Arcane splendor begins with the throne

Chapter 98 Brian's Thoughts

Chapter 98 Brian's Thoughts
God bless the warlock!

In fact, after Brian confirmed his inference, he couldn't help being surprised.

He looked down again at the peaceful sleeping face of Princess Korni.

There is no doubt that this beautiful princess-awakened God's Blessing Warlock is far more rare and rare than the ancestral blood of the heavens, and even he himself has begun to be a little moved.

Brian rubbed his forehead, stretched his brows that were about to be knit together, and calmed down the sudden chaotic thoughts. After completely dispelling the distracting thoughts in his mind, he began to think about some information he had on the Divine Blessing Warlock.

As its name suggests, God's Blessing Warlock also belongs to the basic profession of Warlock who relies on his own blood to awaken various spells.

The difference is that what the Blessed Warlock awakens is not arcane magic, but divine magic.

As divine spellcasters and blessed warlocks, they usually act as healers in the team and experts in defensive magic.

Of course, there are also very few people who will position themselves as a divine warrior in close combat, especially those who focus on using divine energy to enhance themselves in battle.

Although this kind of profession also follows the way of priests, the way they channel the power of divine magic is like the ability of warlocks to awaken spells through their own blood, which is an automatic awakening ability.

In other words, even if Blessed Warlocks don't need any learning and devout prayers to the gods, they can still achieve the desired effect like priests among the magic casters.

For God's Bless Warlock, this power is innate.

Many scholars have wondered whether the Blessed Sorcerers were imprinted with celestial bloodlines through marriages long ago that gave them these powers.

In Bryan's view, these scholars' guesses are obviously correct.

Because a living example appeared before his eyes.

Princess Kearney accidentally awakened the extraordinary divine power of the God Bless Warlock because of her celestial bloodliness atavism.

There are other scholars, though, who claim that the awakening of inherent divine powers, or the creation of divinely blessed spells, is simply the result of an accidental gift from the gods as they begin their priesthood.

But no matter what the final outcome of the debate is, it is an indisputable fact that Godbless Warlocks can naturally perform divine magic.

They rely more on their own power than through clerics who pray to the gods for their spells.

For Divine Blessing Warlocks, mastering the extraordinary power of divine arts is their instinctive intuition.

This allows them to cast divine spells through their innate abilities, while non-clerics require their own hard training and careful prayers to the gods.

This has also led to a new chain of discrimination among professional groups, just as wizards despise warlocks as beginners among Austrian arts practitioners.

In the eyes of the priests who believe in the gods, they also have complaints about the blessed warlocks who can easily master divine magic. A tribute to the gods.

Similarly, the Divine Blessing Warlock will also think that these priests who believe in the gods feel that their style of doing things is too trapped in the rules of the gods' teachings, and think that they are a group of stubborn and rigid clergy.

No matter how much these two discriminatory professionals complained about each other, Brian was not very interested.

Because a problem in front of him was not effectively solved because of his accidental discovery.

He originally thought that Princess Kearney's symptoms were nothing more than atavism in the blood of the heavens, and she fell into a deep sleep due to insufficient successors.

In this case, he only needs to arrange a ritual array similar to awakening the blood, and he can easily solve it.

But it's different now. Princess Kearney has awakened the professional ability of God's Blessing Warlock. If he doesn't care about it, he may lose the opportunity to work in this profession.

This is a pity for him.

It's like I can't bear to see a flawless treasure that is about to be completed, but because of a procedure that has gone through my own process, there is an indelible flaw.

Moreover, since he stepped into the princess' room and saw the oil paintings on the wall and the table decoration, he knew that the princess should still have a good impression of him.

So after realizing the other party's celestial bloodline and the potential of the Divine Blessing Warlock, he couldn't help but start thinking about one thing.

If Princess Corni's personality after waking up is very close to the image in his heart, he doesn't mind pursuing the little princess of the Kingdom of West.

After all, Brian's plan for his future is long enough to reach the realm of immortality.

The requirements for the other half in my mind will naturally become higher.

Obviously, he didn't want to find a vase that was of little use.

With his ability, this kind of beautiful vase can be found wherever he wants.

In fact, what he needs is a hostess who can stand side by side with him.

The princess in front of me, needless to say about her appearance, also has the bloodline of the heavens and the potential of a God-blessed Warlock.

In Brian's view, even in the main material world, she is an existence with extraordinary talents. As long as he guides her correctly, her strength will increase by leaps and bounds.

And there is one more crucial factor.

That is, as the prince of the Kingdom of West unexpectedly died during the war, this sleeping little princess had invisibly become the only legal heir of the kingdom.

In the conversation between Brian and the old king just now, he could also clearly feel that the king's plan for the future of the princess is very likely to train her to be a queen of the Kingdom of West.

In other words, if he really marries the princess, it means that he will control the entire West Kingdom with her.

As the time for the ancient evil to destroy the world has been extended by him, he has successfully gained a chance to breathe and develop.

Although his first goal is to return to the familiar main material world as soon as possible, it does not mean that he will really abandon this world and let it be destroyed without caring.

Now that he has agreed to the dryad's request, he is determined to save the world.

He will certainly not let the world be full of desolate and scorched earth due to the endless battles of various races and major kingdoms.

Then what is the significance of him saving the world?
Therefore, Brian felt that before going to the main world, it was necessary for him to conquer the entire world and become a real world master.

Then, with his relatively soft ruling methods and methods, it is impossible to say that the various races live in harmony, at least to ensure that they will not become immortal existences due to hatred.

In fact, since he left Blackman, after more than a month of calm thinking, he has roughly known the fundamental way to resolve racial conflicts.

Just like the elves who hate the most.

The hatred of the elves is nothing more than human beings robbing their territory, so they can only hide in the wild mountains with dangerous living conditions to survive.Then, as the environment got worse, their hatred for those who seized the territory became more and more profound.

So he was thinking, if the elves were divided into a territory with suitable environment and fertile soil on the continent of Asno, so that they could develop steadily, this hatred might disappear naturally with the passage of time .

Of course, this is just his general idea. As for how to implement it, he has not yet perfected many details.

After all, no kingdom is willing to give up its territory to the elves for no reason.

However, the only thing Brian can guarantee is that he will never commit an inhumane genocide like the colonists in the age of great navigation in his previous life.

He is also very clear that in order to control the entire world, in addition to having a powerful strength that can crush everyone, he must also have a territory and army that truly belongs to him.

This is exactly where he felt a little tricky when he considered this issue.

Although Brian was the third prince of Tigrila, he had a very deep understanding of one thing after living in the palace for nearly five years.

That is his title as the third prince, apart from being able to get a little affection and warmth from the king's father, it does not bring him much convenience.

Even because of his sensitive identity as a half-elf, his range of activities was extremely restricted.

This is also the real reason why he tried to escape from the palace in the first place.

Therefore, Brian believes that it is almost difficult to obtain the right to inherit the throne from Tigrila, or to obtain his own territory.

After all, he is a half-elf, and he has lived in the holy land of elves for more than ten years.

On the premise that his king's father didn't know his identity as a time traveler, he would instinctively think that his growth experience would definitely be affected by the hatred of elves and become an elf avenger.

Because of this, after he was taken captive from the holy land of elves to Tigrila, his freedom was restricted.

How could a prince whose freedom was restricted even agree to divide his territory and develop his power.

It's different now. As long as he marries this princess, the problem of power will be solved.

Thinking of Brian here, he had already thought of a feasible way to get the old king to agree to marry the princess.

Then when he looked at Princess Korni's white and delicate cheeks, his eyes involuntarily became much softer.

I have to admit that this princess who is awakening her celestial blood is very beautiful.

Even in a deep sleep, the long golden hair scattered on the pillow seemed to emit almost invisible radiance from the heavens, which made him faintly see an elegant and detached charming temperament.

It may be due to the sense of recognition in his heart. He could clearly feel that when he looked at the sleeping princess again, in addition to being more pleasing to the eye and satisfied, he also felt a little bit of pity in his heart.

This made him immediately realize that at this moment, he was like a dick who immediately thought of the name of their child after falling in love with a strange beauty...

That is to say, no matter how extravagantly he thinks, the premise of all this is that the princess he recognized must wake up safe and sound.

So Brian didn't dare to waste time, and immediately withdrew his chaotic thoughts, put his elbows on the bed, supported his forehead, and began to seriously think about how to perfectly save the princess.

While the two old guys behind him waited patiently, he looked up the mysterious knowledge in his mind at a very fast speed.

At this time, Brian was really lucky. In this immersive game in his previous life, while choosing the profession of wizard, he was able to endure loneliness and master a lot of obscure magic knowledge.

Finally, after a series of screenings, he thought of an attempt with the greatest grasp, and immediately planned to put it into action.

With two pairs of expectant eyes behind him, Brian stood up from the princess's bed, turned around, and looked at the deeply wrinkled old king.

He found that the old king's expression of trying to suppress some kind of pain became more and more profound.

This made him more confirmed the guess in his heart, so he stopped hesitating and said straight to the point: "Your Majesty, I need Princess Corney's blood for a test, so..."

Brian didn't continue talking, because he knew that the old king who loved his children must understand what he meant.

After all, before checking the princess, he had promised the king that he would not harm the princess.

But he needs to extract Princess Kearney's blood, and it is inevitable that she will suffer a little damage.

Hearing this, the old king looked at the calm and calm Brian thoughtfully, and frowned deeply.

Although his body's various reaction abilities deteriorated with age, it did not mean that his subconsciousness and vigilance would decrease.

This made him instinctively think that Brian's request was very inappropriate.

The old king hesitated for a moment, he couldn't figure it out, and finally looked at the old wizard Morelle beside him.

Because he could see from Brian's confident and calm eyes that he might have a cure, and he didn't want to miss the chance of treatment because of his stubbornness.

So he considered again and again, and left this decision to the old wizard beside him.

After all, he is also a wizard, and he is obviously more professional than himself in the question of whether it is appropriate to extract blood.

"Brian, as a wizard, don't you know the taboos between wizards?" Wizard Morelle frowned slightly and said.

"Of course I know, but for me, this is the only way to save the princess." Brian was taken aback, then understood what the wizard meant, and explained.

The so-called taboo, in fact, is that in the communication between wizards, never show interest in each other's blood.

Due to the sealing of the magic network, all wizards in this world are bloodline sorcerers.

That's why they are extremely sensitive to their warlock blood, and they are worried that their opponents will research some weird things by extracting their own blood, or deal with their own methods and weaknesses.

"If I'm not mistaken, more than a month ago, in a dwarf tavern, you helped a child named Fick solve the problem of bloodline awakening effortlessly." Wizard Morelle looked deeply Brian glanced, sighed and said:

"Actually, the reason why Princess Kearney is still asleep, I can also feel that it is due to the awakening of some kind of bloodline. Because of this, I have been tight-lipped and dare not reveal it casually."

"Why are you doing this?" Brian asked puzzledly: "Since you already know that it is caused by the awakening of the bloodline, why don't you go to the wizard city to ask a wizard to save the princess."

"If even I can't help it, those wizards are unlikely to come up with a better treatment method. Moreover, the bloodline awakening ceremony of the wizard council cannot guarantee that the princess will definitely wake up." Wizard Morelle snorted coldly and said disdainfully :

"This kind of ceremony still has a very big risk, if it is not to the point of desperation, I will not resort to the last resort.

Moreover, there is still an unclear relationship between the Wizards Council and the evil wizards at the Sword Monastery, so I cannot trust them. "

"That's true." Brian nodded slightly: "Your worries are very correct, otherwise, the princess may die because of it."

It can be seen from this that the old wizard also saw the general problem of the princess, but he did not know the details as much as he did.

He must know that the current princess is not at a critical moment of life and death, so naturally he does not dare to use the extremely risky bloodline awakening ritual of the Wizards Council.

With the pissing nature of the evil wizards in the Sword Monastery, if they really sneaked into the palace, they would definitely do very dangerous actions.

After all, the technology they are proficient in is the almost obsessive research on blood. Behind the appearance of every mutant, there are unknown bloody events hidden.

It's no wonder that when he proposed to check the princess's body, these two old guys would test and investigate him so tediously.

At the same time, Brian finally understood why this magic swordsman named Snake Eyes was wandering in the palace, apparently to protect the safety of the princess.

"Actually, there is one more crucial question." Wizard Morelle hesitated before continuing:
"The little devil who caused the princess to sleep has been interfering with our plan to save the princess. If we don't get rid of him, it's impossible to proceed with peace of mind."

"I have my own way to deal with the little devil's problem. We will talk about this problem later." Brian raised his voice and emphasized in a displeasure tone:
"Now, I can assure you that the princess can wake up safe and sound under my treatment, but the premise of all this is that I must extract the princess' blood to find out what special bloodline the princess awakened from.

Only in this way can the right medicine be prescribed.If you are unwilling, it means that the 5000 gold coins are not meant for me. Don't worry, I will never waste even an iota of time with you here. "

After Brian finished speaking, he put on a serious face and made plans to leave.

Although he knew that Princess Kearney's awakened blood was from the heavenly realm, but he still needed to extract some blood to study the specific bloodline.

The old king and the old wizard looked at each other, and finally nodded in agreement.

Seeing the other party nodded cautiously in agreement, Brian snorted coldly and said no more.

He squatted beside the bed and gently pulled out the princess's little hand from under the quilt.

He took out his own pen and a silver jug ​​the size of a palm, used to store special liquids.

Then he cut a wound on the princess' finger with a sharp pen, put it on the spout of the jug, and began to carefully extract her blood.

The whole process didn't take long. When Brian closed the lid of the silver pot and treated the little wound on the princess' fingers, he got up and went directly to the king and the wizard.

"Let's go, now we should discuss how to deal with that little devil." After finishing, Brian put away his things, looked at the old king, and said meaningfully:

"Besides, with His Majesty's physical condition, I'm afraid he won't last long in the princess' room."

After speaking, he didn't hesitate any longer, and turned and left the room directly.

The old king was taken aback, and immediately understood the true meaning of the other party's words.

He glanced at Brian's back gratefully, and immediately left with Wizard Morelle.


(End of this chapter)

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