My card game came true

Chapter 95 Flood

Chapter 95 Flood
An endless source of water falls from the sky and falls into the streets!
It wasn't much at first, but in an instant, like a heavy rain, countless water flows washed out and swept directly towards the Kangaroo Kingdom's army!
Without hesitation, Abel was ready to escape. The air around him exploded in an instant, and the sound echoed between the sky and the earth.

And Abel's muscles swelled, and his tight sportswear began to crack. He stepped on the air step by step, and took advantage of the trend to step towards the distance.

Run away, he's professional.

Since being beaten by Yang Huanyi that day, Abel seemed to have opened up the two channels of Ren and Du in the field of escaping, and learned without a teacher.

Abel escaped, and the others could not.

The armed helicopter was circling in the sky, and the pilot looked at the scene below, and the whole person was shocked.

The flood was born out of thin air, and the huge waves were surging into the sky, connected bit by bit, endlessly, roaring towards the street!

"not good!"

"Go, go!"

"Help, save me!"

The soldiers following Charlie shouted in horror, but no matter how they shouted, it had no effect.

In the face of floods, rockets and cannons are useless.

Technology is not unable to reverse the flood, but at present, in front of the soldiers around Charlie, the equipment in their hands is simply not enough to reverse the flood.

The flood is rushing to wash away everything, whether you are a new soldier who has just entered the army, or a veteran who has entered the war-torn area under the wise leadership of the Kangaroo Country, at this moment, you are all the same under the flood.

Like ants.

The huge wave swept Charlie away, and Charlie lost control of his body for a moment. He slammed into a sharp object that he didn't know what it was, and there was a dull sound in his throat. Feel the pain in the lower back.

The torrential flood continued without any pause at all, and directly washed away all the streets that had been destroyed by the giant snake into ruins.

Above the sky, the pilots of the three armed helicopters could only be dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

There were five helicopters when they came, and two of them searched for a gentle terrain and landed nearby. At this moment, they had been washed into a mass of scrap iron by the flood, and many soldiers were killed because of the force of the water.

Many soldiers died on the spot under the impact of the flood.

The living people also felt uncomfortable, as the water poured into their lungs directly from nowhere, making it difficult for them to breathe, and the water poured into the lungs was choked out from the mouth, nose and other places.

During the back and forth, the soldiers had already lost their armor and armor, and frantically wanted to grab everything around them that they could grab, but this didn't work, they couldn't grab anything, on the contrary, there were more Soldiers broke their fingers and snapped their nails.

"The stars shine on the earth."

Suddenly, on the highest eaves, Wigginton, who was wearing a priest's attire, looked benevolent.

He looked down at all of this from a high position, the light of the stars shrouded the street, directly forming a flood wall on the street, isolating the continuous flow of water, so that the drowning soldiers, cultists and some innocent passers-by who were involved in it could escape. Survived, he slumped on the ground, vomited hard, choked on water, and spit out as much water as possible in his body.

At this time, the source of all floods, the frog Tidalik from Australian Aboriginal mythology, also noticed Wigginton's arrival.

Tidalik immediately stopped spitting water, and instead sucked the flood back.

Tidalik, who opened his mouth wide, was even more powerful than the water pump, and the flood that was pouring out in an instant was sucked back by Tidalik in an instant.

No one would have imagined that those small cheeks could hold so much water.

These cheeks are like Doraemon's pockets, endless, inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

"Gah, who are you?"

Tidalik was wary of the sudden appearance of Wigginton, and yelled at Wigginton: "You...have a godlike smell on you, but it is very strange and far away. You are not from this continent. Get out of here !"

"Not only am I not from this continent."

Wigginton smiled slightly, but stopped talking here, but looked at Tidalik, and said: "Tidalik, I have heard enough of the jokes, and everything is fine. With His Majesty's blessing, my lord The glory is all over the place where the stars shine, don't be obsessed with it."

"Quack, quack, quack."

Tidalik croaked a few more times, his expression seemed to be very troubled, but then he croaked again, jumped up and down, and jumped away.

For some reason, it chose not to go to war.

Seeing this scene, Abel, who hid far away once again, was relieved. Although he is the most powerful man in the Kangaroo Country, as the saying goes, "a man can bend and stretch", he is not bullying, but can only be said to be "able to advance." Only those who can retreat can show their true colors as heroes'.

Ordinary people should not talk nonsense about the most powerful person in the Kangaroo Kingdom.

After taking a breath, Abel looked gratefully at Wigginton, who was shrouded in the stars under the moon, his eyes full of vigilance.

Under the stars and moonlight, Wigginton's figure looked extremely sacred. For some reason, Abel already had a feeling that his knees were weak and he was going to worship.

"Thank you for coming to save us, all the stars."

"We are guilty of failing to treat people rationally. The sinner Charlie should go to hell with Satan."

"The stars are the only hope of redemption for the Kangaroo Kingdom."


The rescued people around had bowed three times and nine times to Wigginton, who was shrouded in the stars and moonlight, on the ground, with extreme piety.

Even Charlie, who had always been opposed to extraordinary people, dragged his seriously injured body at this moment, regardless of the blood on his body, and kept worshiping and repenting in the direction of Wigginton, as if he was a devout believer.

Seeing this, Abel couldn't help but thumped in his heart, secretly yelling that it's not good!
Just pay attention to Wigginton's rescue of this disaster, and completely forget the evaluation of Citigroup to Wigginton!
Extremely terrifying transcendent, good at manipulating people's hearts and bewitching emotions. Those who come into contact with them will quickly develop a mysterious belief in a "Star Lord" in a short period of time, and an unknown person who is suspected to be in the "Star Lord". the awe of the more powerful gods above.

The awe of the latter has surpassed the belief in the former. According to the analysis of Citigroup's religious research experts, the latter is likely to be the main god, king of gods, and god of creation in the pantheon of Fanxingzhuo.

How could such an extremely terrifying Transcendent burst out with such faith at this very moment? !
Abel was in a state of confusion. Before he could make any move, Wigginton's figure had already disappeared like a bubble under the illumination of the moonlight and stars.

As if, it never came.

(End of this chapter)

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