Chapter 2 War Mage

Target is dead!
Get 5 experience points!

"5 points of experience, scum!"

Brian put away his sharp sword, subconsciously wanted to kick again, and immediately thought of the wound on his calf, so he gave up.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead due to the severe pain of the wound, landed on one foot, and sat down on a stone next to him with some difficulty, leaning on the broken wall.

The fatal strike just now seemed easy and freehand, but in fact it almost exhausted all his strength.

As a result, the deep wound on his calf left by the wolf man's sharp teeth has already burst open, the bandage is almost completely soaked, and the blood flows down like wax tears, shining faintly in the golden sunlight.

The dilapidated ruins were empty, and Brian was only accompanied by the horse, which was nibbling the tender grass struggling out of the cracks to pass the boring time.

Brian, on the other hand, carefully treated the wound while looking around vigilantly.

Soon, he saw a dozen crows and ravens flying from the direction of the Griffin Mountains.

They quacked nastyly, and in front of the feast, they jumped on it like a bee flying to a flower without hesitation.

Brian was used to this scene. In his adventure career wandering in the wilderness, what he saw the most were neither evil creatures nor civilians protected by stone wall fences.

On the contrary, these crows and ravens, who are often called death, fear and doom by the world, often follow him around, just to enjoy a feast of crows.

After cleaning the wound, Brian rewound a clean bandage on his calf. Feeling the cool pain from his leg, he didn't start. Instead, he leaned against the broken wall, looked up at the blue sky and white clouds, and let himself go. The sun shone softly on his hairline.

His eyes full of thoughts passed through the Griffin Mountains in the east, crossed the holy land of elves 'Blackman', and finally fixed the memory of the kingdom of Tigrila in the east of the holy land of elves.

For a moment, he seemed to feel the warmth that appeared in time.

He couldn't help but think back to King Tigrila's last gaze. That tender gaze was like the entire sea of ​​stars, leaving bit by bit of warmth in the Milky Way of time. waves.

In fact, he is a time traveler, and his identity in this world is the embarrassing bastard son of a half-elf, and also the prince of Tigrila.

After experiencing the initial "mystery in the womb", as his body grows and develops, Brian gradually knows that he has the same soul as this world.

He clearly remembered playing an immersive game in a modern world with highly advanced technology. Due to an accident, he retained his memory and came to a familiar game world.

However, what made him depressed was that this was not the main material world he was familiar with, but a small world similar to a demiplane.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the magic net cannot be sensed in this small world at all, which means that it is difficult for Brian, who was once a top spellcaster in the game world, to find a job as a wizard that he is familiar with here.

Even so, as a former spellcaster and with his auxiliary system, Brian can still think of a way to cast spells out of the magic net and reproduce the arcane glory of his previous life.

However, in his game career as a wizard in his previous life, he clearly remembered that he accidentally discovered this broken world called "Asno Continent" during an accidental plane trip.

This unremarkable demiplane was not only corrupted by ancient evils, but also filled with extreme cold and heat that never dissipated. It has long been shrouded in eternal shadow.

In this low-magic world where even the magic net can't be sensed, Brian can't be the savior, and he doesn't want to be a part of the ruins.

The only thing he can do is to find a way to return to the main material world as soon as possible before the catastrophe arrives.

This is also the real reason why he left the palace and traveled to the mainland.

After an unknown amount of time, when the two wreckages in the ruins were crowded with strangely screaming crows, Brian came to his senses.

He glanced at the flock of birds not far away that were still pecking and tearing apart the carcasses, sighed slightly, and made a difficult decision that he had thought about for a long time.

The firm look in his eyes was the same as when he decided to leave the Kingdom of Tigrila ten years ago.

Yes, before he knew it, ten years had passed since he left the palace.

During these ten years, Brian, who was a half-elf, lived in the holy land of elves for five years, and traveled around the world for the other five years, trying to find the road and method to the main material world.

Years of adventures have made him fully mature.

Memories of his previous life, his childhood, the warmth and indifference of the Kingdom of Tigrila, the distorted values ​​of the Elven Holy Land, and his elusive main material world, all kinds of fragmented experiences made him feel like a plant that has been planted. Like a potted plant that grows twisted...

Loneliness accompanied his life forward, which made him feel lost, but did not make him hesitate.

This is also the real reason why he has never found a way to the main material world during the 25 years in Asno Continent, and has never given up.

Because there is hope in his heart, and this hope is the light in his heart, driving away the gloomy and terrifying gloom for him.

With a thought, Brian called up the system bar that accompanied him, and solemnly made a choice that he had considered for a long time:

Consume 2500 experience points!
Successful inauguration of the basic occupation: Battle Mage!

Obtain occupational characteristics: armor-piercing mage, spell sharpening

[Armor-piercing Mage: In general, any kind of armor will affect the wizard's posture, which may cause the spell to fail (if the spell has a posture component).The training of battle mages allows them to avoid spell failures when fighting with light armor and light shields. 】

[Spell Sharpening: Battle Mage is good at using spells to cause damage.When a battle mage casts any spell that deals damage, he adds his Intelligence modifier to the spell's damage, increasing the spell's power. 】


A wave of elemental energy emerged, and Brian instantly seemed to feel the magic network that existed in the dark.

Immediately afterwards, the stabbing pain that seemed to come from the depths of his soul flickered in his mind, causing the magic net in a trance to disappear in an instant.

As a spellcaster, Brian was not surprised that he couldn't connect to the magic network.

After all, he has long known that this small world similar to a demiplane cannot be connected to the magic net at all.

However, he was already prepared.

Bryan resisted the tingling pain in his head, stabilized his mind, and slowly stretched out his palm, and then with a thought, a blue-white flame the size of a grain of rice floated in mid-air.

Accompanied by the blue and white flames full of magical energy flickering gently, ripples of ripples centered on the flames, rippling around.

At the same time, Brian immediately received a system prompt:
Arcane Fire successfully connected!

Get the Battlemage spell!
Gain zero ring tricks: Acid Blast, Smite Undead, Light, Freeze Ray

Gain a ring of spells: Lesser Acid Ball, Lesser Cold Ball, Lesser Fire Ball, Lesser Electroshock Ball, Lesser Sonic Ball, Magic Missile


Looking at the blue and white flames floating in his palm, Brian nodded in satisfaction.

As we all know, the worlds in the multiverse are places full of magic, and all beings in it are imbued with magical power.

Every stone, every stream, every living thing, even the air itself contains untapped potential.

These original magics are the raw materials of creation, as well as the still silent consciousness of existence, which permeates every bit of matter, and exists in the form of various energies in the multiverse.

Mortals cannot use these native magics directly, but they can rely on a magical weaving structure as a bridge connecting the consciousness of the caster and the raw materials of raw magic.

Spellcasters call it: The Ley!
And the god who masters its original magic net is Mystra, known as the goddess of magic.

Spellcasters have different names and cognitions for this kind of bridge, but no matter what they are called, without the magic net, the original magic power is locked and cannot be touched. Simply put, it is impossible to cast spells.

Even the most powerful archmage would never be able to use magic to light a candle where the magic net is blocked.

And in the place surrounded by the magic net, the caster can summon lightning to hit the enemy hard, or teleport thousands of miles away in an instant, and even reverse death.

Having said that, it doesn't mean that some powerful spellcasters really can't cast any spells if they break away from the magic net.

In fact, every high-level spellcaster who wants to go further on the path of a wizard will spontaneously study the arcane skills of how to cast spells without the magic net.

In this regard, the Arcanist is a model.

After all, if you want to become a spellcaster who explores the mysteries of the multiverse, you will inevitably have to come into contact with dead magic or frantic magic areas, or worlds that cannot be covered by magic nets.

In these places, due to the distortion and deformation of the magic net, the magic cannot work normally, or because some powerful magic effects distort the local magic net, so that the caster cannot rely on the magic net to cast spells at all.

At this time, the advantages of wizards with off-network casting skills are fully displayed.

Brian, who was a top spellcaster in his previous life, naturally learned the spellcasting skills of how to escape from the magic net.

And the blue and white flame he mastered is the bridge between himself and the original magic, which is also the key to casting spells off the net.

Fortunately, this arcane fire hidden in the depths of his soul also came to this world with him.

The only shortcoming is that as he came to this world like a rebirth, the level of Austrian Fire also returned to the state when his preliminary research was completed.

If you want to grow it to its peak, you can only rely on constantly absorbing the magical energy of the world.

Brian looked at the attributes of Austrian fire:
Arcane Fire: Level lv1
Magical Energy: (521/2500)

Abilities: Arcane Recall, Arcane Hand, Arcane Preparation


The level of Arcane Fire reached level 10 at its peak.

Every level of improvement means that the number of rings he can cast spells without the magic net increases by one level, up to level 10 legendary spells.

This is the most flamboyant result of his research when he was a spellcaster in his previous life.

Because as the level of Austrian Fire increases, he will also gain many special abilities exclusive to the caster.

For example, the current three basic abilities:

[Arcane recall: Through the study of arcane knowledge, you have learned how to quickly absorb magical elements that are free in the world. Function: After use, restore 50% of your own magical energy.Can be used once every three days. 】

[Arcane spell preparation: You can prepare a spell that you have learned in advance every day. This spell can be cast instantly without any casting action. 】

[Arcane Hand: The spellcaster who is proficient in this arcane can change the spell that was originally based on close-range contact to a target within 100 meters, which is regarded as a long-range contact attack. 】


In general, with the key to spellcasting: Austrian Fire, he has successfully become a spellcaster who can cast spells without touching the magic net, which is also nicknamed: Blue Stripe Mage.

As long as he can successfully raise the arcane level to level 7, he can leave this small world with the help of the seven-ring spell "Transfer from Another World".

Having successfully raised the Austrian fire to level 10, he knows the difficulty of raising the level of the Austrian fire.

It took him 1 years just to activate the Austrian fire sleeping in the depths of his soul and raise it to level 25. To upgrade to level 7, the magic energy and special materials consumed can be imagined Know.

This is also the fundamental reason why he would rather find a shortcut to leave than take advantage of this method.

It's a pity that things backfired. Brian traveled in the mainland for five years, and there was almost no progress on how to leave this world.

As a last resort, he can only use the most stupid plan temporarily.

And the inaugural battle mage is to enable himself to rely on killing in this world, improve his strength faster, and obtain magical energy.

Although he has never been in contact with a battle mage, he still has a good understanding of this profession, otherwise he would not have succeeded in taking office easily.

Some spellcasters only care about one thing: war!

Their dreams are weapons, devastating spells, armies, and destruction everywhere on the battlefield.

In the main material world, graduates of some war magic schools, or war mages, only study spells that can kill a lot, confuse the opponent, and cover friendly forces.

What is the purpose of the caster?

For a battle mage, spells are born for battle.

That is to say, at the same level, the killing ability of battle mages is stronger than that of wizards, because in addition to magic, they also have good melee skills.

This is why Brian would rather give up a wizard with comprehensive abilities and choose a battle mage.

In this low-magic world banned by the magic net, only a battle mage with melee skills and magic can exert the strongest combat effectiveness.

Moreover, Battle Mage is only a basic profession. When he returns to the main material world, he can find a way to advance to a more comprehensive profession than wizard, even Arcanist.

Most importantly, being a Battle Mage does not mean that you cannot learn spells from other schools.

Brian, who used to be a top spellcaster, with the help of Austrian Fire, can learn almost any school of spells, which completely makes up for the shortcoming that Battle Mage can only cast offensive spells.

After the battle mage took office, Brian looked at the simple attribute table that the system manifested for him:

Name: Brian
Race: Half-elf (high elf blood)
Occupation: Level 1 Battle Mage (0/1000)

Racial Traits: Low-light vision, elven blood, keen senses

Professional traits: Armor-piercing mage, spell sharpening

Common Feats: Lightning Reflexes, Alertness, Mobility, Combat Casting, Dodge

Personal expertise: photographic memory, magic talent, advanced weapon specialization (longsword)

Background Expertise: Sword Master, Monster Hunter
XP: 324

Looking at his simple attribute bar, Brian knew that the world he was in was no longer the game world he used to be, but a real small world.

With the assistance of the system, the complex data that can detail one's own life value and skill level naturally does not exist.

It is worth mentioning that if his efforts are not counted, his original attributes are not so powerful. Even the general expertise, personal expertise and background expertise in the attribute column are blank.

In this world blocked by the magic net, although he spent most of his time activating the arcane fire, he also did not relax too much in improving his hard power.


It is precisely because of his ten years of hard training that his various attributes and specialties have been greatly improved.

If not, he would not have successfully become a Battle Mage so easily.

Everything was ready, he got up slowly, and set his sights on the distant holy land of elves 'Blackman'.

Now, since he has decided to focus on improving his own strength and supplemented by finding a way to the main world, he must ensure that this world can always exist under the premise of his steady growth.

Therefore, he wants to go to the Elf Holy Land to drive away the ancient evil things that threaten the security of the world in advance or find ways to delay the progress of the evil things' invasion, so as to delay the destruction of the Asno continent.

As for the complete elimination of ancient evil things, with his current strength, he still has self-awareness.

If not, he doesn't mind turning this resource-rich little world into a truly magical kingdom.

Just when Brian was about to leave on horseback, a group of crows that were biting at the corpse fluttered away as if they were frightened by something.

Seeing this situation, his eyes turned cold, and while looking around the ruined walls vigilantly, he reached out to touch the hilt of his sword.

(End of this chapter)

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