Arcane splendor begins with the throne

Chapter 23? The power of spells

Chapter 23 The Power of Spells

Colorful jets.

A ring of spells belonging to the illusion system, its main function is to shoot out dazzling light, and affect the enemy's mind through the visual impact on the target.

This kind of light will cause different degrees of coma, blindness and shock according to the strength of the enemy.

It is a very good crowd control spell in the first ring.

From the different states that the leader of the gnoll and the wolf suffered from the frontal impact of the spell, it can be seen that the leader of the wolf man is obviously much stronger than the wolf.

This spell is one of the four first-level spells that Brian has learned after the "Mage Armor" during the few days of traveling.

The other three are: Burning Hand, Burning Flame, and Thunder Wave.

Because he knows very well that in this world where the overall strength is not very strong, the importance of this kind of field control spell that can affect multiple people.

Following the death of the wolf leader and the wolf, a line of light blue system prompts quickly appeared in Brian's retina:
"Target is dead!"

"Get 100 experience points!"


"Target is dead!"

"Get 60 experience points!"


Seeing the experience points that popped up on the panel, Brian nodded slightly in satisfaction.

The 100 points of experience came from the leader of the wolf man, and the 60 points of experience came from the wolf who had just died.

From the experience gained, it can be estimated that the creature level of the dead wolf man leader is likely to be above level 4, while the wolf is around level 2.

From the start of the battle to the present, Brian has killed five gnolls and a warg cleanly, gaining a total of 240 experience points.

Now that he has decided to grow and develop in this world, the more he needs for experience points, the better.

Because now, he needs at least 2 experience points if he wants to raise the level of Battle Mage to level 1000.

If the experience points obtained before are counted, more than 400 experience points are still needed to upgrade the level.

The only way to speed up the progress of leveling up is to kill as many gnolls as possible.

This kind of chaotic fight, which can fish in troubled waters, is almost rare for him who usually likes to be alone.

Thinking of this, Brian quickly shifted his gaze to the chaotic battlefield, ready to find a suitable enemy to attack.

Five years ago, when he left the holy land of elves, his original intention was to quickly find a way to the main material world.

This also led to Brian's interest in killing monsters and upgrading, not as strong as expected.

Because the career route he originally set for himself was a wizard.

Unfortunately, it was disappointing that there was no way for wizards to be employed in this world, which directly ruined his original plan.

However, fortunately, with the activation of the Arcane Flame, he saw new hope and found a way to temporarily become a Battle Mage.

After all, as long as the magic energy of the arcane fire is sufficient, he can easily awaken all the research results of his previous life, including the wizard tower and floating city that he has already prepared to set foot in.

It was precisely because of this that he had to do everything possible to leave this world banned by the magic net.

And the premise of all this, apart from slowing down the speed of the ancient evils destroying the world and giving him enough time to grow, is to have the strength strong enough to leave this place.

It's a pity that this small world is facing the danger of ancient evils, otherwise Brian would never mind becoming the ruler of the world and saving more resources for his way of wizarding.

"Brian, come and save me, I'm hurt, I'm bleeding to death."

Just when Brian clenched his long sword and was about to join the fight ahead, the desperate and flustered voice of the satyr Mario came from behind, and he screamed like a huge partridge.

It can be seen that what the other party said is true, because his whole body is indeed covered with blood.

"Open your eyes and see clearly, it's the blood of the wolf man." But Brian didn't even bother to look at him, but just left a word coldly and ignored it.

In the battle just now, when he pulled out the sharp sword from the throat of the wolf man leader, he had already noticed that the blood splashed all over Mario's body.

The Gnoll hadn't even broken through his own line of defense, so how could this poet, who could only hide behind him and yell, be injured.

Brian looked at the center of the battlefield, which was full of shouts and screams, and the air was filled with blood, and the whole world seemed to be in chaos.

At this time, the battle has become fierce, and it is almost impossible to see who is in the favor of the situation, and both sides are all red-eyed.

Brian saw a burly adventurer wrestling with the enemy in front of him, and a gnoll suddenly rushed from the shadow of the rock.

Immediately, like a vampire, he rushed up from behind, opened his wolf mouth full of fangs, and bit the adventurer's fragile neck.

Immediately afterwards, another fighting gnoll took the opportunity to swing a rusty double-sided ax and slashed at his shoulder blades, and then pulled out the ax vigorously to meet the next battle.

On the other side, the knight who shot the cold arrow had already dropped his longbow on the ground and replaced it with a long sword, because the three gnolls had already surrounded him and were killing him indiscriminately.

At this moment, a shrill neighing of a war horse caught Brian's attention.

He saw a gnoll hiding in the shadows, and while the older knight was killing other gnolls, he swung the curved blade in his hand and slashed at one of the horse's front legs.

The war horse stood up because of the pain, then lost its center of gravity, and fell heavily to the ground.

The powerful inertia threw the knight flying directly, and the armor on his body sparkled with sparks on the hard rocky ground, making harsh friction sounds.

And Artes, who was riding a horse to fight, had obviously been knocked off his horse long ago, and his knight's spear was also stuck in the corpse of a wolf man, and he never had a chance to pull it out.

At this time, the little duke held a sword in each hand, relying on the defensive power of the full body armor and the mask helmet, rushed into the crowd of wolves together with several brave adventurers, each found his own opponent, caught and fought.

This made Brian have to sigh, if those unarmored fighters encountered an enemy with full body armor, it would feel like they were not wearing clothes.

Brian watched the battle like a bystander.

Soon he noticed a jackal who traded wounds for wounds, resisted the severe pain of the wound, and knocked down a noble boy in blue steel chain armor to the ground. The mace in his hand was packed with angry strength and With a whistling sound, it slammed hard at the opponent's head.

——"Frozen Ray!"

Brian stretched out his finger and whispered, a cold blue and white light burst out from his fingertips, and at an extremely fast speed, wrapped in cold air, it precisely hit the wolf man who was about to harvest his life.

Immediately afterwards, a bone-piercing chill spread from the bloody wound of the wolf man to the body and surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Unable to resist the cold, the wolf man barely raised his weapon above his head, then trembled and howled, his stiff body covered in thin frost fell on his back.

Brian, who successfully grabbed the head, just stood there vigilantly, looking for the next enemy.

As a battle mage, he has the characteristic of "spell sharpening", which allows him to add his intelligence adjustment value to the spell damage when he casts any spell that directly causes damage, so as to increase the power of the spell.

Based on Brian's intelligence attribute of 18 points, each of his magic attacks will add an additional 4 points of damage.

"Frozen Ray" is the simplest trick, except for the inconspicuous damage, the only advantage is that it is cast quickly and consumes very little.

Brian, who had an in-depth understanding of this game in his previous life, knew that if ordinary gnolls were digitized, their reference HP would only be about 20 points.

And Bryan's zero-ring trick combined with the "spell sharpening" feature, the damage it caused could almost directly kill half of the wolf man.

Therefore, at this time, Brian thought that instead of risking his life and fighting among the wolves, it would be more efficient to hide behind and support others in their battles with precise spells.

However, the good times did not last long.

Just when Bryan successfully used magic to kill the third gnoll, the brilliant magic light finally caught the attention of the three wolves who were driving the wolf and rushed down from the top of the valley.

Following three loud howls, the horrific-looking Gnoll with its thick dark red mane twitched, and quickly approached Brian condescendingly amidst the wolf's charge of running and jumping.

Looking at the three enemies who looked like a gust of cold wind, Brian even smelled the stench in the wind.

He knew very well in his heart that it would be very difficult for him to face any warg knight head-on.

Because he not only had to guard against the pounces and bites of the wolf at all times, but also resisted the frenzied attacks from the front of the wolf man on his back. It was impossible for him to kill an ordinary wolf man with ease.

This is the absolute suppression of cavalry against infantry.

What's more, there were still three jackals attacking him at the same time.

Brian calmly looked at the attacking gnolls, chanting spells calmly while focusing on eliminating the disturbance from the battlefield.

——"One-ring spell: Burning Hand!"

With Brian's fingers dancing lightly in front of him, the moment he pointed at the three jackals, a scorching cone-shaped flame spewed out from Brian's fingertips.

In an instant, the three gnolls who couldn't dodge due to their speed, together with the wolf beneath them, were all enveloped in raging flames, and their thick hair burned violently like dry wood.

The scorching flames frantically licked their bodies, scorching their hair and clothing, burning their fragile skin like maggots attached to their bones, emitting a disgusting stench.

Accompanied by howls one after another, the gnolls and wargs who had turned into human-shaped flames all fell down on the cold rocky ground, rolling wildly.

——"One-ring spell: Burning Flame Sacrificial Explosion!"

Brian didn't take the opportunity to make a move, but just looked at them coldly, whispered again, and then stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

The scorching breath filled the air, and the violent fire elemental energy quickly gathered around the gnoll and the wolf, thick as a substance.

On the bodies of the Gnoll and the Warg, the flames that were still jumping strangely disappeared without a trace along the scorched skin wounds, their nostrils and mouths.

Immediately, as the flames were completely extinguished, these cruel and evil creatures struggled even crazier.

A stream of gunpowder smoke poured out of their mouths, as if swallowing red-hot coals, which made people feel horrified.

Immediately afterwards, the scorched black wound burned by the flames strangely swelled into dry and hard cracks at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the gaps of the cracks, the dark red flames are faintly visible like fine lines.


In the end, with a loud bang, the howling wolves turned into charred and broken corpses in the flames of the explosion.

Looking at the gnolls and wargs that he had killed, Brian took a deep breath and calmed down his exhausted expression due to excessive mental energy consumption.

The evocation spell of "Burning Flame Sacrifice" was his favorite spell in his previous life.

In fact, this spell cannot directly harm the enemy itself, but needs the target to be burned by the flames before it can exert its real effect.

The principle of this spell is to control the burning flame, turn it into the purest fire element, and let it penetrate the enemy's burnt wounds and seven orifices into the body.

Then under the influence of the most irritable fire element, it exploded from the inside out.

The severe ones were blown to pieces just like the Jackal man in front of him, and the light ones could also cause internal injuries in a short period of time due to the inability to completely remove the flames in the body.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the target must be ignited by the flames. The stronger the fire, the higher the damage.

This is a powerful, large-scale, twice-killing spell that Brian was inspired to develop after watching the Necromancy School's "Corpse Explosion".

After casting the spell, Brian looked at the unfinished battle. He clenched his long sword tightly and planned to rush into the crowd to harvest as much experience as possible.

"Bryan, don't leave, what should I do if you leave?" Feeling that the chaotic fighting was still going on, Mario hurriedly chased up to Brian, begging.

"If you want to survive, it's very simple."

Brian stretched out his hand and pushed the poet to the cold rocky ground, then picked up a wolf-man corpse with his toes, kicked Mario who was still standing up, and suggested to him: "Just close your eyes and pretend to be dead." OK."

As soon as the words fell, the body of the wolf man instantly smashed Mario, who was sitting up, to the ground on his back. The ferocious hyena head lay on the poet's shoulders so intimately, like a couple in love.

Feeling the horrifying face of the Gnoll and the strong smell of blood on his body, Mario rolled his eyes and lay motionless on the ground like a dead man.

Brian secretly praised the opponent's superb acting skills, and then he raised his sword and rushed towards the crowd without fear.

At the nearest place, Brian saw two noble boys in blue steel chain armor surrounded by four gnolls on the side of the mountain, with no way out.

One of them rode a warg, and the other three were on foot.

On their ground, there were two corpses whose heads were smashed to pieces by hard objects. It could be seen from the broken chain armor that they were the companions of the two nobles.

Bryan acted quickly. He took advantage of the fact that the warg hadn't noticed him, and jumped onto a half-meter-high rock.

Like cutting tofu, the sword blade that fell from the sky split the flesh and bones of the back of the wolf man riding on the wolf, almost splitting it in two.

Sensing the dangerous wolf, he turned around and rushed towards him.

The moment he pounced, the Jackal who received a fatal blow on his back was thrown away like a piece of garbage.

Facing the wolf's pounce, Brian leaned back, but the sharp sword in his hand was not idle.

He stabbed upwards, and the warg's soft belly was like a plow, and a deep gash was cut.

When blood mixed with viscera was about to spill all over Brian's body, he had expected it, rolled on the spot and successfully avoided it.

The three Jackals who finally reacted quickly launched a fierce attack on Brian on the ground.

At the same time, the two noble children behind the jackal also took this opportunity to fight back.

Brian on the ground was not in a hurry to get up. He clenched a rock protruding from the ground with one hand and wielded a sharp sword with the other. With one move of the ground knife, the blade successfully cut off the calf of one of the gnolls.

Howling, the gnoll performed a hop on Brian.

Then Brian, who got up suddenly, swung a sword, cut his throat, and fell to the ground dead.

Bryan quickly joined the battle with the other two gnolls.

Under the pincer attack of the three, Brian's quick and deadly swordsmanship solved it neatly.

In this way, Brian carried the long sword, wandering around the edge of the battlefield, shuttling between the crowd and the rocks.

Whenever he jumped out of the shadow of the rock, a jackal fell to the ground and died.

(End of this chapter)

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