Arcane splendor begins with the throne

Chapter 73 The Gift from the Dryad (Subscribe)

Chapter 73 The Gift from the Dryad (Subscribe)
Sina Fey Melianne!
Brian guessed the true identity of the dryad girl floating towards him.

Then he found that the dryad's tears in his palm had disappeared in the green light that had just been emitted.

He immediately understood that what was condensed in this crystal-clear gemstone was definitely the most original divine power of the entire Asno Continent.

At this time, with the depletion of the original power, the flowers, plants and trees around the temple regained their vitality.

However, looking at the dryad girl walking towards him, Brian couldn't help frowning.

As a wizard, he could clearly feel that the natural aura and divine brilliance circulating around this tree spirit girl seemed to be slowly disappearing with the passage of time?
If it continues like this, the other party may even completely perish in the world.

As the incarnation of the will of the world in Asno Continent, if she really disappeared, even if there was no threat of the Death Star, the world would be completely hopeless.

This is like a big tree in the sky. If all the roots and stems it uses to absorb nutrients are cut off, then no matter how prosperous it looks, it will gradually wither and rot with the passage of time.

The reason why Bryan was so sure was that, apart from judging from the aura exuded by the other party, he also found that the oak tree representing Sina Fey Melianne did not return to green like the surrounding bushes, but instead become more rotten, withered...

It can be seen from this that the pain caused by the ancient evil, the Death Star, may not be as simple as imagined.

This made him feel a little regretful.

Although he has successfully delayed the speed of the world's demise and can take this opportunity to grow enough to have the strength to leave this world, it does not mean that he really has no thoughts about this world.

If he had enough time, he wouldn't mind finding some ways to deal with the ancient evils in the main material world.

Now, his unexpected sneak attack caused the ancient evil to temporarily deviate from its trajectory without any warning.

It was even smoother than he had imagined, which made him plan to take possession of this small world in his heart.

It's a pity that Sina Fey Melianne, who represents the will and origin of the world, has already begun to die under the power of corruption, so it is destined that this world will become a dead wasteland sooner or later.

When Brian was in a trance, a vague fragrance filled the air and hit his nostrils.

The dryad girl Xinafee Melianne stepped on the air and landed slowly in front of Brian.

She was wearing a light green tulle dress, with the cool breeze blowing by, the sleeves fluttering, showing a slender figure, her forehead hair moved with the wind, hiding a pair of emerald eyes as clear as autumn water.

Brian was about to speak, but found that the girl shook her head gently, and her emerald eyes full of smiles winked playfully at him again.

Looking at the beautiful dryad in front of him, while Brian was vigilant, his expression was a little surprised.

Because in terms of beauty, the dryad should belong to the top of the material plane.

And the tree spirit girl in front of her, shrouded in a faint divine brilliance, made her exude a kind of elegant and refined temperament, which was more noble than ordinary tree spirits, and she was as charming as a dusty goddess.

"What's your name?" The dryad girl looked at Brian and asked gently.

Her voice is very soft, making people feel like a spring breeze, and it also has the rhythmic beauty in Elvish language, which sounds very comfortable.

"Brian." He came back to his senses and replied calmly.

"Thank you very much for your help, Brian." The dryad girl put her hands on her chest, bowed gracefully towards Brian, and said sincerely.

"It's easy to do, don't be so polite." Brian echoed casually, pondered for a while, and couldn't help asking tentatively: "Are you okay?"

His greeting was not a usual greeting, but a question about her real situation.

Brian believed that the other party should be able to understand what he meant.

Although he had already guessed the general situation of her, he still wanted to confirm it himself not reconciled, so as to completely dispel his thoughts.

The dryad girl shook her head slightly with a smile, her loose hair swayed slightly, but there was a sad look on her beautiful face.

She did not answer Brian's question, but sighed softly and glanced at the withered oak tree. Then she cast her clear watery eyes on Brian's face. After staring at it carefully for a while, she said in a soft tone: "Bu Ryan, can we talk?”

"Let's talk?" Brian looked into the pure eyes of the dryad girl, looked at her beautiful face with a touch of sadness with admiration, and repeated doubtfully.

Out of his understanding of natural creatures like dryads, he instinctively thought that the so-called "chat" in the other party's mouth was probably not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

This made the vigilance in his heart raise a little bit again.

"Yes, I want to talk to you, can I?"

The dryad girl didn't care about Brian's cautiousness, she took the initiative to move closer to Brian, and nodded slightly, a faint smile gradually appeared on her fair cheeks, with a hint of shyness.

The hint of peach blossom-like pink and tender color made her even more beautiful.

"Of course." Brian hesitated, and finally agreed to the girl's invitation.

"Come with me." The dryad girl smiled, and took the initiative to hold Brian's hand, with a slight blush on her beautiful face.

Brian couldn't help but startled, when he realized, the dryad girl had already grabbed his hand and took light steps.

The seemingly weak little hand held his rough palm full of calluses, but it seemed to carry an irresistible force.

In desperation, he could only follow her footsteps slightly clumsily.

The two walked into a lush grove, walked along a path lined with weeds, waded through a clear stream, gradually entered the depths of the woods, and came to a small tree house with fluorescent lights.

Brian entered the house calmly, looking at the simple furnishings in the room with great interest.

He vaguely guessed what the tree spirit girl meant, but he couldn't see what the other party's purpose was for doing this.

Although the dryad is the embodiment of nature's spirituality, a very beautiful and charming creature, it can even be said to be one of the most beautiful creatures in the material plane.

But it was also because of this that Brian couldn't help raising his vigilance.

In his opinion, the dryads of nature are actually not much different from the succubi of the bottomless abyss and the erinia of Bator Hell.

In addition to their different camps, they still have a lot in common in the essence of their souls.

Because they also rely on their natural charm ability to survive, but as the incarnation of nature's spirituality, compared to the other two, the dryad's methods are still milder.

But most of the dryads are standing in the camp of chaos and goodness.

In the eyes of the dryad, this kind of kindness camp, which is the most unpredictable, can actually be understood as long as it doesn't kill people.

It is undeniable that the former Brian did have ideas about beautiful creatures like dryads, and he also put them into action.

However, when he stepped into an oak woodland where dryads live, he saw a thin, yellow face, sunken cheeks, blue eyes, a dying 'drug dregs' tied naked to a branch with thorny vines When it happened, he immediately turned around and left without looking back.

Because the dryad represents nature, and the law of natural growth is combination, birth, growth, and aging...

In the eyes of most human beings, this kind of behavior may be a kind of filth, but in the eyes of these spiritual incarnations of nature, it is a law of natural growth.

This is the essential gap between human beings and nature.

Some dryads even take the initiative to charm passing men and absorb their life energy in order to grow quickly.

Thinking of this, Brian thought of the gradually disappearing original power of the dryad girl, and he seemed to guess the real purpose of the other party bringing her here.

If the tree spirit girl in front of her wanted to regain her original power, there was really a way.

That's the 'Dance of the Dryads' that Brian had in mind earlier.

Because this kind of ritual represents nature, recovery and awakening, otherwise, he would not have thought of using this method to deal with ancient evils.

However, just because Sina Fey Melianne is the incarnation of the will of the world, it means that this ritual is extremely terrifying for the extraction of life energy.

Brian was very aware of his situation. With his mortal body, it was impossible for him to resist the dryad's crazy demand for life energy. Even before the ceremony was over, he was blown alive and turned into a human being...

This made him feel a little relieved, because Brian believed that the other party would also think of things he could think of, and he would definitely not do such a meaningless thing.

Silence fell strangely when the two entered the tree house.

The moonlight shone through the gaps in the tree house, and intertwined with the dim, eerie pale blue light emanating from the vines, making the tree house look like something out of a fairy tale, or a witch's magic hut.

Brian hesitantly coughed, and took the lead to break the silence. Looking at the slender back of the dryad girl, he asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"Bryan..." The dryad girl turned her back to him, raised her head to meet the pale moonlight in the gap, whispered his name, and turned around slowly, her watery eyes stared at his face, her tone of sad memories road:
"Do you know? I was born from the holy acorn left by the oldest and greatest tree of life 'Meru Roblos'. My mission is to bring vitality to the barren world and make it suitable for All living things in nature thrive."

"Of course I know what you said. Praise the great tree of life 'Meju Roblos', and praise the vitality that Sina Fey Melianne has brought to this world." Bryan sighed lightly, his tone With a slightly powerless sense of frustration.

Yeah, how can he help with a matter that even the incarnation of the will of the world can't do.

"A long, long time ago, in the early days of the birth of Asno Continent, the wilderness was lush, like a green ocean, and the bushes with thick branches and leaves grew silently under the mild sunshine, and the melodious singing of birds came from it. The shallow stream passed by, like a crystal clear tear trail shed by the gods in the sky, silently moistening the land..."

The dryad girl Xinafee Melianne came to Brian with light steps, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, recalling beautiful things to him with longing eyes.

"I remember very clearly that once Blacktman was covered with blue hyacinths, the clear light blue of the hyacinths intertwined with the tender green of the grass, like a hazy color painting in a dream. At that time The temple, in the morning and evening, the forest is always misty, and the mist flows silently through the stream and the forest, casting a layer of mystery on this land..."

Brian lowered his eyelids and stood where he was, smelling the intoxicating fragrance around him, and quietly listening to the sad memory of the dryad girl.

When he felt a slight tremor in her unusually beautiful voice, he instinctively raised his head to look at the dryad girl's face.

Suddenly, he was a little dumbfounded.

What caught his eyes was a desperate and miserable face, and a pair of bright emerald eyes were also filled with tears, silently sliding down his cheeks.


Brian didn't know what to do for a while, he took a deep breath, raised his arm, carefully and gently, helped her gently wipe away a crystal clear teardrop that had been stored in her eye socket, and then ignorantly Conscience comforted her softly:
"The reincarnation of all things is the law of natural growth. None of us can violate it. There is death and there is also new life. Believe me, one day, the Blacktman Mountains will be full of blue hyacinths. Because it not only represents It symbolizes the fire of life, and it also symbolizes the sadness of forgetting the past and starting a new life."

In fact, Brian didn't know how to comfort a crying girl at all, especially since the girl in front of him represented the world will and the natural origin of the entire Asno continent.

He could only recall some words to coax the little girl, to break the silence he had been keeping, to brush up his presence as a listener.

As for whether it would work or not, he really didn't think about it carefully.

"Really?" After listening to Brian's words, the dryad girl surprised him that the other party really grabbed his arm like a naive little girl and looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"Of course it's true." Brian looked away with embarrassment and looked away from her expectant eyes.

Afterwards, he gently patted the girl's little hand holding his arm, and showed her a flawless smile.

"Then will you help me?" The dryad girl looked at Brian in a daze, with a hint of pleading in her tone.

" can I help you?" Brian couldn't help showing a wry smile, and said helplessly.

"You can do it." A touching blush flashed across the dryad girl's cheeks, and then she took Brian's hand and sat together on a bed covered with leaves.

Immediately afterwards, Sina Fey Melianne waved her hand lightly.

A emerald green divine light emerged.

The vines entwining the tree house quickly grew and germinated at an astonishing speed, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a small tree house full of flowers, and the abundant vitality also enveloped the surroundings.

"Wait a minute, don't take off your clothes yet." Brian looked at the tree spirit girl with a strange expression. He found that the other party's divine brilliance had dimmed again, so he stretched out his hand to stop her:

"I want to know how I can help you. Let me figure it out first."

As soon as the words fell, Brian felt a soft and delicate body leaning against his arms, which made his breathing a little short.

When he looked down, he happened to see the dryad girl's outstretched hand covering his face, and he felt her breath caressing his cheek again, soft and warm.

Then there was a beautiful pleading voice, whispering to him: "Brian, I will give everything to you. You can help me protect this world, can you?"

Hearing this, Brian couldn't help but startled, and the eyes of the two also met.

He saw a striking blush on the fiery cheeks of the dryad girl, which was very eye-catching under the dim and eerie fluorescent light.

He felt this seemingly weak girl again, her arms wrapped around his body tightly like iron hoops, and she was still gently stroking his face.

Brian was silent for a long time like a statue, and finally nodded slowly under the expectant eyes of the dryad girl, and said firmly, "I promise you."

Because he is clear, as the will of the world in Asno Continent, the origin of nature.

What Xinafi Melianne said about giving him everything was not just material pleasure, so he thought it was all worth it.

Following Brian's nod, the dryad girl's clothes slipped gently along the exquisite curves, and the beautiful body representing the spirituality of nature was perfectly displayed in front of his eyes.

"Brian, are you ready?" She buried her head in Brian's arms and whispered.

"I'm ready, as long as you're willing." Bryan replied in a low voice, letting go of his heart, he obviously felt his breathing began to become heavy.


(End of this chapter)

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