Chapter 45 The Rude Dwarf

'City of Fortune' Abrera.

Brian was naturally impressed by this bustling port city.

The city of Abrera is located in the Kingdom of Amastasia, east of the Golden Bay. It is located in the center of the entire continent, with convenient transportation and developed shipping trade.

As the dwarves and gnomes said, this port city is indeed the richest city on the entire continent, and its economic lifeline is completely controlled by the Chamber of Commerce formed by non-human races.

But few people are aware of a fatal problem, that is, these wealthy non-human races do not have their own army at all, nor do they have strong force to protect their personal property. They live completely in human society and rely on commercial taxation for asylum.

Therefore, in Brian's view, the wealth in the hands of these non-human races that have long been integrated into human life is not absolutely safe.

"Gerbao, you have finally told the truth." The dwarf Broto rubbed his red nose and said proudly to everyone:

"We are much smarter than those pretentious elves, you can't deny that, can you? Hundreds of years have passed, elves pretend that humans don't exist at all, they look up at the sky, smell the flowers, as if they can just see humans Dirty their eyes, but when they see it doesn't work, they take up arms in a rage, they just want to kill, or be killed.

In the end, the territory they snatched from us was Blackman between West and Tigrila, and Amastacia's Dusk Forest. They were struggling to survive in the cracks, which was horrible.Even so, they still refuse to face reality like ostriches with their heads buried in the sand.

But what about us?What about us dwarves?We learned to adapt, and also mastered the weapons and equipment of the human kingdom's infighting.Two years ago, you Westers and Tashas had a bloody battle at the border. What was the final result?As a result, no one took advantage of it. They went home to lick their wounds and recuperate. Instead, our Thrane boys were busy and their pockets were bulging.So economically, human beings are subject to us. "

When Broto mentioned the border conflict two years ago, Brian took a special look at the Duke of Swift, who was watching coldly.

He noticed that a flash of anger clearly flashed through the other party's surprisingly pale golden pupils, which was then quickly suppressed by him.

This is understandable, because on the surface neither side of this conflict has gained any advantages, but Amastasha's army has taken the lead, so that the battle location was chosen within the Kingdom of West.

The most important thing is that the only heir of the West royal family also died in that war. Compared with the princes who died in the Tasha people, it can be said to be a big loss.

After all, the king of Amastacia will die every year due to the problem of heirs, and this is something that people like to talk about on the mainland.

But West is different. The old king only has one son and one daughter.

"Tell the truth." Mario nodded secretly, and interrupted to express his understanding:

"In my opinion, your ability to adapt to life is indeed much simpler than that of the elves. The elves value the forest and the territory the most, but you value the clan the most. Where the clan is, the hometown is there, even if someone who is extremely short-sighted The king attacked Thrane, you can also seal the mines, demolish the workshops, and then hide in the wild mountains without looking back, and continue to develop your power."

Following Mario's answer, the cold-looking Duke of Swift was once again left alone.

However, Brian found that the Duke also listened carefully to the small talk of the few people, and seemed to be very interested in the content of the conversation between these interesting dwarves.

"Aha! Singer, you finally told the truth." Broto stared at Mario in surprise, patted his strong chest with his mouth full of alcohol, and said boldly: "Now, I have decided, you You can go to the city of Abrera with my caravan."

Mario bowed slightly to the dwarf to express his gratitude.

"Not only can we hide in the wild mountains, but we can also go to human cities." The silent dwarf Gerber suddenly spoke, his hoarse voice attracted everyone's attention, and he reached out to caress the crow's dark feathers , said unhurriedly:
"Because we have the most advanced technology, this is what most human kingdoms dream of. They wish we could live in their territory and cast weapons and equipment for them day and night."

"I don't think so." Brian looked at the dwarf Gerber, and retorted: "I think it's much safer to stay in the wild mountains than human cities. You have to understand that as long as a war breaks out, the city may collapse at any time." The wisest thing to do is to stay in the mountains and wait for the end of the war."

Hiding in the mountains, the dangers you face are nothing more than beasts and evil humanoid creatures, but in the city, you must face people's hearts.

How terrible is the human heart?
Even Brian, who has been a man for two lifetimes, dare not make a judgment.

"You stay where you like!" said Broto, belching vulgarly, filling another glass of bubbling beer:
"For me, freedom is more important, but in a human city, there is no freedom at all. Damn! In a human city, even if you fart, you have to say hello in advance, and you have to avoid the crowd when you pee. Is it necessary to specify which hand must be used to wipe the buttocks in the future?"

Hearing this, Brian couldn't help but smile.

Just like Broto's rude words, dwarves are indeed very bad in the world's impression.

Brian once traveled with Broto's caravan. In his opinion, Broto's conversation today is already considered very polite.

Because when these bearded dwarves communicated with their companions, the frequency and dirtyness of their swearing directly refreshed Brian's three views, and the richness of vocabulary was higher than that of many players from 'Zuan'.

Travel with these grumpy dwarves and you'll see them spitting, blowing their noses with their fingers, and farting like thunder, accompanied by laughter, teasing, and comparisons.

They only get into the bushes when they are big, and they don’t even bother to go far when they urinate, and sometimes they stand in a row to compare who can urinate farther.

What impressed Brian the most was that one morning, Broto unbuttoned his pants and urinated into the still warm ashes of the campfire, turning a blind eye to the female compatriots around him.

However, Brian knows that rudeness is a common characteristic of dwarves, although in Broto, this nature is more pure and strong.

But that's only half of their character. Compared to their rudeness, Brian prefers the boldness and lack of scheming of these optimistic bearded dwarves.

"But..." Varda, the bearded dwarf who poured the wine for Broto, continued, expressing his opinion:

"Uncle Broto, I don't want to go back to Thrane, and I don't want to spend my whole life in the iron mine. If I go underground, I will stay for more than 40 years. This is on the premise that there is no mining accident. I think living in a human city will be difficult." Better."

"Shut up!" Broto stared at him viciously, and said sharply, "You're talking nonsense again, I should really kick your ass."

(End of this chapter)

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