's final decision was.

That was a stone pillar with a diameter of [-] to [-] centimeters, and it was smashed into pieces by hand.

"Aren't you afraid that Riolu will get hurt?"

If it was Su Jing, not to mention whether she wanted to come up with this method, even if she thought of this method, she might not dare to let her elf do it.

Because, this is too dangerous, this kind of behavior is likely to injure one's own elves, and thus lose the final victory.

"I have to say, this Riolu is really powerful." Su Jing thought in her heart.

With just that one blow, Leolu smashed several stone pillars that were [-] to [-] centimeters thick. Moreover, judging from Leolu's appearance, it seemed that he had no effect at all, and he was not out of breath.

Su Jing began to think at this moment. If she met Lin Xiao, what percentage of her chances of winning would she have?

Although Riolu didn't show any powerful moves in this battle, the movements he showed showed his strength to the fullest.

Su Jing suddenly lost confidence.

This was the first time she had such an idea after she had the elf.

However, her heart was full of fighting spirit.

"Definitely, we must fight against him."

As a girl who loves to fight, she will never let go of this opportunity to fight against a powerful trainer.

Even so, Su Jing was not in a hurry to challenge Lin Xiao, she was going to challenge Lin Xiao after a while.

In that case, he could collect some life cards, and Lin Xiao would have many life cards.

At that time, it will be a good thing for both parties to challenge again.

(End of this chapter)

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