Chapter 25 Village
After packing up their things, the group hurried on the road.

Brian took the initiative to drive the horse to lead the team, Artes followed him like a shadow, and three wandering mercenaries dressed as adventurers were in charge of the rear.

Obviously, one can imagine its strength to be able to survive the Gnoll's raid unharmed.

The remaining five rode safely in the middle of the team, because among these people, except for the bard Mario, they all suffered injuries of varying degrees.

They hadn't traveled half a mile before Brian heard the deep roars of some cats and wolves in the valley.

After a while, the roar of these beasts fighting for the corpse came again.

It could be seen from the increasingly pale faces of most people that Brian was obviously not the only one who heard this voice.

Mario on the side proved his inner fear with actions.

He kicked his horse's belly, ran to the front of the team, and chose to go with Brian, who he thought was the most secure.

Led by Brian, they walked slowly and cautiously through the valley and around a rugged hillside.

Immediately afterwards, to Bryanton's surprise, a road that could accommodate two carriages appeared in front of him.

Although this kind of road cannot be compared with the cement road in the real world, at least it is paved with a layer of gravel made from local materials. Even in rainy days, the road will not be unable to walk due to mud.

"This avenue was specially made for the construction of Thorn Castle. A group of dwarves from Thrane were responsible for the construction, and the quality is still very guaranteed." Artes, who was on the side, saw the surprise in Brian's eyes and explained to him .

Brian didn't answer, but slowed down his horse and looked at the road thoughtfully.

He found no trace of any traveler or rider on this road, and then he judged that it was very likely that it had rained two days ago, and all the footprints had been washed away.

Brian stretched out his hand to signal everyone to stay where they were and wait, then went to investigate alone, and drove his horse towards a small hill on the right side of the avenue.

Artes planned to follow, and recalled the way Brian looked at him every time, and finally chose to give up this self-defeating idea.

Brian came to the hillside on a light horse and looked down at the surrounding environment from a high position.

He saw the undulating boulevard winding around the foot of the hills, and on the right was the Glimery River, a mountain stream, glowing faintly in the weak sunlight.

Farther off, he glimpsed another stream in a stone valley, half hidden in mist.

Brian returned the same way, took the rein and came to Artes and said: "Hurry up and go."

After speaking, he took the lead in running forward.

They drove as fast as they could, and at dusk Brian saw a bridge spanning the cliffs.

Immediately, he led a group of people across the bridge without hesitation.

After crossing the bridge, there was a piece of rolling countryside. As they advanced, Brian could clearly feel the surrounding mountains gradually rising.

Between the plateaus and the ridges, Brian glimpsed here and there the remains of old stone walls and forts.

Brian knew that unknown dangers might be hidden in the dilapidated ruins, so he involuntarily slowed down his horse and proceeded cautiously.

"Who built these walls and fortresses, why are they all abandoned like this." Mario, the poet, came to Brian and asked curiously.

"It belongs to the dwarves." Brian replied: "A long time ago, the Griffin Mountains belonged to the hometown of the mountain dwarves, but now there are no dwarves here, because with the expansion of the human kingdom, almost all the dwarf races were driven to the south. kindness."

"It sounds like a long time ago." Mario pondered.

"It was indeed a long, long time ago, so long ago that the Griffin Mountains have completely forgotten them." Brian stared at the hazy silhouette of Blackman in the southeast direction, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Since the Gryphon Mountains are so forgetful, where did you know these stories?" Mario looked up at the empty fortress, and a goshawk flew into it. "It's impossible for birds and animals to tell you these stories. Bar."

"Anyway, I am also a person with the blood of the high elves. Not only the dwarves, but also the elves will not forget the history of being expelled by humans."

A memory of the past floated in Brian's mind, and he said with a smile: "And in Blackman, the elves there remember far more things than I can tell."

He wasn't lying about that.

After all, in the holy land of elves, there is an old antique elf who has personally experienced the history of humans descending on this continent in a tower.

"So you are not a Tegrila in the true sense, but a half-elf who was born in Blackman." Mario asked again.


Brian's solemn tone surprised even the poets, "I am a true Tigraira. This is a fact that no one can deny, as sure as the sun in the sky."

Relatively speaking, Brian doesn't like being called a half-elf, so whenever this is mentioned, he will emphasize that he is a Tigrila.

"Then do you often go to Blackman?" Mario asked boldly in a low voice when he saw Artes slowing down his horse again to check on the old knight's injuries.

"No." Brian said, "I lived there, but I was not destined to enjoy peace and happiness, so I left on my own initiative."

Mario looked in Brian's direction, glanced at him again, and nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, as the sun disappeared from the horizon, they had gradually penetrated deeper into the mountains, far away from the road and the Gramri River behind them.
Brian led a group of people into a narrow, dark and silent deep chasm.

On the cliffs on both sides, there are old trees with intertwined roots, which grow layer by layer on the hillside, forming a dense pine forest.

"Your Excellency Brian, it's getting dark, and these wounded need to rest." Artes glanced at the rear of the team and asked Brian for advice.

Brian didn't answer, but looked thoughtful.

As Artes said, these people do need to rest, but he is also very aware of the dangers they will face in the barren and inhabited mountains, especially at night.

"If you go at this speed, you can reach Thorn Castle in about five hours," Brian said.

"But we've run off four horses to death, and..." Artes didn't continue, because he heard the weak cough of the older knight behind him again.

Brian looked back subconsciously, just in time to find a trace of blood overflowing from the corner of the other party's mouth.

"Then you have to think about it carefully." Brian said in a cold tone: "If we camp nearby to rest, in case of danger, we will not only lose horses."

Silence fell suddenly between the two.

Artes, with a tired face, clenched the reins tightly with both hands, not knowing what to choose, it could be seen that his heart was very heavy.

"I have a good idea." At this moment, Mario's voice interrupted.

Brian heard the words and looked at the other party with great interest.

"Passing through this rift, there will be a dense forest." Mario pointed to the front, and continued: "You would never have thought that there is a human cave hidden in a gloomy place to the north of the forest." A small village. And with our current travel speed, it only takes half an hour to get there."

Brian quietly looked at the confident poet in front of him with a meaningful gaze.

Just now, the other party knew nothing about the history of the Griffin Mountains.

Now he suddenly claimed that he knew that there was a human village hidden deep in the mountains, which made him doubt the credibility of this guy's words.

Not only Brian, but also Artus looked at Mario with suspicious eyes.

This time, the two rarely agreed.

"I've said it all, I'm a goat and belong to the astral race." Mario had obviously prepared his words, and he asked back:
"As a member of the astral race, is there anything surprising about mastering some special racial talents?"

"Then what's the point, hurry up and lead the way." Brian waved his hand and said to Mario.

(End of this chapter)

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