Arcane splendor begins with the throne

Chapter 77 The Loose Magic Net

Chapter 77 The Loose Magic Net

It could be that Brian got a lot of satisfaction last night, or it may be that he has never had a good rest like today in a long time.

Or maybe it was because of the increase in god-like power that Brian felt that his mental power was extraordinarily full at this time, and his intuition towards magic became very sensitive involuntarily.

Moreover, he also has a very strange feeling, which is very similar to the feeling when he was preparing to establish a link with the magic net when he became a wizard for the first time.

Could it be that?
Brian was stunned, and immediately spread out his palms, the arcane flames shining with blue and white light instantly suspended in mid-air, corresponding to the vines emitting pale blue light in the tree house.

Bryan used his mind to control the Austrian fire, making it hover in front of his eyes motionless, and then carefully observed the subtle changes of the blue and white flame.

He is still deeply impressed by the production process of the Arcane Fire.

During the 'Arcane Catastrophe' period, the goddess of magic fell, and the magic net was suddenly torn apart, causing the most essential magic power to form a wave of blue flames, raging around the entire continent like a plague.

Although thousands of years have passed since the catastrophe, the magic network has been restored with the resurrection of the goddess of magic.

But the raging mysterious blue flames have not been cleaned up from beginning to end, and even in some great rift valleys, a magical forbidden area burning with blue flames has formed.

And Brian's main material for making Arcane Fire is extracted from this mysterious blue flame that represents the essence of magic.

After the initial arcane fire was generated, he connected it to the magic net, just like a thief stealing wires, on the surface of the magic net, he put white silk wires representing each ring number. The String' was pulled out and merged into the arcane fire.

The last thing is to connect this arcane fire with his own spirit and turn it into a miniature magic net that belongs to him. This is the real reason why he can cast spells off the net.

Although the Arcane Fire was also in a dormant state when it was first successfully produced, but at that time Brian was in the main material world connected to the Internet, and it was very simple to activate the Arcane Fire and upgrade its level.

Just link the Austrian fire to the "maximum power generator" of the magic net, and you can quickly absorb the magic energy used to upgrade the level.

And he only needs to collect key upgrade materials, and he doesn't have to worry about the huge magical energy at all.

This is also the real reason why his Arcane Flame's level upgrade is so slow in this world that cannot be connected to the magic net.

Thinking of this, Brian immediately controlled the Austrian fire in front of him, and began to try an idea that suddenly popped up in his mind.

As he kept controlling the Austrian fire to shine brightly, wisps of magical energy, like silk threads, gathered towards the Austrian fire at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, Brian vaguely sensed the magic network that existed in the dark.

His idea was confirmed, he looked happy, and immediately accelerated the linking progress of the Austrian fire.

In the bright little tree house, with waves of elemental energy emerging frequently, a lot of sweat gradually seeped out of Brian's forehead, flowing into his eyes along his gradually stretched brows, and there was a hot tingling sensation .

As a wizard who has lived for two lifetimes, his spellcasting concentration level is very high, and this little interference will not affect him at all. He is still immersed in the connection between the Austrian fire and the magic net.

Half an hour later, Brian looked relieved and let out a long sigh of relief.

Then with a thought, he put away the arcane fire, which had nearly doubled in size.

Just as he imagined, his arcane fire once again successfully established a link with the magic net of the goddess of magic.

That's right!

Asno's small world is really connected to the Internet!
The sudden change really made Brian a little unbelievable.

After all, I have spent so many years trying every means to leave this world. The root cause is not that the magic net was banned.

It's all right now, the magic net has recovered, which makes him don't know how to complain.

At the same time, he secretly guessed in his heart.

The reason why Asno Continent cannot sense the magic net and the will of the world is suppressed makes it difficult to improve the overall power system of the world, the authority of wizards to cast spells is blocked, and believers cannot contact the gods they believe in.

I'm afraid it's all inseparable from the fact that this ancient evil, the Death Star, descended on the orbit of Asno Continent thousands of years ago.

After all, when the World Extinguishing Death Star covers the entire world, it will take the lead in spreading out its huge negative energy, making it difficult to spread the positive energy of the entire world. In the eyes of outsiders, this is no different from a dead world.

Now, with the temporary expulsion of the ancient evil, the dryad Xinafee Melianne, who represents the will of the world, released all her original power last night, causing this extremely remote place in the multiverse to finally was noticed.

After all, the magic net runs automatically, and it is impossible for the goddess of magic to pay attention to which households have "network connection" all the time.

Therefore, it seems reasonable that this inconspicuous little world was once again noticed by the magic net.

Unfortunately, with the threat of ancient evil, the restoration of the magic network at this time will not play a decisive role for Brian.

Because through the link just now, he felt that the recovery of the magic net also required a process, and it did not recover completely all at once.

It's as if a remote mountain village wants to get electricity, it doesn't get done instantly with a squeak.

This recovery process will gradually spread from the authority of zero-ring tricks, and gradually increase as time goes by, and finally restore the authority to cast spells with nine-ring and above.

According to Bryan's estimation, this process may take at least several decades.

If he recovers when he just came to this world, it can still play a huge role for him.

As for now, it may take a year or two to recover from zero-level spells to one-level spells. For him, this is not as useful as he imagined.

When the magic net is completely restored, the ancient evils can slam back and forth in this world twice, and by the way, take all the undead creatures to dance happily on the land together.

However, there was one thing that made Brian very happy.

Because with the success of his arcane fire linking with the magic net just now, the speed at which the arcane fire directly absorbs magic energy has been significantly improved.

After Brian observed carefully just now, he calculated again.

He found that the speed at which the Austrian fire connected to the magic net automatically absorbs magic energy has directly increased from about 5 o'clock every day to 25 o'clock.

It has increased by five times.

A gem that costs nearly a thousand gold coins can't increase so much energy.

This means that if the level of Austrian Fire is raised from lv1 to lv2, even if he does nothing, it only takes 100 days to successfully upgrade.

The most important thing is that with the recovery of the number of magic net rings, the absorption speed will be greatly improved.

You know, when Brian activated the arcane fire in the main material world.

However, within a day, he continued to upgrade to level 4, until he was stuck by the rare materials of level 5, and gradually slowed down the speed of improvement.

Even so, the most important thing for Brian right now is to go back to the main material world first, because he has already promised Xinafei Melianne.

Therefore, one must try to find a way to deal with the ancient evil.

After all, the way he dealt with the ancient evil thing yesterday, after trying it for the first time, the other party must have been prepared, otherwise they wouldn't have dropped a projection and said a harsh word to him.

This made Brian have to think about other countermeasures...

Brian looked at the gradually brightening sky with a heavy heart, and began to think about his next plan in his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly realized one thing.

With the recovery of the magic net, those devout priests in Asno Continent are likely to establish a connection with the gods they believe in.

Especially non-human races, such as dwarves, halflings, gnomes, and elves.

The background of these races is simply not too hard.

At that time, the world may really be in chaos for a while.


Deep in the Griffin Mountains.

A valley shrouded in a faint mist that seems to have been sleeping all the time.

A slender female elf gradually disappeared into the thin mist and walked slowly towards the ruins of the valley.

She was wearing a sky-blue sacrificial robe, embellished with silver crescent moon embroidery, and a mithril crescent moon pendant hanging on her chest, reflecting a faint light.

She passed through the fallen marble columns, walked up a badly weathered marble staircase, and followed the stairs through a long corridor paved with stone slabs.

At the end of the corridor, the silent female elf stooped through an archway half buried in the ruins, but still intact, and came to the very center of the ruins of the temple.

The female elf pursed her lips, her majestic and powerful eyes swept across the smooth and white unicorn fountain, and finally stopped on a huge white stone slab.

On this stone slab of unknown material is a beautiful carving of a young elf.

Standing under a sturdy oak tree, this handsome elf wears a cloak, a longbow on his shoulder, a long sword in his hand, and a necklace carved with the image of a 'crescent moon' around his neck.

The sun, frost, and wind did not blur or wash away any detail of this beautifully carved pair.

This is the chief god of the elves, Corellon Larethian.

He is the creator of the elves, the guardian and protector of life, the ruler of the elves and the crowned king of Avandor.

All around him, lifelike dryads, unicorns, joy elves, ancient tree men and other unknown spirits wandered leisurely.

The female elf stared at the statue of the main elf god and prayed devoutly as usual.

She is a priestess of Corellon and a neutral elf who calls herself 'The Hater'.

In order to survive, she learned to make good use of her racial advantages, hid in the wild mountains that were inaccessible to humans, and waited.

She always firmly believes that human beings will eventually become a thing of the past, just like drought, cold winter or plague, and after that, rain, spring and new air, and even the pity of the god of elves will come.

I do not know how long it has been……

On the lifelike statue, a bit of divine light emerges.

"My lord!"

The elf priestess showed a look of surprise, and knelt down to the statue excitedly, two lines of tears slipped down her delicate cheeks irresistibly.

"My lord! The great god of elves, the guardian and protector of elves, your devout people are looking forward to your help and guidance all the time."

The priestess suppressed the sadness in her heart and appealed to her great god with an almost trembling voice.

The lifelike sculpture is vaguely plated with a layer of divine brilliance.

The kneeling priestess quickly lowered her head deeply. Even so, she still felt a pair of majestic eyes, which seemed to be watching from the distant kingdom of God, or from another distant time and space, another world.


"Everything regenerates without end."

A sacred and solemn voice seemed to approach from far away, echoing in the heart of the elf priestess.


It drizzled non-stop from early morning to night, tapping on the windows monotonously all night long.

Morris, the wandering mercenary, woke up early in the morning. They had already traveled for nearly half a month since they bid farewell to Brian and the others at the dwarf tavern in the border town.

But what made him depressed was that nearly half of the time was accompanied by late autumn rain, which obviously seriously affected their itinerary.

Morris opened the damp quilt, got up and got out of bed, then opened the window and stuck his head out, intending to see if the weather conditions were suitable for traveling today.

What disappointed him was that the blue sky was hidden behind the dark clouds, and those dark clouds were floating endlessly, chasing each other, and their naughty appearance was like a brat traveling with them. He couldn't help thinking Go up and kick two feet.

Immediately, he frowned wildly and cursed: "Damn, it's cloudy again, and the road is full of rain and mud. If this continues, when will we be able to reach King West City?"

As soon as the words fell, Yudian seemed to hear him cursing, and knocked on the eaves and puddles on the ground one after another, brushing up his sense of existence.

The mercenary's face couldn't help but become gloomy. He always felt that being under such a sky was like a soldier staying in a soaked tent, which made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Feeling the bone-chilling chill in the air, Morris flinched and was about to close the window.

Suddenly, he was attracted by the scene outside the window.

He saw the soaked hens standing at the door and the jackdaws on the branches, and he saw a drenched farmer carrying a sharp pitchfork to the eaves to avoid the rain, and even a car track stuck in the mud The carriage was left alone by the roadside.

Finally, he locked his eyes on a drenched scholar, couldn't help cursing a few words in his heart, then grabbed a waterproof cloak and put it on his body, and rushed out.

"Hey! Let me tell you, are you out of your mind?" the mercenary Morris shouted when he saw the scholar Ke Meng who was looking up at the sky seriously in the rain.

Looking at his weak and pale face, he even suspected that the other party had been standing here in the rain all night.

damn it!His brain is not really flooded, is it?The mercenary thought to himself.

"It seems that the sky is about to change." Scholar Ke Meng wiped the rainwater off his face, gave him an apologetic look, and couldn't help but sigh softly.

For some reason, he couldn't help recalling a joke inadvertently said by the half-elf adventurer Brian who was willing to take the initiative to teach him magic:

All life, all pain, all suffering, will be silenced in perfect immortality!

This sentence was like the bone-piercing rain in late autumn, which made him shudder.

"Impossible. The rain won't stop today. You should just stay indoors." Sensing the heavier rain, Morris put a waterproof cloak on the waterlogged scholar. .

"Morris, please escort me to the Kingdom of Karnas when we arrive at King West City." Scholar Ke Meng said.

"Why?" Morris couldn't help being stunned.

"Because I feel that the magic is recovering, so... this day may really change." The scholar looked up at the sky, letting the cold rain wash his face, and said with deep emotion.

He raised his wet arm with difficulty, and tremblingly stretched out a pale finger from the sleeve.

A soft radiance bloomed from the fingertips, shining a kind of sickly beauty on his pale face.


(End of this chapter)

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