Chapter 91 West King City

The hot air is transpiring in the pool water, exuding lingering clouds and mist, like a veil, rendering the misty scenery.

Brian's long and powerful legs stepped on the water-stained floor, quietly passing through the diffuse water vapor, walking down the stone steps, and immersing his whole body in the white steaming hot water.

A smear of black blood was melted by the water, rippled along his lean and strong skin, and gradually polluted the clear water, making it look like ink stains poured into the clear water.

The rich fragrance of roses, accompanied by the refreshing fragrance of lavender, lingered in his nostrils, diluting the smell of sweat and the busy days all over his body, allowing his comfortable body to gradually relax, and he was intoxicated with it wholeheartedly.

Brian closed his eyes, letting the aroma and warmth wrap his body.

He could clearly feel the heat seeping into his body, making him shiver uncontrollably, as if all the pain and stiffness melted away, making him feel ecstatic.

Leaning against the edge of the pool, Brian washed off the blood on his arms and chest, wiped his face and neck with a soft cloth, soaped his long black hair, and combed the messy and tangled places until The hair was black and shiny as usual.

After everything was done, he stood up and walked out of the pool.

A sudden strong wind followed, and it was cool and damp, and the shutters, hidden in the vapor, rattled.

An oval sphere the size of a washbasin suddenly appeared, whizzing and floating above his head.


The water-blue sphere was like a balloon that had been punctured in an instant. With a soft sound, it exploded and turned into a stream of clear water pouring over his body.

Brian shook his body, leaving wet footprints on the masonry floor, splashing water droplets all over his body, and disappearing without a trace.

With a thought, the shirts, underwear, trousers, tunic, cape, and boots hanging on the hangers rose into the air, suspended in front of his eyes.

Brian put on all his clothes in an orderly manner, the rough fabric that made him uncomfortable rubbed against his swollen skin, ruining his original happy mood.

After closing the silver-plated buckle of the belt, he took out the sheathed sword, ring, and wrist guard from the dimension pocket, and equipped them neatly.

Then he brushed his long black hair back, leaving a pool of turbid hot water, and he pushed open the door of the bath and walked out contentedly.

The moment the door opened, a middle-aged nobleman with blond hair and a reddish-brown goatee stopped his way.

Brian glanced sideways, and found that standing behind the noble was a young girl dressed as a maid, tightly clutching a soft towel in her hand, lowering her eyes, staring at her toes.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and get out of the way!" The man dressed as an aristocrat took the lead in yelling at Brian, the smell of garlic mixed with beer made him frown.

Bryan gave him a cold look, and went straight forward, knocking the noble man's body backwards, and then walked away amidst a burst of vicious curses.

He walked through the short hallway and into the main room of the building.

It was a large public bathroom, and the air was filled with thick steam and the smell of sweat and soap.

Every step he takes, there will be some nudes blocking his way, and when Brian passes by, he must be very careful to see if his hands touch certain parts of others.

"Sir, you are using the most upscale single bathroom, with a total of 2 gold griffins."

The bathroom owner at the counter smiled at Brian, who was missing two front teeth, making the smile look a bit ugly.

"Isn't it a gold coin?" Brian looked at the boss with a bad look.

"That's because of your body...Mr. Half-elf." The boss smiled pointedly, and when he smiled, his mouth opened wider.

"Very good, that's understandable." Brian didn't care, just nodded with a smile, but he didn't pay, but put his hands on his belt casually, and continued to ask:
"Then why are there no young girls serving me, don't tell me this service is not included in the two gold coins."

"Mr. Half-elf." The boss stared at Brian's long sword hanging at his waist for a while, and replied kindly:
"I'm really sorry, but we don't provide that kind of service. If you really need it, I suggest you go to 'Rose Drunk'. It's a bit expensive, but the technology is pretty good, and any kind of girl is fine. Find, whether half-elf or pure-blooded..."

"Don't deliberately change the subject, you know, I'm not referring to that kind of service." Brian interrupted in a cold tone:

"Since I paid double the price, you should give me the services you deserve. Why are you missing the shower service? Boss, it seems that you have more than just two front teeth."

Brian looked dangerously at the boss behind the counter.

"You don't know this. My two front teeth are caused by my playfulness when I was a child." The boss lingered outside the door for a while, pretending to be relaxed and explained:
"Ever since I lived in the capital of the Kingdom of West: Golden Feather City, I have never lost anything in my body. I praise the security of Golden Feather City, and I also praise the wise King of the West Kingdom."

"That's because you are a dirty non-human race." The harsh voice interrupted Brian's planned words.

The person who appeared was the middle-aged nobleman who met him at the door. He walked to Brian's side and said arrogantly: "Because the Kingdom of West does not welcome other races, this is a decent human city!"

"Boss, change the bathroom for me." The middle-aged nobleman cursed at the boss at the counter:
"Damn it, the water in the pool is like sewage just taken out of the slaughterhouse. Even if the hot water is replaced, I will not use it. Don't assign me to that room again in the future."

The boss at the counter nodded and apologized.

Brian pursed his lips and remained silent, but stared coldly at the middle-aged nobleman in front of him with sharp eyes.

He suddenly remembered a sentence he heard in the tavern: There are two kinds of Westerwomen, just as there are two kinds of Westermen.

If a man in West is not handsome, he is likely to be ugly like a monster.

The middle-aged aristocratic man in front of him obviously belonged to the latter type.

His narrow face was a bit rat-headed, as if it had been pinched by a dwarf's iron tongs, which made him feel obsessive-compulsive and wanted to shake his fist and give him a good facelift.

"What are you looking at, you dirty half-elf." The middle-aged aristocrat continued to yell at Brian, spouting a mixture of beer, garlic and anger from his mouth: "Pay the money and get out! You bastard!"

"Did you hear that? You damned half-elf, what are you doing standing here, do you want me to spit in your face?" the middle-aged nobleman said resolutely.

"You throw up." Brian laughed back angrily, and he narrowed his dark eyes.

Hearing this, the middle-aged nobleman took a deep breath and was really about to spit.

Although he was also staring at Brian's eyes, he didn't pay attention to his hands.


Without warning, Brian swung his powerful fist and quickly hit the nobleman's mouth.

The middle-aged nobleman's lips split like a crushed cherry, and a scarlet liquid flowed out.

Brian withdrew his hand and hit the same spot again, this time he didn't restrain his strength so much that his anger dissipated with the force and momentum of the blow.

The middle-aged noble raised one foot in the air, turned the other foot half a circle on the smooth and wet floor, spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground on his back.

He sat up with difficulty, leaning on his elbows, cursing incoherently, spitting out a large mass of red stuff mixed with white.

Brian followed him step by step, and then kicked him hard in the face, breaking his cheekbones. His face, which seemed to be pinched by a dwarf's iron pincers, was finally plastic-plasticized by him and looked comfortable. too much.

The thin body of the middle-aged nobleman slid on the smooth and wet floor all the way to the stairs. He hit his head heavily on the hard stone steps before he stopped.

The hall suddenly exploded, someone screamed, and the guests rolled and crawled on the slippery floor towards the exit.

The bathroom owner's lips trembled in fright, and he stared in horror at the kicked cheek of the middle-aged nobleman. Scarlet blood was running down his thin golden hair, spreading a thick pool of blood on the ground.

Just then, a group of guards who happened to be patrolling around broke in.

They clenched the halberds in their hands, spread out, and surrounded Brian.

Brian didn't draw out his weapon, but calmly took out a handkerchief, and wiped the blood between his fingers slowly and methodically.

"Put down your weapon!" A leading guard said coldly, the funny thing is, Brian didn't have a weapon in his hand.

"Drop your arms! You are under arrest!"

As soon as the words fell, the halberd in the guard's hand waved towards Brian at the same time.

At the same moment, the barbs of the five halberds all went towards his ankles.

Brian's expression froze, his clothes fluttered without the wind, and his cloak rattled.

A wave of air that was difficult to catch with the naked eye suddenly spread out with a powerful momentum amidst the muffled thunder that shook the hall.

The guards were hit by this invisible air wave, like fallen leaves swept by a gust of wind, they all wailed and fell to the ground.

They struggled to get up from the ground, picked up the halberd with one hand, and protected their faces with the other hand, looking at Brian standing in the center of the hall in fear.

"The idea is tricky, hurry up and call someone!"

A guard seemed to realize something, and immediately shouted to his companions.

"Don't bother, I'll go with you."

Brian looked at the guard who was about to run out to call for someone, and said expressionlessly, "Take me to your Sir Tix, I happen to have something to do with him."

"Of course you want to go with us, you..." A trembling young guard shouted, before he could finish speaking, he was stopped by his companions with their eyes.

Brian glanced at the boss who was hiding at the counter, and walked straight to the door.

The guards dodged away in fear, and after keeping a certain distance, they raised their halberds and followed cautiously behind.


(End of this chapter)

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