Chapter 39 Star Flower

Without saying a word, Brian stretched out his hand to push aside the locust tree branches blocking the way, lifted his footsteps over the collapsed marble column, walked up a severely weathered marble staircase, and followed the staircase through a long corridor paved with stone slabs.

Although there were thick shrubs and miscellaneous trees growing in the gaps in the stone slabs of the promenade, which seriously affected the speed of progress and the sight of the front, Brian still continued to move forward without hesitation.

Soon, at the end of the corridor, Brian found an arch half buried in the ruins, but still intact.

He walked past the remaining pillars, leaned through the arch, and arrived at the center of the ruins of the temple.

In the center of the temple, Brian saw a decorative fountain. He looked, the water inside had already dried up, only fallen leaves and thick green moss.

In the center of the fountain, there is a statue of a unicorn, which sits on a finely crafted white stone base. The smooth and bright pure white body shines brightly in the sun and dazzles the eyes.

The fly in the ointment is that a spiral ivory-colored horn protruding from the unicorn's forehead has long been broken at the root, and the two star rubies inlaid in the eye sockets have also been dug out with a chisel.

So much so that this celestial creature, which had lost its horn and eyes, seemed to be exuding a touch of sadness all the time.

Behind the fountain, there is a flower bush full of beautiful flowers.

The color of the flowers is indigo blue, some petals have a faint purple edge, and bright dewdrops are shining on the petals, like sky blue stars dotted.

"This is the flower of the star 'El Adonis', also called by the high elves of Blacktman: the protector of the stars." After a long silence, Renat said.

"Star Flower 'El Adonis'?" Brian whispered in his heart in surprise, because 'El Adonis' was exactly his elf bloodline surname.

However, he didn't reply, nor did he look at Renate beside him, but turned his gaze to a huge white stone slab behind the flowers.

On a stone slab of unknown material was a beautifully carved young elf.

Standing under a sturdy oak tree, this young and handsome elf is wearing a cloak, a longbow on his shoulder, a long sword in his hand, and a necklace carved with the image of a 'crescent moon' around his neck.

Around this elf, various unknown elves such as dryads, unicorns, joy elves, ancient tree men, etc. wandered leisurely.

The sun, frost, and wind did not blur or wash away any detail of this beautifully carved pair.

The only regret is that all kinds of precious gemstones such as bechuri gemstones, crescent-shaped diamonds, moon star stones, star rubies and other precious gemstones used for decoration on the relief are like the empty eye sockets of unicorns. Dig clean.

"It is said that this is the main god of the elves." Renate introduced to Brian in an uncertain tone: "Unfortunately, this elf god has never responded to his people."

"Corillon Larethian." Brian quietly stared at the main elf god on the relief. This still relief made him feel elegant and agile, as if he was alive, and he seemed to be alive. Trapped in a distant time and space, another world.

After a long while, Bryan spoke slowly: "He is the creator of the elves, the guardian and protector of life, and also the ruler of the elves' gods and the crowned king of Alvado."

"I didn't expect you to know so much." Renat looked at the half-elf in surprise.

Brian ignored him, but considered the real intention of the other party bringing him here in his heart.

At the same time, he is also waiting for the other party's next words.

Because he knew very well that the village owner in front of him couldn't have brought him here just to appreciate the dilapidated scenery.

The desolate valley was very quiet, only a few crows landed on the treetops, screaming and quacking.

"25 years ago." Renate was silent for a long time, reached out to take down the spirits from his waist, took a sip and said:
"The armies of Tigrila and the Kingdom of West gathered at the borders of Blackman, and I can still recall it clearly: the horns sounded in the woods, the armor gleamed in the sun, and the banners Floating with the wind, they shouted to the elves: Elves! Give up Blackman and get out!"

"How did the elf respond?" Brian asked calmly.

"Adelan El Adonis, King of the Elf, only responded with a demonstration of arrows. They whispered in the leaves: As long as there are oaks in the Holy Land of the Elf, we will fight to the last tree, the last elf."

Brian was silent, standing there staring at the delicately carved reliefs, listening quietly.

"While the human army was fighting the elves in the forest, a commando of a hundred people came to Blackman's holy land of elves quietly." Renat recalled with a dazed expression:

"The fighters of the commando team are all carefully selected elites. The moment they enter the holy land of the elves defending the emptiness, they are destined to be a bloody slaughter."

"But the current Blackman still belongs to the family of elves." Brian picked up the conversation and expressed his guess: "So, there must be a turning point here, right?"

"That's right." Renate took a deep breath, calmed down his ups and downs, and said slowly:

"This turning point, which is enough to determine the fate of the elves, came to an end when the sister of the elf king Adlan El Adonis held her newborn child and set herself on fire in the oldest oak forest in the holy land of the elves."

Brian closed his eyes gently, silently mourning in his heart.

"And I am the only surviving soldier in the commando." Renate said with difficulty.

"As the only survivor, do you feel guilty?" Brian asked in a flat tone with a long breath:
"What are you blaming yourself for? Blaming yourself for not being able to protect your companions, or too much blood of elf children on your hands."

"Maybe it's both." Renate said, "But what I blame the most is that I couldn't save the newborn baby. At that time, I actually had a chance to stop the mother and child. That baby is just like you , also has a pair of eyes that shine like obsidian blocks."

"So, Village Master Renat, the purpose of you bringing me here is to tell me these crap things?" Brian turned around and looked at the other party with obvious displeasure in his tone.

"You are a half-elf from Blackman. It can be seen that in addition to the elf holy land, your destination will pass by Thorn Castle."

Renat tried to maintain a calm tone and replied: "I just want to tell you, as a half-elf and a wizard, don't get caught up in disputes between humans and elves."

"Stay neutral and become indifferent and numb, don't you?" Brian snorted. "Don't you find it ridiculous that an elf executioner persuades a half-elf to let go of the hatred in his heart and remain neutral?"

Although facing the dispute between humans and elves, he maintained a neutral attitude from beginning to end and chose to stand on the sidelines, but being directly spoken out like this made Brian feel very upset.

"Not funny at all!"

A deep, firm and decisive voice came from a corner of the ruins.

Brian turned around and looked in the direction of the voice.

This is a female elf who is slender and slender like most elves.

She was wearing a sky-blue priest robe, embellished with silver crescent moon embroidery, and a silver hoop engraved with the elf rune of 'Asylum' was on her forehead, hidden in her long loose hair, and a crescent moon pendant made of mithril hung on her forehead. The chest is shining.

The female elf has a serious expression and her lips are pursed tightly, giving people a majestic and powerful impression.

She walked towards Brian and Renate slowly.

The human village master bowed to him.

Brian stood there straight, motionless.

He knew very well that the elf woman in front of him must be the so-called elf 'hater' in Renat's mouth.

As for the humans in Renate's village, Brian can guess from the other party's previous words that these people, like the elves, belong to reclusive neutrals.

Most likely a victim of that war 25 years ago.

Because it is this kind of sympathy for each other that creates a subtle connection between the two forces.

"Neutral makes you upset, but do you understand what it means?" The female elf stared at Brian with dark blue eyes, and said slowly:

"Being neutral is not the same as being indifferent or insensitive. You don't have to kill your feelings, you just have to kill the hatred in your heart. Do you understand?"

"I know exactly what I'm doing, and I don't need you to remind me. Instead, you, the priestess of Corellon." Brian looked at the female elf, lowered his tone, and said in a meaningful tone:
"You are separated from your own ethnic group, and you refuse to face reality, and you call yourself 'haters', like an ostrich with your head buried in the sand, shivering and hiding in the ruins of the glorious ruins, what is it for?"


The female elf replied in a firm tone, and then turned around slightly, looking at the elf relief on the stone slab, her voice was soft and trance, as if floating from far away, "Waiting for the guardian of the elves to take pity on his people , waiting for mankind to kill itself."

"He has abandoned you a long time ago." Brian's voice was like a sharp sword hitting the female elf's vitals, "You are as innocent as a child."

"We can only wait, this is the only way, and we have the capital to wait, this is our advantage, in order to survive, we must learn to make good use of our own racial advantages." The female elf stared at the relief, using Said in a tone without any emotion:

"Elves have a long lifespan. Judging by human standards, we are almost immortal. I always firmly believe that human beings will eventually pass away, like drought, winter or plague. After that, rain, spring and new air, and even elves God's mercy will come. Therefore, if the elves want to survive, they must hide in the wild mountains that are inaccessible to humans, and wait for humans to destroy themselves, instead of taking up weapons with supreme pride and joining the lonely A bet on war."

Brian didn't say a word, just looked at the beautiful and quiet face of the elf.

In his opinion, at least the elves hiding here have seen the reality clearly, unlike Blackman's elves, whose original values ​​have long been distorted by hatred.

"Then you just wait here and let time prove who is right and who is wrong." Brian said after a long silence.

Then, he looked at Renat next to him again, "What are you doing for? Don't tell me that you are also waiting for human beings to destroy themselves."

"I'm just doing it for atonement." Renate smiled bitterly, "The main purpose of bringing you here today is to tell you that as a half-elf, don't be blinded by hatred and try to stir up race wars." In the quagmire."

"I appreciate your kindness." Brian calmed down and said, "However, I'm not as superficial as you people. What I see may not be touched by you in your lifetime. I'm leaving."

After speaking, Brian turned and left without looking back.


(End of this chapter)

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