Arcane splendor begins with the throne

Chapter 29? Chatting at night

Chapter 29 Nighttime Chat
In the small room, Brian was lying on a bed made of straw, sleeping with his clothes on.

His eyes were closed tightly, and he wore a thick fur cloak for warmth. He took off the saber hanging around his waist and put it in a position within easy reach.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is more like sleeping, or has already fallen asleep.

In fact, he wasn't asleep.

On the contrary, he kept his mind very clear, sober that at the slightest sign of trouble, he would draw out his long sword and jump up.

When he is on the road during the day, his vigilance may be affected due to external noise, unknown environment or fatigue caused by the road.

But it was different in this quiet room. Apart from lying on the bed and relaxing, he didn't have to worry about anything.

This also means that he can maintain the most abundant mental power to guard against unknown dangers from the outside world.

In this strange environment, Brian not only maintained extremely high vigilance, but also mobilized his mental power, using the magical energy of the arcane fire to awaken the various spells he had mastered.

Although as a magic that has been mastered before, it does not need to be extremely troublesome to rebuild the spell model, but this activation process will also consume a lot of time.

If the process of learning magic in his previous life was compared to making software according to the program, then the process of Brian using the arcane fire to activate the spell at this time is like downloading ready-made software.

At this time, Brian's process of activating the spells stored in Arcane Fire is more like searching for the software he needs on the computer, then clicking the download button, waiting for the software to be downloaded, and then successfully installing it.

For Brian, this can be said to save him a lot of time.

It won't even let him overuse his brain because he is too focused on building spell models, and he will not be affected by the next day's itinerary due to mental exhaustion.

This is why most wizards like to live in high towers to study spells instead of being active in adventurous groups.

Because wizards learn magic by studying hard, they flip through musty ancient volumes, debate magic theories with other wizards, and constantly practice their spellcasting skills.

For wizards, magic is not a talent, but a skill learned through hard work.

In Brian's gaming career in his previous life, the wizard profession was very unfriendly to players.

Because it does not only rely on fighting monsters to gain experience to continuously improve its strength, nor does it rely on fighting to learn various special abilities.

The process of mastering spells also needs to be learned and researched by themselves.

Although the steps of learning and research have been simplified by the system, compared to the original residents, it is like untying the belt of the goddess of magic.

However, this is still a kind of mental torture for most adventure-loving players.

After all, the original intention of playing games is to relax.

It's not like spending money to find guilt.

However, the facts have proved that all players who have survived this torture and successfully raised their wizard level to Legendary of Destiny are all the existence of the ceiling in the player group.

And Brian, who likes to live in seclusion on weekdays, is precisely one of the players who successfully untied his belt... and successfully reached the legendary wizard.

In Brian's impression, before he crossed this world, he had already started preparing to build his own strategic fortress: the wizard tower, and even found a lot of information about the floating city.

Just when he was looking forward to building the floating city and wandering around in the main material world, an accident suddenly happened, making him inexplicably reborn in this small world where even the magic net was banned.

Now it's all right, here, I can't even make waves.

This is also one of the reasons why he is so obsessed with returning to the main material world.

While Brian was lying on the bed and contemplating how to walk the future perfectly, the half-goat Mario, who was staring at the blank paper on the table, suddenly asked: "Brian, have you found a strange thing?" Phenomenon."

Although Brian's eyes were closed behind him, as if he had already fallen asleep, Mario, who had been with him for nearly a week, already knew that he hadn't rested at all.

"What phenomenon?" Brian opened his eyes curiously.

For the poet in front of him, he had a very strange feeling. Sometimes he felt that the other party was just an ordinary bard, but sometimes he felt that this guy was not as simple as he imagined.

As for what is not simple, he can't guess exactly.

"Don't you feel that this room is very quiet?" After Mario finished speaking, he looked out of the window, his emerald eyes stared at the pitch black night through the dense cobwebs, and whispered: "It's so quiet that you can't wait to see me." I feel like my heart is starting to itch."

As soon as the words fell, Mario saw that the trees outside the window suddenly turned into terrifying black shadows, swinging strangely under the hammer of the wind, but the whistling wind that should have sounded first did not make a sound .

Mario shrank his eyes in fright, subconsciously wanted to stand up and close the window, and suddenly remembered that in this dilapidated log cabin, there was nothing to block the wind except for an empty frame.

"And, when I was leaving." Mario retracted his head, and continued to lower his voice:

"The dinner held by the village master for Artes is obviously not over yet, and there is even a tendency to drink until dawn. Why can't we hear any movement now?"

"What a big fuss." Hearing this, Brian saw the other party's suspicious look, he chuckled lightly, sat up from the bed, the straw under him creaked, and explained to him, "I don't know there's a spell called" soundproofing? "

After a group of people entered the village, the owner of the village—that is, the middle-aged man with a broken arm—invited everyone to have dinner in the village.

Finally, when the hot food was served, Brian, who was about to transcribe the scroll, took a few pieces of bread, drank a bowl of hot soup, and left quietly.

He has always liked quietness, so he naturally didn't want to be disturbed by the noise outside and Mario's sheep, so he arranged a simple soundproof circle in the house.

This is his usual habit. In the real world, he has no way to cope with the torture of the square dance sound, but this game world full of magic elements can naturally easily avoid it.

The same is true in this small world with extremely poor sound insulation.

"No wonder it's so quiet." Mario glanced at Brian and suddenly said.

"Actually, the main reason is that I don't want to hear your nasty singing." Brian complained again.

He didn't lie, because the motivation for setting up the soundproof circle in the room was to put it into action without hesitation after hearing Mario's singing.

"How do you sing it? Let me think about it, yes, it's like this." Brian reached out and patted his forehead, and imitated Mario's accent and hummed: "Oh~ I'm destined to spoil you in this life , oh~ Even if people laugh at me as a dementia..."

"You know what? I thought you would be serenading you outside that little girl's window until dawn." Brian cleared his throat and teased with a smile.

Although he seemed to be joking with the other party, there was a hint of temptation in his heart.

He wanted to find out what kind of person the poet in front of him was.

"Cut!" Mario curled his lips in disdain, and countered: "What? I made you unhappy by chasing girls?"

"It's more than unpleasant." When it came to chasing girls, Brian suddenly remembered the scene that happened at the banquet before, so he became excited. He put the cloak on his body again, sat up straight, and looked at Mari Oh, pretending to be angry:

"It's about being very upset, you know? When this little girl named Ke Lita is serving a plate of roast lamb, you have been staring at her greedily and looking at her from head to toe with impunity. Drooling over the lamb roast, looks like a male dog in heat. Oh, I'm sorry, it should be a ram in heat."

"I didn't expect you to think so." Mario gave him a surprised look, put down the quill in his hand, crossed his legs, clasped his hands on his knees, and said:

"Tagrela's half...Brian, I call it appreciation. Do you know what appreciation is? As a poet and artist, it is easier to generate creative inspiration when you appreciate beautiful things."

Mario dangled a goat's hoof, and began to speak triumphantly:

"No matter when and where, we must learn to appreciate the things around us with a beautiful heart. You have to understand that life is like a piece of music, inseparable from the clever notes. Some people will appreciate the beauty with their hearts, and there are also people who strive to be The beauty is beautiful, and I am the one who appreciates the beauty with my heart."

"Cheat ghosts!" Looking at the stinky poet, Brian rebuked him one by one without showing any weakness:

"What artists and poets should learn to appreciate. In my opinion, these are all your words and excuses. In fact, you are a frivolous, nonsense-talking, and bragging liar. You always like to use exaggerated and disgusting love words to deceive Ignorant girls, playing with their feelings, or only this kind of debauched thought can prompt you to compose music, write poems and sing. You see, this is the dark side of your heart. Don't deny this fact to me.

You satyrs are not so much an astral race from the Untamed Wilds as a rowdy fey attracted only by strong drinks and love affairs.So a person like you who is both a goat and a bard is simply a collection of ready-made scumbag templates, which can't be more scumbag. To tell you the truth, I hate this kind of person the most in my life. "

"Aha! Brian." The half-goat Mario said with a playful smile, "Do you know? You are the first person to evaluate me so much, which shows how much you care about me, although You've judged me as worthless, but I'm honored nonetheless.

So, Brian, my dear friend, before I refute this question, can you tell me exactly what you mean by this 'scumbag'? "

"It's the kind of man who doesn't take his relationship seriously and likes to play with his feelings. This kind of man usually pushes away when he sees a woman, and shirks responsibility after pushing. He is known as: scum, also known as: scumbag." Brian thought for a while Fan, explained to him.

"So that's it, it's very reasonable." Mario nodded slightly, deeply remembering this title in his heart, and continued:
"Then let's go back to the original question. According to my guess, the main reason why you are so disgusted with our group of poets...I'll go! Don't you think that I was the one who kidnapped the fiancee of the young Duke Artes?" The poet."

"You don't have the courage, don't overestimate yourself." Brian's eyes seemed to penetrate Mario's heart.

If the other party is really the bard who abducted Artes' fiancée, how could he dare to jump around like a monkey in front of the person involved.

"What is that because of?" Mario avoided Brian's eyes that seemed to see everything, stretched out his hand and scratched his head, suddenly remembered something, and said cheekily narcissistically:

"I see, you must be jealous of my handsome face. You are secretly jealous because of the lovely Miss Kerita blushing shyly for my singing, which directly caused you to be very unhappy. No wonder you, when eating, After a few bites, he ran away without saying a word, I didn't expect you to be such a person."

"Look, as I said just now, this is the dark side in your heart." Brian was amused by Mario's imaginative mind, and he continued:

"In your eyes, no matter what you do, you have to find ways to connect with love, which is simply boring. Could it be that without these love and love, it is really impossible to create songs."

"Why is that?" Seeing that Brian didn't seem to be lying, Mario was a little stunned. After thinking about it, he subconsciously guessed, "You're not trying to fight for this beautiful little girl, are you?"

"Brian, let me tell you, you're overthinking this, and you don't have to worry about it at all." Mario, who understood what Brian meant, was a little unhappy:
"Although I like to appreciate all beautiful things, I don't play with other people's feelings as you imagine. In fact, I am a very serious poet, not as bad as you imagine..."

"I'm not that boring yet." Brian snorted coldly, interrupting his chatter forcibly:

"As for you, you can do whatever you like, it's none of my business. You have beautiful things that you like, and I also have things that I dislike, and a poet like you, sorry, happens to be in my on the disgusting list."

Brian regretted discussing this boring topic with the other party, because his original purpose was to find out the details of the other party.

Who would have thought that this scene would become so dramatic, it's really a pain in the ass to talk about this kind of topic.

"Hey, hey, Brian, let me repeat." Mario stood up from the chair with a displeased face, and solemnly emphasized:

"Although I admire beautiful girls, this is just a way of greeting that our half-goat race is different from other races. Don't think of me with those dirty poets. I really can't afford to lose this person .”

Brian didn't bother to pay attention to him, but looked at him with interest, showing an expression of you continuing to talk.

He faintly felt that he really seemed to have misunderstood the poet in front of him.

However, none of this mattered to him.

Because as soon as it dawned tomorrow, he would ride the horse for a few more hours and arrive at Thorn Castle. At that time, he would turn to the Holy Land of the Elf.

As for the poet in front of him who didn't know whether he was good or bad, he naturally completely disappeared from his sight.

(End of this chapter)

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