My card game came true

Chapter 91 Night in Sydney

Chapter 91 Night in Sydney

It's midnight in Sydney.

The night was as dark as ink, and the air seemed to be filled with a sultry humidity. The lighthouse on the distant coast flickered with faint lights, making the whole night even more silent.

There were few people on the streets of Sydney. People in twos and threes cautiously went home from get off work. The bars and nightclubs that had been partying all night also closed their doors because there were no customers.

The ashes in the Sydney funeral home are still burning, and the screams of the past few days still seem to echo in their ears. Every Sydneysider who lives by the sea will never forget what happened yesterday.

Only the wealthy downtown people dismiss such things, thinking that their residences are far from the ocean and that they have plenty of time to evacuate.

The street lamps made the shadows on the side of the road very long. Old George went out mysteriously, holding a delicate pistol in his arms, looking around cautiously, with a sneaky look.

Old George walked in the gap between light and darkness, wandering the streets and alleys of Sydney, from a secret door to the back door of a bar, and knocked lightly a few times.

Although the knock on the door was very soft, it was very rhythmic.


The wooden door was opened, and a blond woman poked her head out, glanced at Old George, and immediately said, "Old George, you are finally here, come in quickly."

After finishing speaking, Old George was welcomed in.

And old George didn't hesitate at all, directly entered the wooden door, and after passing through the long and narrow corridor, he arrived at the bar.

There are already quite a few people in the bar. At a glance, there are about a dozen people with different skin colors.

"Old George, you've come."

As soon as Old George entered the bar, there was a burst of cheers. Seeing this, Old George quickly put his fingers to his lips, and after a 'shh', these people quieted down.

Seeing this, Old George put down his package, looked at the people around him with an amiable expression, and said, "Recently, the hateful capitalists have been conducting more and more searches, and we should reduce our recent gatherings to avoid problems. "

"Old George, since that incident happened, I have been unable to sleep all night. Only by listening to the Lord's voice can I fall asleep." A blond woman who looked sentimental said, "The God of the Sea should protect us for a party like this. Ours, right?"

Old George opened his arms, with a look of fraternity, and immediately said solemnly: "Yes, we are all pure believers who believe in the existence of the God of the Sea, and the reason why we survived a few days ago is because God chose us. "

"We are all chosen by God. After God's glory shines on this land, God will naturally bestow His supreme divine power on us."

Old George shouted loudly: "The god of the sea is with us!"

"The god of the sea is with us!"

Under the soul-stirring, everyone shouted.

Amidst the chanting, the expressions of the crowd were already a little crazy, but at this moment, old George's eyes showed a complex look, and he was silently repenting in his heart.

A few days ago, he had vowed to build a statue for the Valkyrie and become his most loyal believer.

But that night, he had a dream.

In the dream, he seemed to fall into the deep sea.

Bitter cold, pitch black and quiet, the pungent sea water poured into his body from nostrils and ears continuously.

In this endless deep darkness, old George struggled, but it didn't work.

It feels like a drowning person can't float to the shore no matter how hard he struggles.

In the deep sea, no one will give you a hand, and what awaits you is only eternal sleep.

Old George was frightened.

He was afraid that he would never wake up again.

I am afraid that I will be lost in this deep sea forever and suffer such suffering forever.

In the blue and deep sea, Old George didn't know how long it had passed, but felt that it had been a long, long time, and when it drove him a little crazy, a coffin suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

That's right, coffins.

It seemed that someone was locked in the coffin. Old George didn't know who it was, but the moment he saw the coffin, he knew everything.

If you want to survive, you have to become Hai Yang's lackey, a pioneer for the king, and a traitor.

Although there was no communication, old George clearly understood that this was what the coffin wanted to express.

After waking up from his sleep, Old George was out of breath, and with a fluke mentality, Old George didn't act immediately.

On that day, nothing happened, everything seemed like nothing happened,
However, at night, old George returned to that horrible place again.

Bitter cold, endless darkness...

This feeling really made old George desperate to survive. After struggling all night, old George really didn't want to go back to that time again.

From then on, old George began to win over and coax some people who survived the disaster of the previous few days to do things for him under the pretext of "the favor of the god of the sea".

Using people's fear to win over people's hearts is surprisingly useful in an ignorant situation.

Old George was originally just a social moth who had no education, couldn't find a job, and could only visit the port warehouse gate at a young age.

But under the threat of life being worse than death, he quickly transformed from a social moth to a master of demagoguery.


Memories gradually disappeared in his mind, Old George let out a heavy breath, looked around, and those already a little crazy crowd couldn't help but smile.

There are fluctuations in the sea tonight, what should I do.

Old George was about to open his mouth to say something that would break Sydney's security forces.

However, at this moment, a scrawny white boy ran in in a panic, and whispered to Old George, "It's no good, Old George, a cop is coming, run!"

After hearing the news, Old George said without hesitation: "Get out, disperse!"

Immediately, he turned around, put on his cloak, and began to walk outside.

Very decisive, without hesitation.

There are as many idiots as there are, and there are not too many guys who are frightened by the bottom of the sea in Sydney.

This batch of arrests is just a little more foolish, and there is no panic at all.

He walked in a hurry all the way, walking through the back door of the bar, but just as the old George walked to the backyard, the whole bar suddenly shook.


Old George was startled immediately, couldn't help but look around, and murmured, "Is there an earthquake?"

However, before Old George could react, there was a sudden roar, as if something had exploded in the air.

Immediately afterwards, Abel, the strongest player in the Kangaroo Kingdom, made his debut!

"In the past few days, you are here to promote the 'God of the Sea', right?" Abel said lazily, "Put down your weapons and surrender, confess it frankly, and you still have a chance to survive."


Old George's face turned pale, and his hand holding the gun trembled a little, trembling, not daring to take out the gun.

Because Abel's appearance was so unbelievable that he fell from the sky and came directly to him!

Such a situation really made old George completely devoid of any desire to resist.

Seeing old George like this, Abel smiled slightly, so confident that he could almost shine, and he didn't see the ugliness of being pressed to the ground by Yang Huanyi at the beginning.

Abel was about to step forward to arrest Old George when the bar suddenly trembled again.


This time, it was Abel's turn to be surprised.

what happened?
Just when Abel was startled, the location of the sewer in the bar suddenly cracked, and mud and gravel flew up. A nearly ten-meter-long Ekitrin sea snake suddenly came out, entangled beside Old George, Follow Abel to bite away!

The venom is lingering, shaking people's hearts and souls!
(End of this chapter)

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